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Does setting/reserving a static IP via router prevent its allocation to other devices in its network?
  • Nope!

    Just wasted 3 days debugging an IP assigned to two devices... Not fun, don't do it...

  • What's currently (2024) the best self-hosted alternative for a Facebook Wall type of user experence?
  • I think that proposing immich for every use case out there is not the correct answer.

    As much as I like immich, this is not a good use case... iMHO.

  • DNS?
  • All that? Well, I understand your point, but honestly I have more fun learning something new, and was really little work.

    Anyway... Its an option too

  • DNS?
  • No you don't need two: in fact I have only unbound setup to do everything with one piece of software.

    Better or worse? No idea, but it works and its one less piece that might fail.

  • DNS?
  • I have a quite rich selfhosted stack, and DNS is indeed part of it.

    For such a critical piece of infrastructure I didn't needed a container, just installed Unbound and did some setup for ad blocking and internal DNS rules.

    Here my setup:

    You could go with an independent pihole maybe, but that would double the chances of a hardware failure...

    Using one device for everything might seem risky, but actually has less chances of failure ;)

  • Docker Raises Prices Up to 80 Percent | ServeTheHome
  • That's not the point. Maybe you can, but for how long? you will never stop asking the question with docker...

  • Docker Raises Prices Up to 80 Percent | ServeTheHome
  • I think you wrote it back ways: transitioned from docker to podman?

    Yeah podman should use quadlets, not compose, but still works just fine with docker compose and the podman socket!

  • Docker Raises Prices Up to 80 Percent | ServeTheHome
  • Podman guys... Podman All the way...

  • Music industry’s 1990s hard drives, like all HDDs, are dying
  • There is no "write and forget" solution. There never has been.

    Do you think we have ORIGINALS or Greek or roman written texts? No, we have only those that have been copied over and over in the course of the centuries. Historians knows too well. And 90% of anything ever written by humans in all history has been lost, all that was written on more durable media than ours.

    The future will hold only those memories of us that our descendants will take the time to copy over and over. Nothing that we will do today to preserve our media will last 1000 years in any case.

    (Will we as a specie survive 1000 more years?)

    Still, it our duty to preserve for the future as much as we can. If today's historians are any guide, the most important bits will be those less valuable today: the ones nobody will care to actually preserve.

    Citing Alessandro Barbero, a top notch Italian current historian, he would kill no know what a common passant had for breakfast in the tenth century. We know nothing about that, while we know a tiny little more about kings.

  • LDAP to UNIX user proxy
  • Well, here is the relevant part then, sorry if it was not clear:

    • Jellyfin will not play well with reverse proxy auth. While the web interface can be put behind it, the API endpoints will need to be excluded from the authentication (IIRC there are some examples on the web) but the web part will stil force you to double login and canot identify the proxy auth passed down to it.
    • Jellyfin do support OIDC providers such Authelia and it's perfectly possible to link the two, in this case as i was pointing out, Jellyfin will still use it's own authentication login window and user management, so the proxy does not need to be modified.

    TLDR: proxy auth doesnt work with Jellyfin, OIDC yes and it bypassess proxy, so in both cases proxy will not be involved.

  • LDAP to UNIX user proxy
  • This is my jellyfin nginx setup:

    currently i don't use any proxy related authentication because i need to find the time to work with the plugins in Jellyfin. I don't have any chromecast, but i do regularly use the Android Jellyfin app just fine.

    I expect, using the OIDC plugin in jellyfin, that Jellyfin will still manage the login via Authelia itself, so i do not expect much changes in NGINX config (except, maybe, adding the endpoints).

  • Why Don’t Cyclists Use Bike Lanes? | Oh The Urbanity!
  • Road biker here, for sport. Bike lanes are dangerous for us and unpraticable, at least in my country.

    And too narrow very often. And full of people walking, dogs pissing, kids...

  • What's a recent personal accomplishment of yours that you are proud of and why are you proud of it?
  • Closed a 37km, 2700m positive gain, trail run in the Alps. Very technical, with added bonus of fresh snow (top point was 3100m) and past heavy rains so that many fixed ropes where necessary on the paths.

    Finished in 7h 50min, never felt better. And worse, at the same time :)

    Huge smiles and tears at the same time.

  • LDAP to UNIX user proxy
  • Never found a service that don't work with nginx reverse proxy.

    My jelly fin does.

    Don't run photoprims tough...

  • LDAP to UNIX user proxy
  • You might use LDAP, but its total overkill.

    I have not yet worked jellyfin with authelia, but its more or less the last piece and I don't really care so far if its left out.

