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TIL humans are the only animal with a chin. We aren't sure why.
  • Would you mate with somebody who didn't have a chin? Chins are sexy.

  • USC cancels graduation ceremony and dozens are arrested on other campuses as anti-war protests grow
  • The moment they canceled the Valedictorian speech, I would have simply failed to show up to the commencement. And I would have done my best to surprise USC of it. And I'd have organized or at least hoped other people would do the same thing.

  • Boeing CEO Dave Calhoun to step down in management shakeup amid safety crisis
  • He should required to be up there to answer questions from congress and the Feds.

  • Have you ever asked yourself why some priceless artifacts from far away places are in your country
  • The Met has a mixed record. It's famous Temple was rescued with coordination from Egypt from flooding at the creation of the Anwar Dam.

  • Linux use on Steam ends 2023 with a multi-year high (thanks Steam Deck)
  • Yeah, or or

    But any linux with modern hardware really. I play games on my desktop (and get work done too) with EndeavourOS (which is an easy to install and maintain version of Arch Linux, which is also the base of SteamOS. With Arch Linux you have bleeding edge updates, like new Linux kernel versions. SteamOS slows that down, only letting in those bleading edge updates after they've vetteed it on the SteamDeck hardware).

    Steam takes care of proton support. You can try to support other store fronts with applications like Lutris, that try to apply that compatibility layer to those games.

  • Malaysia bans Israeli owned and linked shipping citing ‘cruelty against the Palestinian people’
  • Why isn't OPEC imposing sanctions on Israel, refusing to export oil to them, like the US did with Japan in 1941.

  • Game Thread: New York Knicks (0-1) at Atlanta Hawks (0-1) Oct 27 2023 7:30 PM
  • Man, I hate ESPN broadcasting without JVG. Breen and Hubie was decent, but Hubie's age is finally starting to show.

  • Running Signal Will Soon Cost $50 Million a Year
  • Yep, this is what I do. Signal's pretty much one of my top favorite open source applications.

  • Fighting against evil
  • Can you all make one with a Red Panda?

  • Gaza Strip's size compared to US cities in series of maps
  • I thought this article showed how crazy what's going on is. It's like a terrorist organization had infiltrated Manhattan and you respond by bombing it and telling people to move south (all while you've blockaded all fuel and resources even to make the move or find shelter in October and now November once you've moved). Of course Hamas has human shields. Where is it even possible for Hamas to exist without Human shields? Where is it possible for Gazans to safely relocate? There are 2.1-2.3M people in this tiny area, all under complete and total blockade.

    And the rush to do this doesn't make any sense to me either. As I understand it, Hostages have died under this bombing rampage. So it's not a rush to save the hostages. If Israel is serious about eradicating Hamas without any civilian causalities, why isn't it setting up pathways for Gazans to seek real refuge where they will no be bombed by Israel before starting the military operation? It could simply along with the US and UN guarantee to pay Egypt for hosting Gazan refugees and guarantee their right to return after the military operation was completed. But Netanyahu's government certainly hasn't done that.

    I think Hamas officials and fighters belong in front of the ICC in the Hague. But I think the same of Netanyahu and his cabinet and ministers.

  • Gaza Strip's size compared to US cities in series of maps

    The 141-square-mile territory is dwarfed by several sprawling American cities, while its footprint easily covers Washington D.C.

    Gaza Strip's size compared to US cities in series of maps
    CNN Host Left Stunned As IDF Confirms Israel Hit Refugee Camp With Airstrike
  • I'm more interested in what the term is for folks who wear different masks for different audiences and in particular folks who react to criticism by putting on a mask later all while saying the same thing. It was astonishing seeing this guy on Erin Burnett's show after seeing him on Wolf Blitzer's show. It was like watching Lindsey Graham on the Daily Show or Meet the Press vs. seeing him on Fox News Sunday discussing the exact same stuff.

    Edit: I'd only listened to the Burnett interview. They're different people.

