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Canada needs proportional representation federally
  • It's plausible that Trudeau could want to push through voting reform as one last move to salvage something since him losing the next election likely spells the end of his political career.

    The problem is the Liberals as a whole. It pretty predictable Conservatives are going to do a horrible job and by the 2029ish election the tables will be flipped and Liberal will only need to campaign on not being a disaster of a party like the incumbents.

  • Trudeau says he isn't quitting — do the Liberals have any good options to turn things around?
  • I saw a quite a few comments about how NDP and Green voters were somehow the bad guys in the by election but the Liberals seem more than happy to let the Conservatives run Canada into the ground for 4 years and somehow they've done a "good job".

  • After St. Paul's, is there anything Trudeau can say or do to save his leadership?
  • How is this:

    The Liberals did some good stuff. They could have done a ton more. But their changes have generally been baby steps in the right direction.

    The same as this:

    Liberals have done a good job governing, passing many laws and policies I support and generally making my life better.

    How is it even a discussion that the Liberals did a "good" job. Can anyone actually provide anything tangible for this?

  • After St. Paul's, is there anything Trudeau can say or do to save his leadership?
  • I really can't figure how someone looking at housing and think the Liberals did a good job.

    No matter how bad the Conservatives were or will be doesn't mean the Liberals are good. What policies did the Liberals have that would have been better than the general ones from left parties NDP and Green.

  • Inflation ticked up to 2.9% in May
  • One of these categories seem very out of place for a conversation about national inflation.

    Some of the increase was typical of the season. Prices for cellular services, rent, travel tours and air transportation grew at a faster pace, according to the data agency.

  • Canada to Curb China EV Imports as Trudeau Responds to Biden Move
  • America is ramping up their production again and it will very likely be part of the trade agreements to be supportive their endeavor which leave us once again in a rather awkward position.

    I'd like to think a competent government would be able to take advantage from both the American and Chinese subsidies, but I have feeling we lose out on the cheap decent Chinese cars while finding ourselves on the losing end of a North American trade agreement.

  • Canada to Curb China EV Imports as Trudeau Responds to Biden Move

    > With a joint review of Canada’s free trade agreement with the US and Mexico coming up in 2026

    Rustad's message gaining traction with B.C. business leaders
  • I think you're under playing how stupid John Rustad is.

    "Carbon dioxide is an essential component of life on this planet. It is not a pollution and that sort of misinformation out there is just ridiculous. It's ridiculous to do that, it doesn't serve anybody well," said Rustad.

  • Why are so many big-city condos sitting empty? | About That (12:18 video)
  • If you're referring to combining units I don't think it'll really be practical. The 300sqft mark is on the lower end of what is technically okay for people with some heavy consideration into functional design and lifestyle. Essentially a single person who probably spends a lot of time outside.

    This is a pretty good video(13:03) on the topic .

  • Why are so many big-city condos sitting empty? | About That (12:18 video)

    Just to make things easier for people.

    The video talks about the glut of micro units having issues selling due to how undesirable they are for people actually living in them and not aligning with a more realistic price.

    The numbers on why a lot of people can't hold onto these investments: !

    Shrinking units, the ones discussed in the video is around ~300sqft: !

    Substantially less of newer units are owner occupied: !

    Les Leyne: What John Rustad is pitching: Tax cuts, addiction treatment, nuclear power, fire Bonnie Henry
  • “I hope I don’t offend people, but [Premier David Eby] is a socialist. He believes very strongly in big government. … He’s also an authoritarian who does not respect democracy and local governance.”

    I see a lot Conservatives on social media call people Communist when describing Socialist leaning politics. it's kinda funny if you know any CCP living people here they have a clear bias towards supporting Conservatives.

    “That is not the approach that we want to take… and so it’s not a fit for what we are thinking.”

    In regards to Rustad firing the current PHO. Do people think it's a good thing to hire Provincial Health Officer based on how they fit their ideology.

  • The capital gains debate has turned dramatic and mysterious

    > Given his political leanings, it probably shouldn't be surprising that Poilievre has chosen to oppose the Liberal tax changes. Back in 2004, the Conservative leader seems to have been in favour of eliminating capital gains taxes entirely (the Conservative party platform that year called for a "reduction").