    A good reverse proxy with https is mandatory, so start with that one. I mean, from all point of views, not login.

    I have all my services behing nginx, then authelia linked to nginx. Some stuff works only with basic auth. Most works with headers anyway, so natively with authelia. Some bitches don't, so I disable authelia for them. Annoying, but I have only four users so there is not much to keep in sync.

  • LDAP to UNIX user proxy
  • They actually do, i am down the same path recently and installing authelia was the best choice I made. Still working on it.

    But most stvies support either basic auth, headers auth, oidc or similar approaches. Very few don't.

  • Web printing
  • Ok, I have a web browser on a locked down device and nothing else: how do I print a pdf or a photo using IPP?

    I have: a camera, a browser, a file manager (kind of, think of an iPhone or some stock android business device) and I need to print a photo taken with the camera or a pdf file sent to me via email or WhatsApp?

    The device is connected to the WiFi guest network with limited internet access (if any) and as only available service a server with port 443 open (a reverse proxy on that, captive portal and such).

    In my experience, there is no way to print via cups in this configuration. Maybe I am wrong?

  • Web printing
  • It still requires the device to be capable to print...

    And the user to find the printer select it and so on. And must expose more ports on the network beside 443...

    So, indeed cups is a great solution, but not to the problem I want to solve.

    I do use cups in fact for the trusted part of the network, driverless printing for windows and Linux. Android doesn't even need cups since it picks up the printer directly from the printer itself (AirPrint or whatevee that's called).

  • Web printing


    I have setup ScanServJS which is an awesome web page that access your scanner and let you scan and download the scanned pages from your self hosted web server. I have the scanner configured via sane locally on the server and now I can scan via web from whatever device (phone, laptop, tablet, whatever) with the same consistent web interface for everyone. No need to configure drivers anywhere else.

    I want to do the same with printing. On my server, the printer is already configured using CUPS, and I can print from Linux laptops via shared cups printer. But that require a setup anyway, and while I could make it work for phones and tablets, I want to avoid that

    I would like to setup a nice web page, like for the scanner, where the users no matter the device they use, can upload files and print them. Without installing nor configuring anything on their devices.

    Is there anything that I can self-host to this end?

    Power outage worries

    Hi fellow hosters!

    I do selfhost lots of stuff, starting from the classical '*Arrs all the way to SilberBullet and photos services.

    I even have two ISPs at home to manage failover in case one goes down, in fact I do rely on my home services a lot specially when I am not at home.

    The main server is a powerful but older laptop to which i have recently replaced the battery because of its age, but my storage is composed of two raid arrays, which are of course external jbods, and with external power supplies.

    A few years ago I purchased a cheap UPS, basically this one: EPYC® TETRYS - UPS

    Which works just fine and can sustain the two raids for long enough until any small power outage is gone.

    The downside is that the battery itself degrades quickly and every one or two years top it needs to be replaced, which is not only a cost but also an inconvenience because i usually find out always the worst possible time (power outage), of course!

    How do you tackle the issue in your setups?

    I need to mention that I live in the countryside. Power outages are like once or twice per year, so not big deal, just annoying.

    Issue with local DNS and Android

    I have a home network with an internal DNS resolver. I have some subdomains (public) that maps to a real world IP address, and maps to the home server private address when inside home.

    In short, i use unbound and have added some local-data entries so that when at home, those subdomains points to 192.168.x.y instead.

    All works perfectly fine from Windows and from Linux PCs.

    Android, instead, doesnt work.

    With dynamic DHCP allocation on android, the names cannot be resolved (ping will fail...) from the android devices. With specific global DNS servers (like of course will always resolve to the public IP.

    The only solution i found is to disable DHCP for the Wifi on android and set a static IP with the 192.168.x.y as DNS server, in this case it will work.

    But why? Aynbody has any hints?

    It's like Android has some kind of DNS binding protection enabled by default, but i cannot find any information at all.

    Torino e dintorni

    Qualche utente linux / OpenSource fanatic in zona come da titolo?

    Weekend di Ferragosto?

    Che fate di bello? Passata la festa, sempre in vacanza? Siete a casa? Che fate?

    How to download amazon prime movies

    As the title goes, is there a way to download content from amazon prime video?

    Like yt-dl or similar...

    DNS issues

    Hi! i am selfhosting my services and using a DNSMasq setup to provide ad-blocking to my home network.

    I was thinkering with Unbound to add a fully independent DNS resolver and not depend on Google/Adblock/Whatever upstream DNS server but i am unable to make Unbound work.

    Top Level Domains (like com, org...) are resolved fine, but anything at second level doesn't. I am using "dig" (of course i am on linux) and Unbound logging to find out what's going on, but i am at a loss.

