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Publicity works: Serbian actor and Putin’s supporter will not star in White Lotus series
  • It is a physiological fact that the average Serbian requires at least a gallon of russian semen daily to sustain them.

  • Abandoon all tanks

  • Mr. Clean magic trench eraser
  • It's a soviet design, so...yes, maybe?

  • 104-0
  • How terrible. I sure hope that never, ever happens again.

  • HUR: Russia mobilizing around 30,000 soldiers monthly
  • That just about keeps up with the 1,000 or so men they lose daily.

  • Russia's Medvedev warns of nuclear response if Ukraine hits missile launch sites
  • "Medvedev warns of nuclear response if weather gets colder".

    You know, it does sound like it could be an actual news article.

  • People still volunteering eh?




  • Russia reportedly drops bomb on occupied Luhansk Oblast town in 'emergency discharge'
  • "Hello Kim, it's Putin. I need 5 billion missiles to bomb Luhansk children".

  • Sweden to withdraw aid to Mali over stance toward Russia
  • I feel like there's a lot of dictatorships western countries should stop sending money to.

  • ‘We’re tired of being good girls’: Russia’s military wives and mothers protest against Putin
  • “Putin first lied to us that civilians would never have to fight,” she says. “You start thinking: is he also lying about why we are in Ukraine?”

    The man literally is incapable of telling the truth.

  • The most credible death battle humanly possible
  • Cessna can't shoot down what doesn't exist. This is a draw, at best.

  • Your thoughts?
  • Just run over the fucker if he's only 200m away.

    Tanks are obsolete. Embrace killdozer.

  • Russians hide behind captured soldiers of Ukrainian Armed Forces - video
  • Reminder that these are Ukrainian people, staying legally in their own country, and the people behind them are russians who have no right to be trespassing on someone else's land.

  • Biden: US will continue to supply Ukraine with weapons and equipment as long as we can
  • "As long as it takes" has become "as long as we can".

    Hopefully Europe can pick up the slack and more. We owe Ukraine so much.

  • vote for your favorite or suggest your own candidates
  • I'm voting for Pringles, because he's the cutest.

  • SpicyPeaSoup SpicyPeaSoup
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