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NEU members at conference vote in favour of motion criticised by Gillian Keegan as inappropriate

UK teachers defy minister to back pro-Palestine motion
0 A Report on the Organization of an IWW Branch in Amiens, France

This brief report from a new Industrial Workers of the World (IWW) union branch in France offers a glimpse into how students are organizing as workers in the growing revolutionary labor movement

A Report on the Organization of an IWW Branch in Amiens, France
0 Creating a students union at my school, in solidarity with teachers

Seal: We chose to put a wrench, book, and a paintbrush to represent trade jobs, academia, and the arts Me and a few of my like-minded friends...

Creating a students union at my school, in solidarity with teachers

Crossposted from the other site. Hoping it's real because it's great to see young people getting involved and getting a union education.

The earlier the better.

Mozilla downsizes as it refocuses on Firefox and AI
  • Laura will be protected from all scrutiny just because she is a woman

    Lol what, no. It's because she's for all intents and purposes the CEO, and better yet, an overly paid CEO. When's the last time you've seen the CEO getting their comeuppance?

  • Mozilla downsizes as it refocuses on Firefox and AI
  • You rarely stay very long in those companies nowadays. Unless you aim at becoming CEO in 20 years' time. But otherwise, you just get your golden parachute after a couple of years of doing horrible shit.

  • Tear Down Walls, and Build Bridges
  • The whole point of federated social media was to get out of walled gardens, yet here we are, building a walled garden.

    To an extent yes, but I think it's pretty easy to see why people are building their own closed communities on the Fediverse. That was the whole "selling point" of it at the beginning. "Not happy with Twitter? Just spin up your own fedi instance where you have your own rules and you can control who joins and who doesn't".

  • Tear Down Walls, and Build Bridges
  • You know that it is comically easy to scrape stuff off of the fediverse, right?

    Yes, so why would you argue in favour of making it even easier? Do you see why people aren't too hot on that?

    If you are worried about scraping, use Facebook. Facebook has teams of people who combat bot/scraper activity.

    I don't use Facebook for philosophical reasons and that's why I've picked the Fediverse as a whole. I find it amazing we still need to re-explain that all the time.

  • Tear Down Walls, and Build Bridges
  • Instead, if Bluesky grows, I can see people move away from it.

    When has that ever worked?

    This is how we wish to present ourselves as an alternative to corporate social media?

    The whole idea in the first place was to NOT be corporate. It's pretty understandable that when those corporations come knocking pretending to be nice, a lot of people want nothing to do with it.

  • Tear Down Walls, and Build Bridges
  • I keep seeing this argument but like.... no. It doesn't scrap stuff, it merely facilitates scrapping. Come on, can we stop pretending for a second.

    "I didn't kill him, the bullet, gravity and velocity did."

  • I deliver food to your door, but not this Valentine’s Day. Here’s why we are on strike in the UK | Anonymous food courier

    Food delivery drivers work long hours in gruelling conditions for very little pay from firms such as Deliveroo and Uber Eats. We are walking out because we are desperate, says an anonymous food courier

    I deliver food to your door, but not this Valentine’s Day. Here’s why we are on strike in the UK | Anonymous food courier

    Remember: no scabbing, that includes the customer too.

    0 Nordic workers took on Elon Musk in 2023. Here’s what could happen next | CNN Business

    What began nine weeks ago with a group of mechanics in Sweden demanding that Tesla agree to collective bargaining has evolved into a broader fight for the Nordic region’s way of work and life.

    Nordic workers took on Elon Musk in 2023. Here’s what could happen next | CNN Business
    If becomes thread-like, I'll leave social network forever. I'm done with meta wanting to control everything, chiefly the freedom of speech in a network used to communicate. I mean, really?
  • Check out all the articles on the massive dips following the sign ups.

    Dont know why I'm getting so heavily downvoted by people who probably havent spent a second in the ghost town that is threads (I have). Getting 30 likes on threads is like getting a million on twitter.

    Also, how are people not looking at my factual statement as good news?

  • Senator Warren calls out Apple for shutting down Beeper's 'iMessage to Android' solution
  • Mass murdering brown kids? Go ahead champ, here are a few more billions so you can keep doing and it's antisemitic to call me out for it.

    Cant get my blue bubble???????? Now wait a fucking minute champ 😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡

  • Part-time and shift workers to lose up to £248m holiday pay in UK rule change

    Experts say alteration to holiday rights is one of the most significant erosions of employment protections since UK left EU

    Part-time and shift workers to lose up to £248m holiday pay in UK rule change
    Beeper Mini
  • They haven't because it was slightly convoluted (and you had to fork over some money to Apple) AND it was free.

    They've removed the difficult bit, the "apple gets its share first" and the free part.

    I'd be shocked if Apple's leadership hasn't contracted a hitman yet.

  • b9AcE: "The sympathy strike against Tesla blocking unload…" - b9AcE (

    Attached: 1 image The sympathy strike against Tesla blocking unloading of all Tesla vehicles in four major harbors of Sweden has now begun, in support of the metal workers' union demanding collective bargaining agreement as is normal in Sweden. Because Tesla has begun rerouting its shipping to cir...

    b9AcE (
    0 Defend London Underground driver victimised for expressing solidarity with Gaza!

