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  • That link is showing as blocked. I'm still new to all this but isn't that a reputable instance?

  • Posted comment isn't visible
  • Also I just edited "lost" to "post" but I'm not seeing that change either. Maybe it saved, maybe it didn't..

  • Posted comment isn't visible

    Anytime I lost a comment (in a non local community?) it doesn't show up. It's there I just can't see it unless I go to my own profile or someone replies to it.

    What‘s keeping us from promoting Lemmy on Reddit?
  • I promoted the shit out of it right before the blackout. Only got banned from one subreddit. Who cares, not like I'm going back.

  • Subreddit refugees be like...
  • Apparently it's not being maintained anymore.

  • Feature request: switch behavior for tap and long press on comments.
  • Please! The tapping to hide is super annoying. Someone else suggested swipe to hide which makes a lot more sense to me. I tapped an image expecting it to enlarge and instead it and the whole comment was hidden. That's completely ass backwards.

  • If we all cycled like the Dutch, CO2 emissions would drop by 690 million tonnes
  • Sold in car months ago and use an electric scooter to get around. I don't miss the car at all. I don't have a commute though.

  • Reddit CEO tells employees that subreddit blackout “will pass”
  • What are they shipping if not our content?

  • Snuggling Lamb Chop
  • If he wasn't a lil sleepy boots when I did this be would have walked away too LOL He's pretty chill though!

  • Tucked In Kitties Sir_Kevin
    Snuggling Lamb Chop
    how new.reddit looks in private browsing
  • I've been spamming everywhere I could just before the shutdown. /r/gonewild banned me for posting the link LOL

  • Virtual Reality Sir_Kevin
    Illegal Experiments on my VR Headset *DESTROYED*
    How many of you have pulled the plug and deleted reddit already?
  • In an effort to support new communities here I'm going to let my reddit account linger so I can pull interesting content from there and post it here. At least for a week or two while things get established

  • Virtual Reality Sir_Kevin
    ARIZONA SUNSHINE 2 Trailer (2023)
    Virtual Reality Sir_Kevin

    Chris doing his thing

    Virtual Reality Sir_Kevin
    Walkabout Mini Golf - Journey To The Center of the Earth

    New DLC available on Quest, Steam, and PSVR. No love for Pico 😢

    Virtual Reality Sir_Kevin
    Pico 4 (global version) available on Walmart's website

    This is a third party seller on presumably shipping from the US.

    Virtual Reality Sir_Kevin
    Puzzling Places for Quest, Pico and PSVR

    DLC is now available on all platforms including Pico, as is passthrough mode. Cross-platform multiplayer is currently in beta and should be coming soon to all platforms as well.

    Virtual Reality Sir_Kevin
    Prey running on Quest native

    I love seeing what the modding community is doing.

    Allow us to open different browser not just whatever is set defaul when opening links
  • I would love to see the functionality of RIF in a Lemmy app

  • Sir_Kevin Sir_Kevin
    Posts 9
    Comments 11