In America, the rich controls the government. In China, the government controls the rich. 6 0
dictatorship of the proletariat has been achieved.
I think it's a strong indicator that the political class hasn't been completely bought (yet) but it doesn't at all look like a dictatorship of the proletariat even a little bit.
In America, the rich controls the government. In China, the government controls the rich. 1 0
I don't think China really counts as Fascist.
Just won my battle with eczema by using tea tree oil 2 0
Same plant that Manuka honey comes from.
New UEFI vulnerability bypasses Secure Boot — bootkits stay undetected even after OS re-install 11 0
Using any kind of adaptor for features that have been and still easily could be native is shitty.
What the Fuck happened with Gen X? 3 0
I, a millennial, was almost 30 when the iPad launched.
Salesforce Will Hire No More Software Engineers in 2025, Says Marc Benioff 10 0
I think it's just that MBA types see engineering and support as costing money and sales as making money.
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