  • CNN Host Left Stunned As IDF Confirms Israel Hit Refugee Camp With Airstrike
  • Go where with what money and fuel to stay where? And are they safe there?

    Gaza is 41 kilometres (25 miles) long, from 6 to 12 km (3.7 to 7.5 mi) wide. Manhattan is 13.4 miles (21.6km) long and about 2.3 miles (3.7km) across at its widest point. So Gaza as a whole is maybe 4 times the size of Manhattan. And they're using these bombs there?! Have you been to Manhattan?

    Edit: Here's the overlay of Gaza on Manhattan:

    These are war crimes. Same as what Hamas did on October 7th. Netanyahu and his government belong in the ICC dungeons of the Hague, the same as Hamas.

  • CNN Host Left Stunned As IDF Confirms Israel Hit Refugee Camp With Airstrike
  • Yeah, the complex reality of Judaism, the Jewish people, Israel, and Israelis is fascinating. But it pales in comparison to the horror of what's going on right now, and that needs to stop.

  • CNN Host Left Stunned As IDF Confirms Israel Hit Refugee Camp With Airstrike
  • Have you ever seen a politician make the rounds on Sunday news shows? They, especially Republicans, sound extremely different on Fox News vs. the rest of media (Democrats sounds different on mainstream media vs. progressive independent media). This colonel is doing the exact same thing. He learned from the clip going viral and the way people are reacting to it to sound like he's concerned and feels for the Palestinians rather than saying it's their own fault like he was in the Blitzer clip.

  • CNN Host Left Stunned As IDF Confirms Israel Hit Refugee Camp With Airstrike
  • This is not how war functions. Tell me what refugee camps or other sets of civilians Ukraine is bombing. This is how Netanyahu and his government function.

  • U.S. urges Israel against Gaza ground invasion, pushes surgical campaign

    >The Biden administration is urging Israel to rethink its plans for a major ground offensive in the Gaza Strip and instead to opt for a more “surgical” operation using aircraft and special operations forces carrying out precise, targeted raids on high-value Hamas targets and infrastructure, according to five U.S. officials familiar with the discussions. > >Administration officials have become highly concerned about the potential repercussions of a full ground assault, the officials said, speaking on the condition of anonymity to discuss sensitive diplomatic matters, and they increasingly doubt that it would achieve Israel’s stated goal of eliminating Hamas. They also are concerned that it could derail negotiations to release nearly 200 hostages, particularly as diplomats think they have made “significant” advances in recent days to free a number of them, potentially including some Americans, one of the officials said. > >The Biden administration also is worried that a ground invasion could result in numerous casualties among Palestinian civilians as well as Israeli soldiers, potentially triggering a dramatic escalation of hostilities in the region, the officials said. U.S. officials think a targeted operation would be more conducive to hostage negotiations, less likely to interrupt humanitarian aid deliveries, less deadly for people on both sides and less likely to provoke a wider war in the region, the officials said.

    U.S., in policy switch, urges humanitarian pauses in Gaza

    >After weeks of declining to back growing international calls for “humanitarian pauses” in Israeli airstrikes to allow a steady flow of aid to enter Gaza, permit American and foreign citizens to exit into Egypt and facilitate the release of hostages, the Biden administration is now fully in favor of them and is pressing Israel to agree. > >The abrupt policy shift comes as the humanitarian situation inside the enclave has become more dire and much of the world has declined to follow the U.S. lead in withholding public criticism of how Israel is conducting its war against Hamas. > >David Satterfield, President Biden’s special envoy to the humanitarian situation in Gaza, has been in Israel this week seeking progress on both aid and egress to Egypt. But according to U.S., United Nations, Egyptian and Israeli officials, many of whom spoke only on the condition of anonymity amid a welter of finger-pointing among those involved, no substantive progress has been made.


    The article has a soft paywall. Just put in an e-mail address to get access.

