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What industry secret are you aware of that most people aren't?
  • I actually am genuinely interested in that fellow's reasoning behind believing both that his job of managing people is successful, and also that all the people he managed do not like being managed by him.

    Anecdotally, I have encountered workplaces containing a manager or employee that was universally disliked, and it was never because they were doing an awesome job. They did appear to think that people disliked them personally but benefited from their results. Often they seem to also believe those results would be unachievable in ways that do not produce the distaste. I am not sure these contradictions are entirely defensible.

  • In Honor of American Conservatives Learning Homelander is Bad
  • Nope! He poisons Brock, but it doesn't kill him. Brock survives the series. Maybe you are thinking of the tarantula kid (Drew Sharp), but that one was Meth Damon.

  • In Honor of American Conservatives Learning Homelander is Bad
  • He killed Emilio with some kind of gas, strangled Krazy-8 with a bike lock, ran over and shot the two drug dealers that killed Combo, arguably killed Hector and Gus, and poisoned Lydia.

  • Dialogue from an old Spider-Man comic
  • I would guess that it's all about emphasis.

    Kinda like:

    I never said we should kill him

    I never said we should kill him

    I never said we should kill him

    Etc etc. Each emphasized word changes how that entire sentence is read, regardless of which one is emphasized.

  • Roommate application
  • I have a little orange kitty that drools if he purrs hard enough. He first showed me this tendency as a kitten by drooling on my face when I was asleep, hahaha.

  • Elon Musk Says He'll Reinstate Twitter Account Of Hitler-Loving White Supremacist
  • What, and I mean this sincerely, the fuck.

  • EPA earmarks $3 billion to replace lead pipes nationwide
  • So are you just one guy with a lot of time and accounts to use, or is this like, a group of people working to make these low effort bait posts? I realize that might come across as dismissive, but I'm genuinely interested. Let's chat!

  • One Year Anniversary Giveaway! - WINNERS CHOSEN!
  • That game is one of my favorites. I have over a thousand hours in it. Good choice!

  • Millennials and Gen Z's trendy new splurge: groceries
  • Nah, it wasn't very clear in retrospect. That kind of snide comment doesn't really translate to text very well. My bad!

  • Millennials and Gen Z's trendy new splurge: groceries
  • Well, gaslighting would be trying to get you to question reality in some way. I don't think that fits here. I was more implying he was being a dickhead. Because he was.

  • Millennials and Gen Z's trendy new splurge: groceries
  • What's outrageous about what I said that I read in an article?

    Fairly confident he's calling you a liar and suggesting the things you claim to have seen in an article you never really saw, and are instead offering a claim of your own under the guise of it having been in an article.

    Pretty cool way to interact with another human being, if you think about it.

  • Republican fears Democratic speaker as Fox News reporter reveals GOPers eyeing exit for “big payday”
  • I have the guy he had responded to tagged as the guy with the piss voice. Good times.

  • Last Epoch asks if you want broken, OP builds to be fixed or not
  • I feel you, I don't have a lot of time either - more than that, but not a huge amount. That's why I prefer having more viable builds. I could play Path of Exile, for example, but I don't want to spend hours trying to learn how to even play the game this particular season so that I can make a character that won't be a giant ball of crap. If there's more build diversity, you're more likely to do okay just doing whatever you want to do, without needing to research builds ahead of time.

    D3 has builds that are far superior to everything else, but I don't think D4 is any better - nerfs mid-cycle or not. Using a bad build is punished less in D4, but you're still going to be on struggle street if you pick a shitty build. With D3 and D4 if what you want to do doesn't just happen to be one of the good builds your character is gonna suck. It matters less in those games though, since gear is absurdly easy to get in D3, and respeccing is fairly accessible in both games.

    In fairness to your point though, back when D3 was new and its hardest difficulty was borderline impossible, I found a mage build that could do it, and when I had finally gotten the gear I needed (NOT easy back then) it got nerfed the same day I was able to use it. That was super frustrating. I would argue they did that to help push the real money auction house though, not promote build diversity - don't need to buy gear if there's a class that doesn't need you to. That's the cynic in me I suppose.

  • Last Epoch asks if you want broken, OP builds to be fixed or not
  • Honestly, yes. I used to be in the "just buff other things" camp, and while Diablo 3 is fun enough, it already shows what happens when you do that.

    Build diversity > screen go boom.

  • The duality of particles
  • Last I read about this was years and years ago, and the claim at the time from the source I learned about it from was that the cause of this behavior is unknown. Is it known now?

  • Killer drones pioneered in Ukraine are the weapons of the future
  • What's that from? The Simpsons?

  • Deep Rock Galactic: Survivor - Early Access Announcement
  • It's alright solo, but it really shines with coop, and the community is mostly very friendly and welcoming. Occasionally you might get called an elf in a fit of pique, but I've personally encountered very few toxic DRG players.

  • Sciaphobia Sciaphobia
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