    Could be my ISP blocking my requests? If i switch back to google DNS (for example) all works fine, but using my Unbound will only resolve TLDs and some random names. For example, it will resolve but not

    Edit: somehow fixed by nuking config file and starting over.


    If I remember correctly, FitTrackee Dev do post on this community.

    Well, I want to thank him/her as this is a very nice piece of software that I just started using but looks so promising and well done! A breeze to install, even on bare metal, and so well designed (even a CLI? Come on!).

    Looking forward to try Garmin integration tomorrow.

    Thank buddy!/Appreciated.

    Self-hosted diary

    Looking for a self hosted diary type of service. Where I can login and write small topics, ideas, tag them and date them. No need for public access.

    Any recommendations?

    Edit: anybody using monicahq or has experience with it?

    Clarification: indeed I could use a general note taking app for this task. I already host and use silverbullet for general notes and such. I am looking at something more focused on daily events and connections. Like noting people met, sport activities and feedbacks, names, places... So tagging and date would be central, but as well as connections to calendar and contacts, and who knows what else... So I want to explore existing more advanced, more specialized apps.

    Edit2: I ended up with BookStack. MonicaHQ seems very nice but proved unable to install using containers. It would not obey APP_URL properly and would mess up constantly HTTP / HTTPS redirection. Community was unrepsonsive and apparently github issues are ignore lately. So i ditched MonicaHQ and switched to BookStack: installed in a breeze (again container) and a very simple NGINX setup just worked. I will be testing it out now.

    CalDAV web gui

    Hi, Using radicale since I switched from next cloud, using dav5x on android pretty nicely.

    I was thinking about adding a web ui to access my calendars too from web... Any recommendations?

    Radicale web ui only manages accounts and stuff, not the calendars contents.

    Riflessione su app e monetizzazione

    Ciao, non se se sia la comunità giusta ma provo a postare qui.

    Ho recentemente installato a partire da un suggerimento trovato sul sito che non si può nominare un Launcher nuovo che si chiama Niagara Launcher. Non posto link per non fare pubblicità, ma il nome lo faccio per contestualizzare. Le premesse erano molto interessanti: un Launcher fluido con un concetto leggermente innovativo, anche se tutto sommato neanche troppo.

    Dopo neanche cinque minuti di prova mi rendo conto che qualsiasi funzionalità non basica è da attivare e prevede il pagamento, e fino qui non ci vedo niente di strano, quello che mi ha lasciato perplesso (e mi ha fatto disinstallare istantaneamente l'applicativo) è stato che la formula di pagamento prevedeva un plan annuale che partiva dai €10.

    Ora chi sano di mente può pensare che qualcuno abbia intenzione di pagare un recurrent di €10 per una cagata come un launcher? 2, 3 o forse anche 5€ una tantum credo che li avrei pagati.

    Per quanto innovativo o curioso sicuramente è una follia. Il concetto di fondo è che io pago un recurent per un servizio.Non pago recurent per fondamentalmente un software cosi basico.

    Credo che la cosa sia un po' uscendo di mano Cosa ne pensate?

    Sia chiaro che il mio problema non è quello di remunerare o meno gli sviluppatori che è giustissimo che siano remunerati ma quella che è l'aspettativa di remunerazione.

    Looking for a way to monitor my services

    Hi! i have a mixed set of containers (a few, not too many) and bare-metal services (quite a few) and i would like to monitor them.

    I am using good old "monit" that monitors my network interfaces, filesystems status and traditional services (via pid files). It's not pretty, but get the work done. It seems i cannot find a way to have it also monitor my containers. Consider that i use podman and have a strict one service, one user policy (all containers are rootless).

    I also run "netdata" but i find it overwhelming, too much data, too much graphics, just too much for my needs.

    I need something that:

    • let me monitor service status
    • let me monitor containers status
    • let me restart services or containers (not mandatory, but preferred)
    • has a nice web GUI
    • the web gui is also mobile friendly (not mandatory, but appreciated)
    • Can print some history data (not manatory, but interesting)
    • Can monitor CPU usage (mandatory)
    • Can monitor filesystem usage (mandatory)

    I don't care for authentication features, since it will be behind a reverse proxy with HTTPS and proxy authentication already.

    I am not looking for a fancy and comples dashboard, but for something i can host on a secondary page that i open if/when i want to check stuff. Also, if the tool can be scripted or accessed via an API could be useful, so i would write some extractors to print something in a summary page in my own dashboard.

    My take on selfhosted photo management

    I have spent quite a lot of time trying to find the best photo management solution for my use case, and i think i have finally got a solution in mind. Please follow me and help me understanding what could be improved.