    Here's a relevant excerpt: >Journalist Jacky Levi and his partner, whose five family members were abducted to Gaza, said last night in an interview that Netanyahu tried to create a divide between the families. "There's a deliberate intention here, we are sure of that, no one knew him," Levi said of one of the four family members who unexpectedly joined the meeting. "We're looking into who he is and who he represents, because it cannot be that he just showed up out of nowhere to a meeting with the prime minister." > >Tzvika Mor, whose son Eitan has been missing since the attack, said on Monday in an interview with Kol Barama Radio Station that he was the one who participated in the meeting. "I want to debunk the lie that we arrived out of nowhere, it's a lie." > >"No one can just opportunely come in and meet the Prime Minister. We represent four families whose loved ones were abducted, and we wanted to convey a national message to Netanyahu. We need to stop this whiny behavior. We need to win the war. In a time of war the people of Israel have to make sacrifices, even when our children are there, and prevail," Mor added.

    So basically, a Netanyahu lackey who has a child missing, comes "uninvited" into a prearranged meeting with families of hostages drawn from an organization set up by these families, gasses up Netanyahu, and argues against hostage negotiations and calls for the families to prepare to sacrifice their family members taken hostage.

    Asking Palestinians to say that Israel has a right to exist is like asking Native Americans to say the USA has a right to exist. What about Israel exists and has the right to continue to exist?

    It doesn't use that language explicitly as I understand it. It says:

    In return the Arab states will do the following:

    Consider the Arab-Israeli conflict over, sign a peace agreement with Israel, and achieve peace for all states in the region 
    Establish normal relations with Israel within the framework of this comprehensive peace
  • Asking Palestinians to say that Israel has a right to exist is like asking Native Americans to say the USA has a right to exist. What about Israel exists and has the right to continue to exist?
  • P.S. If Jewish people have the right of return to Israel today after Rome performed an ethnic cleansing of Jewish folk in Israel in the first century CE, then Palestinians refugees and their descendants have the right of return to Israel-Palestine after the ethnic cleansings that have happened since the 20th century.

  • Asking Palestinians to say that Israel has a right to exist is like asking Native Americans to say the USA has a right to exist. What about Israel exists and has the right to continue to exist?
  • The ancestors of the Jewish diaspora are too, just like the ancestors of Palestinians, but the Jewish diaspora been out of the state for at least over a 1000 years if not close to 2000, and that's why Palestinians would experience their return and the creation of modern Israel as maybe what a Native American might have experience European colonization and the creation of the US and other modern North and South American countries.

    As I stated elsewhere, I don't think Israel-Palestine should have been divided into two states, and that I think that since Israel is the home of Judaism, Jewish immigration should have been allowed, but the focus should have been as much on co-existing and equality as protecting the rights and lives of Jewish folk and making sure sure the constitution of this new one state never allowed anti-semitism. The division of the area into two states with an arbitrary border led to ethnic cleansing just like the creation of India and Pakistan led ethnic cleansing and the mess we have today. The creation of one non-colonial state with equal rights might not have.

  • Two new communities on geared towards starting collective movements and organizing collective action: !movement and !organize

    Hi all,

    One of the things that bugged me the most about Reddit was how people never used it to organize at scale large enough to make a difference (other than to protest Victoria Taylor's firing and the demise of the third party apps), and by the time I thought to make subreddits designed to do it, Reddit was too huge and I had no real hope of making any sort of traction. I feel like is at the right stage where something like this can take off, but I have no idea what I'm doing. How do I go about getting mods? What sort of guidelines and tutorials are there to making, respectfully advertising the community around Lemmy, and moderating and guiding one's community into a thriving one? How do I make sure I know what good etiquette is and that I'm following it?

    I made two different communities: ! and ! I figure you gather people at let's start a movement and then move over to Organize! to organize action.

    The spiel for !movement community is:

    Come here to gather like minded individuals to ignite a movement. If you already have a movement in mind, post it and let’s go!

    If you don’t have a particular movement in mind, you should still join this community if you want to be alerted to somebody organizing a movement on something you might end up being passionate about. Don’t you get tired of feeling like you’re all alone in wanting to make a change in the world? This is the place to alleviate that. Let’s figure out what we can team up together on and accomplish!

