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R.I.P (not me, I don't own a collar, I'm not even a furry lol)
  • Aww what a lovely story :3 Thank you very much for sharing it! I love such stories <3

  • Stop glamorising the grind and start glamorising whatever this is.
  • Omg a Gaston comic <3 I haven't seen them in a while.

  • Work for NazeAurora~ 🔵 (by me)
  • This is soo impressive <3

  • tweetfur (twitter) created by sammfeatblueheart - e621
  • Elon is such a fool! Twitter will surely be more profitable with its new logo, stolen from X11.

  • (Some) Redditors be like
  • You have a very healthy opinion on this and I must admit, you're right with everything you're saying. Yet I'm surprised how little was necessary to get over the past few months. Yes, there is protest on the canvas, but mainly it's business as usual and a huge success for Reddit. Spez and others realised they need to do something to calm things down and people easily fell for this, especially those on the German subreddits. The canvas was still nearly blank when there was already a huge German flag present. Great job! /s

  • ich🏅iel
  • Oha, echte Handarbeit also?! Das ehrt mich umso mehr. Die bekommt einen Ehrenplatz an meiner Wand, so dass jeder, der zu Besuch da ist, sie bewundern kann :D

  • Poop Size: Mega!
  • Is it possible to learn this power?

  • ich🏅iel
  • Omg, eine Gold Auszeichnung! Ich....ich weiß gar nicht was ich sagen soll. Ich habe überhaupt nichts vorbereitet....

    Habe ich dann jetzt auch Lemmy Premium? Denn irgendwie hat sich nichts verändert.

  • Best part is that I know I'll regret it in the morning (by Dolphiana)
  • Damn, this is so absolutely me every night and of course also right in this moment. Tomorrow morning I'm gonna lie to myself again, to go sleeping earlier today and everytime I believe it lol

  • Freya (Za-owl)
  • That looks so awesome <3

  • Bastards
  • My disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined

  • Noob question about print quality
  • You're welcome :)

  • Noob question about print quality
  • This is quiet normal and not an error. It's the Z-Seam, caused by the printer when finishing a layer and briefly stopping the printhead, before lifting it along the Z-Axis to the next layer.

    Here you can find more about this effect and how to reduce it.

  • How else would you get inside Frosty?
  • Lol its facial expression doesn't help either

  • woke up to this
  • Once you've seen how the heater cartridge melts the aluminium hotend and liquid aluminium setting everything on fire, it drops onto, you never print unattended again! For longer prints I always wait until the weekend, before starting it. As well I pause the print and turn heatbed and the nozzle heater off, before heading to bed. This method isn't perfect, as it adds another possibility for failures, but until now it worked everytime. My last print succeeded after ~28h (print time only) this way. Another option is, to divide your model into smaller parts, which are easier to print and glue them together, when everything is finished.

  • We run the internet.
  • Hopefully this doesn't end up in admins defederaring from yiffit, like some users suggested. I already had to move my account to another instance, as my first one blocked it completely and it's the only source for sfw furry stuff.

  • Skrrt
  • My favourite game back the days. Although it was kinda hard and I never managed to land an ollie lol.

  • 3D prints as air purifiers
  • Oh ok, I didn't notice this. Then it will surely work haha

  • SnowFoxx Snow-Foxx

    Just a cute foxo who is interested in IT and dozens of other stuff.

    Posts 19
    Comments 157