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How does being a fatfur affect your life?
  • That's a textbook sumo bod and for a moment there I mistook his briefs for a mawashi. It's a lot of work to build up and maintain that but it is doable. You'll need to exercise heavily, not only with weight training but cardio as well, and before eating so as to not burn the calories you're taking in, and you'll need to eat a LOT of food rich in protein and fatty acids which may or may not align with your preferred foods - calorie intake would be primarily through volume, not density. I'd definitely recommend looking up the traditional sumo training regimen. You'll also have to keep up the training for as long as you stay big. What often happens to retired sumo wrestlers is that their muscles will immediately start to atrophy and they start to suffer from the various known problems associated with unmanaged obesity unless they work to lose the weight.

  • Fat Furs Sloan the Serval
    Anyone here like Sumo?

    This is a comic I made a while ago of one of my secondary fursonas, Tofu the Kitsune, during her 3-tailed days as an Onnazumo Rikishi, going through most of the various start of match rituals for sumo.

    So, does anyone else here like Sumo?

    How does being a fatfur affect your life?
  • Just the art for me, really. Fatfurs just look so cuddly and huggable. I'm not really into the more darker or messier aspects of this subset of the fandom either, just the whole "big round and soft" part.

    Now, if I were to wake up one morning as my fursona, I would be willing to give it a try if I'm in my fursona's world as well, but that's partially because one of my fursona's friends is a witch who makes all sorts of body altering potions including a temporary weight gain one. If I was still in the real world as my fursona I'd probably only consider getting huge if it was through sumo training.

  • A root-server at the Internet’s core lost touch with its peers. We still don’t know why.
  • Could be something as simple as computers just being screwy sometimes. Or something as unlikely but still precedented as a bit-flip caused by an excited electron causing something important to actually be affected.

  • This protogen is not eligible to upgrade to Windows XP (Art by arthroart)
  • Question is, are they running the 9x branch or the NT branch?

  • furry_irl
  • But what about forcing the computer to do something via bootable ASM?

  • Linux hits 4% on the desktop 🐧 📈
  • Doesn't hurt that Microsoft's official answer to "what if my computer doesn't meet the required specs to run Windows 11 or later" is literally "switch to Linux".

  • Students Horrified When Error Message Appears on Vending Machine, Revealing Something Dark (Facial Recognition)
  • A motion sensor would get tripped by anything that passes by, but even so, a basic image processing algorithm designed just to detect whether that thing is a human or not would be more than sufficient, there's no need to identify specific people by face.

  • We have mind-controlled furry avatars yet Facebook can't get legs working right in the Metaverse
  • To be fair, if Metaverse did integrate something like this they would definitely record telemetry data "for development purposes".

  • Good luck web devs
  • Maybe for some very stylistic installations that are more for looks than practicality?

  • Good luck web devs
  • This comes off as one of those "we asked if we could, but never asked if we should" kinds of things...

  • Werewolf identity crisis
  • Pretty sure if they're a wolf that sometimes turns into a man, they'd be a wolfwere.

  • Simple Mobile Tools is being sold to a for-profit firm ZipoApps
  • The fact that you can fork the code and make your own clean version, either for personal use or for distribution, is part of why most companies don't usually bother with open source licenses to begin with - it's just too hard to make the kind of monster-profits corporations and shareholders alike expect without inevitably provoking someone into forking their code and distributing a free, unmonetized version of the product. I'd be surprised if ZipoApps goes full-on monetization if they want people to keep using their versions of the apps, but if they do, it's going to be a short-lived inconvenience until someone inevitably distributes a fork.

  • Simple Mobile Tools is being sold to a for-profit firm ZipoApps
  • Yeah, it has to stay GPL. So Simple Mobile Tools selling to a for-profit company doesn't really change all that much. Worst case scenario, the original apps get screwed over but someone releases forks of them. Best case scenario, ZipoApps doesn't actually change anything and just acts as a host for the projects.

  • Gay furry hackers infiltrate huge nuclear lab to demand cat-girl research
  • They hacked a nuclear lab to ask for what would be genetics research... facepalm

  • Microsoft is Locking Down Search for Public Code on GitHub
  • Modern times are really “people should get off of X platform but don’t because people don’t want to move”.

    More like "people should get off of X platform but don't because people they regularly interact with don't want to move, and because herd mentality"

    It's the same reason why people tolerate YouTube's bullshit. The audience won't switch to a platform without content, and the content creators won't switch to a platform without an audience.

  • Based KDE 🗿
  • The day the Penguin goes mainstream is the day they decide to finally bite the bullet and start making distros with WINE preinstalled. Same goes for the other UNIX-derived FOSS OSs, like FreeBSD.

  • Hey guys — I made a new friend!
  • Hey, did you know that...

    ...Vaporeon is tired of your shit?

  • Are webcomics doomed to be niche?
  • They're doomed to be niche (unless they go viral like XKCD), but that's not the fault of them being webcomics. It's because, like any other web content that isn't heavily commercialized, you kinda have to go out of your way to find it. Search engines favor sites owned by big companies, either because those companies are sponsors or affiliates for those search engines or because their sites generate a lot of traffic on their own (which looks good to search engines), and someone who just looks up "comics" is going to be bombarded with pages upon pages of DC and Marvel related stuff before they even see a syndicated newspaper comic, let alone a webcomic.

  • Fursuit Pictures & Creation Sloan the Serval
    A wild Serval With A Car appeared!

    Decided to share a photo of my partial. Honestly this is probably the best pic I have, the others are either a bit dark or just not quite as scenic.

    Suit by Jing of FursuitParade

    Furry Sloan the Serval
    Chubby serval nerd

    It me.

    I mainly make DAZ renders using highly morphed and geografted figures. Sloan's model is a Sakura 8 with Catgirl Megapack assets, using morphs from the G8F Shapeshift morph pack and RawArt's Sphinx to turn the default figure into a male anthro serval.

    SloanTheServal Sloan the Serval

    Just a serval who gets into all sorts of furry shenanigans.

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