    Once you’ve gathered people and started a movement, you can head over to our sister organization ! to organize and coordinate action to accomplish your goals.

    Here is the spiel to the !organize community is:

    The place to organize together on the internet.

    Do you want to team up with a group of people and organize some sort of action? Get it started here!


    Organize to clean up a local or national or international spot.

    Organize to create the next NAACP.

    Organize to canvas for a referendum you are in favor of.

    Organize a protest in coordination with the community over in !

    This is the place to work with your community to discuss and organize action. You can gather people over on our sister community ! and bring them over here to strategize organize the movement into action!

    Organize! SankaraStone
    Can the community craft complaints to the FTC, US DOJ, and the European Commission informing them of Chrome's monopoly actions on ManifestV3 after starting the movement on c/Technology? In light of articles all over Lemmy about Google pushing ManifestV3 onto Chrome and the majority of web users, isn't that an antitrust violation? -

    So as I understand it, Google’s using it’s monopoly market position to force web “standards” unilaterally (without an independent/conglomerate web specification standards where Google is only one of many voices) that will disadvantage its competitors and force people to leave its competitors. I’m no...

    In light of articles all over Lemmy about Google pushing ManifestV3 onto Chrome and the majority of web users, isn't that an antitrust violation? -

    Can the lawyers and web technology experts of Lemmy or our friends at the EFF or Louis Rossmann himself help organize the crafting of antitrust complaints to the FTC, DOJ, and the European Commission? If so, and we get these complaints crafted, then we can share them with the community so that we can all file them with these regulators. We can organize our course of action and coordinate the action itself here for example.

    Start a Movement! SankaraStone
    An example of movement that can be started here on Lemmy: Petitioning the FTC, DOJ, and the European Commission to address the anticompetitive practices of Google with its Chrome browser In light of articles all over Lemmy about Google pushing ManifestV3 onto Chrome and the majority of web users, isn't that an antitrust violation? -

    So as I understand it, Google’s using it’s monopoly market position to force web “standards” unilaterally (without an independent/conglomerate web specification standards where Google is only one of many voices) that will disadvantage its competitors and force people to leave its competitors. I’m no...

    In light of articles all over Lemmy about Google pushing ManifestV3 onto Chrome and the majority of web users, isn't that an antitrust violation? -
    I created a couple of communities dedicated to starting and organizing movements. As a first time ever admin or mod to something like this, I would love some advice from you all

    So I made and

    I figure people can gather like minded individuals on and then discuss and organize a ground game on

    Do you all have any tips on what sort of rules I need to set up, where to get help leading and modding the communities, and how I can go about respectfully advertise the communities?

    An example of a movement that would be great to start and organize, led by people from Lemmy who know what they're doing like lawyers andfor people who know browser and web technology really well, is filing well thought out antitrust complaints as members of the Lemmy community about Google's forceful implementation of ManifestV3 and how it would disadvantage users of other browsers and reduce their market share and people's options. I made a post about it on c/technology:

    In light of articles all over Lemmy about Google pushing ManifestV3 onto Chrome and the majority of web users, isn't that an antitrust violation? Report an Antitrust Violation

    If you have a question or comment about an antitrust issue, submit it to the Bureau of Competition by one of the methods below.

    Report an Antitrust Violation

    So as I understand it, Google’s using it’s monopoly market position to force web “standards” unilaterally (without an independent/conglomerate web specification standards where Google is only one of many voices) that will disadvantage its competitors and force people to leave its competitors.

    I'm not a lawyer, and I'm a fledgling tech guy, but this sounds like abuse of a monopoly. Google which serves 75% of the world's ads and has 75% of the browser market share seems to want to use its market power to annihilate people's privacy and control over their web experience.

    So we can file a complaint with FTC led by Lina Khan who has been the biggest warrior against abuse by big tech in the US.

    We can also file a complaint with the DOJ:

    And there have to be EU, UK, Indian, Chinese, and Japanese organizations that we can file antitrust complaints to.