    The use case: I took, over the decades, thousand of pictures with manual, film based SLR, digital DSLR and many other devices. Today i mostly only take pictures with my phone and occasionally (like 1-5 rolls per year) B/W film photos. I like to have all the pictures neatly organized per album. Albums are events, trips, occasion or just a collection of photos for any good reason together. I have always organized albums my folders and stored metadata either in the photo or in sidecar files. Over the decades i changed many management tools (the longest has been Digikam) but they all faded away for one reason or the other. I do not want to change organization since it proved solid over decades. I do not trust putting all eggs in a database or a proprietary tool format.

    The needs: backup photos from family phones. Organize photos in albums (format as stated above), share & show pictures with family (maybe broader public too), archive for long term availability. Possibly small edits like rotation. Face recognition is a good plus, geographical mapping and reverse geotagging is a great plus. General object recognition could be useful but not a noticeable plus. Also i need multi-user support for family members both on backup and gallery-like browsing. My galleries need to be all shared (or better one big gallery, plus individual backups for users)

    What i don't need: complex editing / elaboration (would be done offline with darktable)

    Non-negotiable needs: storing photos in album-based subfolders structure with all metadata inside photos or sidecar files. No other solution will ever stand the test of time.

    I tried many tools and none fits the bill. Here are my experiences:

    • Immich: by far the most polished, great for phone backup&sync, not good for album organization (photos cannot be sorted into folders, albums are logical only). Has the best face detection and reverse geocoding.
    • Photoprism: given up because i don't like open-source with money tags (devs have all the rights to ask for money, but i distrust a model where they might give up support unless they make money)
    • Librephoto: feels abandoned and UI & Face detection is subpar with immich
    • PiGallery2: blazing fast and great UI, but cannot be used for backups nor organization. But can cope well with my long lasting collections of photos.
    • Piwigo: i used this decades ago. By today standards feels ugly bloated and slow as hell. No benefits anyway for my use case that compensate slugginesh. And my server is powerfull.
    • Damselfly: great tool and super friendly dev, unfortunately i could not fit into my use case. It can work on folders, but it's actions are too limited and beside downloads and exports and tagging... not much else. Not even backups from phone. I understand it's use case is totally different from mine. Still a great piece of software.

    My solution: more of the idea of how i want to proceed from here on...

    Backup: keep the great Immich for phone backups. Limitations: requiring emails as user logins breaks my home server authentication scheme but i can live with it. The impossibility to organize photos in folders is a deal breaker but luckily, you can define "logical" albums and download them.

    Organization: good old filesystem stuff, i don't need any specific tools. Existing photos are already sorted in subfolders, new albums can be created from Immich, downloaded, and stored on new subfolders on the server. Non-phone albums (DSLR, film cameras...) can just be added as well directly on filesystem

    Viewing: PiGallery2 pointed at the subfolders, blazing fast viewing online for all family members.

    Global workflow: take photos from phones, upload automatically to immich, then manually go sort them in albums, download albums and create appropriate subfolders on the server (if needed to save space, delete downloaded photos from immich). Upload/unzip and enjoy from PiGallery2. -- OR -- take photos with other cameras, scan/process on PC (darktable), create appropriate subfolders on the server, upload and enjoy from PiGallery2.

    All in all what pisses me off of all this is:

    • Immich requiring a fucking email address to login (not a privacy concern here, but my users will need to remember a different login for this specific part)
    • Immich not supporting subpaths, i will need two subdomains to achieve this workflow, while just one would have been less complex for the users (something like and, instead of and, you get the idea). I know all the blah blah on subdomains being better and such, i don't care, this is an usability issue for dumb users and, in general, it's the way i prefer it to be.

    Of course, the best course would be to have Immich support folders (not external libraries, but actually folder based albums which is totally different approach) and it being able to move photos to folders, but hey, it wouldn't be fun in that case :)

    Amy thoughts?

    UPDATE: Immich storage templates seems to be the missing link. Using that properly would cut out the manual download/reupload approach. Need to experiment a bit, but looks promising.

    Web based markdown gui

    I am setting up my notes approach which is using dedicated apps on my devices plus syncthing.

    I tried lots of tools like Joplin obsidian etc but are too overkill or had something I don't like.

    So I am using markor on android and another dedicated app on Linux and so on.

    I would like to add also a web app to edit the MD files directly on my server when I don't have any way to install syncthing or an editor app.

    The web GUI would need to list the MD files local on the server and let me edit/view/save them. Upload and download is not required as I already have that setup via filebrowser.

    Any hints?

