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JK Rule-ing
  • Why is she a TERF? She's articulated her position well enough, she supports trans people.

  • Kdenlive 23.04.3 released - Kdenlive
  • I've been using kdenlive in combination with OBS as an Outplayed replacement since I switched to Linux for gaming. It's great.

  • Portuguese tourist assaulted by Turkish police, jailed for 20 days for "looking gay"
  • Is France on that list too then? They tear gas people for having a contrary opinion to the state after all.

  • The Fediverse is Not The Future of The Internet.
  • I agree with much of the article but.. Dude, go on holiday. Billionaires and corporations make up the vast majority of emissions that are driving climate change. See the world before the rich end up destroying what's left of it. You're allowed to enjoy yourself.

  • We can all agree on that, right?
  • You can tell that this audience is primarily American because they still defend capitalism, even after being shafted by it over and over. Careful everyone, big bad socialism is going to take your kids and your wife!

    Don't dare dream of something better, instead keep swallowing the propaganda of the state and its controlling elites.

  • Sarla Sarla
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