    All disciplinary action against the victimised London Underground train driver should be dropped, whatever code of conduct is cited by TfL. This is a case of class injustice which needs to be overturned through collective struggle.

    Defend London Underground driver victimised for expressing solidarity with Gaza!
    0 Starbucks Is Suing Its Union After “Solidarity With Palestine!” Tweet

    The coffee company says the union, Starbucks Workers United, is making people think it stands in solidarity with Palestine after Hamas’s attack.

    Starbucks Is Suing Its Union After “Solidarity With Palestine!” Tweet
    1 'Barbenheimer' was a boon to movie theaters and a headache for many workers. So they're unionizing

    In the movie industry, it isn't just actors and writers who have been battling management. Movie theater workers also have been taking action.

    'Barbenheimer' was a boon to movie theaters and a headache for many workers. So they're unionizing
    0 CD Projekt Red devs unionise after its third round of layoffs in three months

    Staff at CD Projekt Red are uniting with others in the Polish video game industry to unionise. The union was formed aft…

    CD Projekt Red devs unionise after its third round of layoffs in three months
    3 SAG-AFTRA Seeks Approval for Second Strike Against Video Game Companies

    With one strike already underway, SAG-AFTRA announced Friday that it will seek authorization for a second strike against the major video game companies. The union said that talks on a new video gam…

    SAG-AFTRA Seeks Approval for Second Strike Against Video Game Companies
    0 WGA Slams Studios’ Latest Offer & Meeting As Attempt To Make Guild “Cave”; “Not To Bargain, But To Jam Us”

    Just hours after the studios and streamers made public their latest “comprehensive package” toward a deal with the striking WGA, the guild has responded – and it seems the AMPTP and top CEOs might …

    WGA Slams Studios’ Latest Offer & Meeting As Attempt To Make Guild “Cave”; “Not To Bargain, But To Jam Us”
    1 Teamsters declares ratification of UPS contract

    Voting is scheduled to close Tuesday at 11 AM eastern time on the contract covering 340,000 Ups workers in the United States.

    Teamsters declares ratification of UPS contract

    The more I read about the Teamsters and the deal they managed to get, the more I wonder what's going on with what was a very promising union.

    UK teachers and their union show lack of spine and accept 6.5% increase (in practice, major cut) Teacher strikes in England end as all four unions accept pay deal

    The 6.5% pay rise will increase the average teacher's salary by £2,500, one union says.

    Teacher strikes in England end as all four unions accept pay deal

    They were sold down the river by their unions who told them to accept the deal (because the unions had no desire to fight any further). I'll be fair to the unions, the workers that make them up didn't follow through with the strike actions (there is only so much that can be done) BUT the unions did a terrible job of communicating with the workers and backing up the strike action.

    The 6.5% "increase" is a major pay cut for 2 reasons:

    1 - it comes on the back of nearly no increase for the past few years (definitely not enough to even keep up with inflation over the past years).

    2 - it's about half the inflation this year.

    Moreoever, it's not funded. Funded means "the government spends that money on the education sector". That would be "extra money to the budget". Funded. The government said "3% will be funded through defunding other public services - targetting foeigners who use public services - and we hope that will be enough (it won't be".

    So... where do the other 3.5% come from? They have to come from existing school budgets. Meaning all schools now have to make major budget cuts (they have already cut everything they could) to find that money. The education budget comes out even worse than it was before. And they're calling it "a win".

    The budget cuts mean: whatever staff can be considered spare (tough decisions are going to have to be made), mostly the support staff, will have to be cut. In the UK, teachers already moan constantly about the lack of support staff. If you accepted that deal, that's on you, fingers crossed you're massively screwed for next year, well done you. Extra-curricular activities will be cut. Optional subjects (think arts, mostly) will have to be cut (which is one of the things the government has been aching to do for a long time).

    And that's considered a win. Class solidarity? Nowhere to be found.

    So much more to add, but only so much you can add before people tune out.

    2 “Vote this trash pile down”: UPS workers speak out against new tentative agreement

    “I am a very upset millennial, who just wants to buy a house and start a family,” one worker told the WSWS. “I have stood by my union proudly as they talked such big game, only to read how poor of a contract they are now celebrating with teary eyes.”

    “Vote this trash pile down”: UPS workers speak out against new tentative agreement
    Community Requests. SineNomineAnonymous
    Requesting /c/TeachingUK

    For UK based teachers (currently not based in the UK at the moment, but have been in the UK for a while and might be heading back soon). It appears evident that the "reddit equivalent" are a bunch of conservative scabs so it would be worthy to have something in a more progressive place.

    1 Anatomy of a sellout: UPS tentative agreement includes two-tier wages for part-timers, freezes to pension contributions for some

    In the hours after the Teamsters announced its “historic” deal, UPS workers are uncovering massive betrayals in whatever information has been released so far.

    Anatomy of a sellout: UPS tentative agreement includes two-tier wages for part-timers, freezes to pension contributions for some

    Because I'm seeing a lot of positivie coverage of the agreement but it's not covering the really important bit that it's not a fair one for all.

    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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