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What are your favorite add-ons for Firefox?
  • uBlock Origin of course and Malwarebytes Browser Guard (because I'm fortunate enough to have one of those coveted lifetime keys)

  • So happy this is something we left behind (mostly)
  • Comebacks aimed at other people's mothers or wives will never be unfunny. "Putin bofa deez nutz" is one I've ended up using fairly often in recent times.

  • Is there a business in your town, which you are 100% sure is a front?
  • Pretty much everything with a :ukkkraine: flag. Even government agencies have changed their logos to include the piss-and-sky colour scheme.

    Also every single Woolworth's in South Africa. They funnel money to Pissreal and charge like quadruple what literally every other store in South Africa charges for their fruits. The only times when it's ever worth it to step into a Woolies is to either protest or steal shit. How do they still remain in business is far beyond me.

  • General Discussion Thread - Juche 112, Week 32
  • :estonia-burning: has stated that they are not going to "West Bank" it's Russian population, unlike :latvia-burning: and :lithuania-burning: being gung-ho to do so. Of course :reddit-logo: Estonians are having a meltdown over it. Holy shit these people need to actually experience violence.

  • Down to 130.4KG from 140. I finally fit into this now and making steady progress.

    Can already close 2 of the top buttons/clips and can more easily put it on and take it off woop woop. At least once I shave off another 10 to 20, I'll likely be able to actually wear it.

    (Though probably I'd have to have moved back to South Africa if I want to wear this in public without getting arrested or put on Myrotvorets)
