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When's the next album y'all?
  • Gorillaz enjoyers: amateurs

  • Nah, not worth the trouble
  • I think itā€™s both. Thereā€™s no reason I should have to jump through three layers of account pages to cancel a free trial. Additionally, if they are using cards as an identity measure, then why would they charge you at the end of the trial? They could shoot you a message asking you to renew instead.

  • TIL researchers at a base in Antarctica started to develop a new accent
  • It doesnā€™t need to be surprising. Itā€™s cool.

  • Mace Windu
  • Where is mace pingu

  • The what now?
  • Noooooooo

  • Newest "anti-woke" tantrum: Right-wingers don't think kids of different races can be friends
  • This is fair. I canā€™t say I understand it myself. Iā€™m left-leaning. But it isnā€™t exactly a cut and dry case to everyone why an old demented goon is any better than a shitty asshole businessman. A lot of people just cross their fingers and put their trust in the party system.

    I donā€™t agree with these decisions, but I think everyone should be more willing to understand. I donā€™t see how anything constructive comes from yelling at eachother and pointing fingers over the internet.

  • How many of you are actually chatbots?
  • How can I tell if Iā€™m a bot or not?

  • Common Milkweed Pods look like Green Parrots
  • Damn you had me fooled

  • Lemmy's version of Place is so much better than Reddit
  • I didnā€™t even know it was a thing

  • AP Psychology effectively banned in Florida because of gender, sexuality chapter
  • There are bubbles. The bubbles wonā€™t protect you from the heat or the mosquitoes though.

  • what?
  • I think they meant javascript is to web dev as python is to software dev

  • Oppenheimer review I saw on my walk today.
  • Random toilets? Do go on.

  • you on the wrong side of the galaxy
  • Sure but no oneā€™s gonna make a movie about the aliens that ignore us

    I think I would watch it tho

  • The planet's on fucking fire
  • Melodysheep is awesome. I would highly recommend his other videos!

  • ShadedCosmos Shaded Cosmos
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    Comments 49