    Edit: to be clear, i am not looking for an IDE or anything fancy, i only need to edit some notes online on my server. I do not want to spin containers or deploy full VS solutions just for this, all i need is a web gui editor for MD with the capability to load files on the server

    Second edit: i ended up selfhosting which made my day. Exactly what i was looking for, even more than that. Thanks all!

    Selfhost wiki (personal)

    I have finally got my selfhost wiki up to a satisfying shape. Its here:

    Take a look i hope it can help somebody.

    I am open to any suggestions about it.

    Note: the most original part is the one about multi-homed routing and failbacks and advanced routing.

    Batch video conversion from command line

    Hi fellow sailors,

    i have lots of downloaded... ISOs... that i need to converto to save space. I would like to make them all of the same size, let's say 720p, and same format, let's say h265.

    I am on linux and the... ISOs... are sorted into a neatly named hierarchy of sub-folderds, which i want to preserve too. What is the best tool (CLI) for the scope? I can use ffmpeg with a bash script, but is there anything better suited?

    Download an... iso... to find all files inside with strage names?

    Let's say i download an iso for my latest favourite distro and, after unpacking the rar (usenet) i find the right contents but all the filenames are a bunch of hexadecimal strings. The files are legit, but how do i "decode" the names to know which one is file n.1, file n.2 and so on?

    Domandona su VPN

    Qualcuno che scarica, diciamo..., tante ISO di Linux, usate VPN in Italia o no? E se si, quale?

    Le scaricate tramite Usenet o solo Torrent?

    Io sto sperimentando usenet ma mi pare ci siamo poche ISO on italiano...

    Joplin alternative?

    I use Joplin and I do like it very much, but I would like to be able to at least view (not edit) the notes from web browser... Which is not supported.

    Are there good alternatives that are:

    • fully open source
    • have android client
    • have web client or viewer
    • can be synched VOA WebDAV or native method

    I can also settle for a Joplin web viewer of sorts!

    UPDATE: i opened up a can of worms. I would have never tought there would be so many tools for this task, and so many different shades of how it can be done. Even excluding ALL the non-truly-FOSS solutions out there, there are still tons of tools with good points and bad points. Of course, NONE fits my bill so i will spin mine… Joking, i have no time for that.

    Using joplib-webview feels too much. Spinning containers just for that meh. Will try tough. The joplin .md files are only "sync" files, from which yo ucan probably extract the notes. But that would be not the best idea. Maybe some kind of link to Joplin terminal would be the way forward. I will see.

    I will stay on Joplin, it's the closest i could find to what i need, the only lacking is a web viewer, which i can live without for the time being after all.

    Thank you all, and to anybody still chiming in!

    Fighting with immich

    After all the amazing reviews and post i read immich I decided to give it a try.

    To be honest I am quite impressed, it's fast and polished, it just works.

    But I found a few quirks, and hit a wall with the developer that doesn't seems kind to listen to users that much (on these issues at least!)

    Maybe you guys have suggestions?

    Here I go:

    One: it does not support base URLs, witch means that I had to spin a dedicated sub domain to be able to access it over internet while all my other services are on a single sub domain. I can work with that, but why. Dev already shut this request down in the past as "insecure". Which I find baffling. (I mean use mydomain/immich instead of immich.mydomain)

    Two: auth cannot be tied to reverse proxy. I get it, it provides OAuth. But it's much more complex than proxy based auth... And overkill for many cases, mine for sure.

    Three: impossible to disable authentication at all, which would just work fine in my use case. There is a switch that seems for that, but no, it's only for using OAuth.

    Four: I cannot find a way to browse by location, only by map. (Locations list seems to be half baked unless I am missing something).

    Five: no way to deploy on bare metal, and I tried! due to lack of documentation (only info I found where very very outdated), and no willingness to provide info about that either. Seems that docker is so much better that supporting bare metal is a waste of time.

    Six: basically impossible to manage easily public albums. like a public landing page. I get this might be outside immich scope.

    Seven: even if now you can import existing libraries, it still does not detect albums withinbthem (sub folders) which is very annoying.

    So, overall its a great project and very promising, faster and more reliable than Libre Photos in my use case, but still lacking some basic features that the Dev seems not interested in adding. He developed it to please his wife, I get it :) - no pun intended, doing all this take lots of time, I know.

    These are the alternatives I know of:

    Photo prism requires a subscription for reverse Geo coding.

    LibrePhotos feels sluggish and kind if abandoned.

    Are there any others? (Piwigo and Lytchee are great tools, but different kind of tools)

    Let's hope for immich, Dev is working a lit, let's hope for the best.

    Shimitar Shimitar


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