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Good Moleman to you
  • Oh no, my brains.

  • I Wash Myself With A Rag On A Stick
  • Wesley, get mama's pryin' bar.

  • Which of the Professor's inventions would you find most useful?
  • I can think of so many uses for a what-if machine. And for a finglonger, for that matter.

  • Boris Johnson standing down from UK parliament
  • I'd be worried that the Tory party would panic and do whatever it takes to bring them back into the fold, giving us an even more right leaning Tory party.

  • Boris Johnson: I've been forced out over Partygate report
  • I think it has been well established that he lacks any capacity to feel ashamed of himself.

  • Favourite season?
  • Seasons 1 and 2. I love how the world/universe was gradually revealed, where a character, alien species or technology could be invented to serve a joke. I love the others too, but it got to a point where the universe was established, and it became more about exploring stories within this setting rather than world building.

  • Boris Johnson: I've been forced out over Partygate report
  • If only there were some way that he could have avoided this scenario.

  • What are some of your favorite game mechanics?
  • Double jumping. Something about double jumping just always feels really liberating. It's such a strange concept as well, with no analogue in the real world.

  • How has ur lemmy experience been so far?
  • It's good. Except for the confusion about linking to communities on different servers. That's a real show stopper, if you ask me. Which you did, technically.

  • Introductions
  • Hello. I'm late 30s and undiagnosed, since my country has a 30 month waiting list for adult diagnoses right now. Maybe I have ASD, or maybe i'm just regular weird. Who knows. What is normal anyways?

  • Introductions
  • I like science fiction too! What's your favourite at the moment?

  • George R. R. Martin and refusing to write. Name a more iconic duo.
  • Robert Jordan and dying before finishing your 14 book epic?

  • What's one thing you've always wanted to learn, but haven't had the chance to yet?
  • For me, it's mostly that i was bad at languages in school. I don't know what it feels like to make progress with a foreign language. I feel like this is an anxiety which prevents me from trying for fear of failing.

  • What's one thing you've always wanted to learn, but haven't had the chance to yet?
  • I can't even remember how many times/languages i've printed "Hello world"

  • What's one thing you've always wanted to learn, but haven't had the chance to yet?
  • This comment is far more amusing for its lack of commas. But also, you sound like an interesting person.

  • What's one thing you've always wanted to learn, but haven't had the chance to yet?
  • Holy shit, I add about 5 new things for each year of my life. My top priorities are currently Bash scripting, Python, Spanish and guitar.

  • a megathread for developments on Reddit and with third-party Reddit apps
  • Agreed, assuming more than us 20 people take a principled stance and leave Reddit.

  • What OS do you use on your pc and why?
  • AUR is the most compelling reason for me to try out Arch to be honest (and also Arch Wiki). I'm thinking that I might compromise and go for EndeavourOS.

  • SanityFM SanityFM
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