    It's a hell of a thing to imagine housing flippers won't have to pay any taxes on their profits.

    Singh 'more alarmed' after reading report, but won't break from Liberal-NDP agreement
  • At 3:40 in the video of OP he states there are names in the unredacted report but "some names is not also there".

    I think people are reading to much into how alarmed Singh is of the report vs May. As noted in the article there will be a public inquiry with the final report well before an expected election and they've made amendments to include concerns found in this report.

    Justice Marie-Josée Hogue is currently leading the public inquiry into foreign interference and is expected to deliver a final report at the end of the year.

    Earlier this week, the Liberals supported a Bloc Quebecois motion for the foreign interference commissioner’s mandate to include the report’s allegations – though whether or not it will be included in Hogue’s probe is ultimately up to her.

  • Rentership Ranks on the Rise: Canadian Cities With Highest Shares of Renters

    >Renters make up 33.4% of households in Canada — the highest percentage it’s ever been. As expected, the largest share is represented by young Millennials still working out their balance up the property ladder by their mid-30s. The kicker is that senior renters over 65 are right at their heels.

    Canada’s rich getting richer, StatCan report finds, with 90% of Canadian wealth now in the hands of homeowners
  • 30% or 40% if you don’t include people who just live together with a homeowner. Honestly that doesn’t change the story much for the purpose of OP

    I don't think there's many scenarios where 66.5% to 30-40% isn't a substantial difference.

  • Canada’s rich getting richer, StatCan report finds, with 90% of Canadian wealth now in the hands of homeowners

    The gains are not evenly spread across Canadians, the agency noted, meaning they reflect the financial success of few households.

    Canada’s rich getting richer, StatCan report finds, with 90% of Canadian wealth now in the hands of homeowners

    Also the source data since news articles seem to hate including them:

    29 Green Leader Elizabeth May says no list of disloyal MPs in full spy…

    National Newswatch: Canada's most comprehensive site for political news and views.

    Green Leader Elizabeth May says no list of disloyal MPs in full spy…

    > May told a news conference the full version of the classified report does not contain a "list of MPs who have shown disloyalty to Canada."

    > May said one former MP accused in the report of proactively sharing privileged information with a foreign operative should be fully investigated by authorities. She said that former MP is not named in the full report.

    Turns out Pierre Poilievre comments about being muzzled if he saw the reports might have been him talking about his hobbies. Hopefully he doesn't show in parliament one day in a full gimp suit.

    Some decent offers for investment account transfers - WS & TD

    1% for WS:

    1.5+0.5% at TD:

    2 Trudeau says housing needs to retain its value

    Many residents have been priced out of Canada’s housing market, but for a large number of Canadians, their house is a vital asset for retirement and passing on wealth

    Trudeau says housing needs to retain its value

    In case anyone still wants to somehow debate whether the Liberals will deliver affordable housing.

    >“Housing needs to retain its value,” Mr. Trudeau told The Globe and Mail’s City Space podcast. “It’s a huge part of people’s potential for retirement and future nest egg.”

    61 Tenants don’t have to foot unpaid tax bills for foreign landlords: minister - National |

    The minister responsible for the Canada Revenue Agency is weighing in as debate swirls online about whether a tenant can be held liable for their foreign landlord's unpaid taxes.

    Tenants don’t have to foot unpaid tax bills for foreign landlords: minister - National |

    >“I want to reassure Canadians that the Canada Revenue Agency does not intend to collect any portion of any non-resident landlords’ unpaid taxes from individual tenants,” read a statement released by Minister Marie-Claude Bibeau on X, formerly known as Twitter, Friday afternoon. > >“It is incorrect to state otherwise.” > > Bibeau said in her statement that she would work with Finance Minister Chrystia Freeland “to provide absolute clarity on the law and to ensure that tenants have the certainty they need and deserve.”

    Home sales and new home construction both drop in April

    >The agency's six-month average measure of trends also dropped, with the seasonally adjusted moving average over that period of time dropping by 2.2 per cent in the most recent report.

    2 Poilievre’s unspoken words say everything

    Pierre Poilievre won't talk about who is really to blame for the housing crisis.

    Poilievre’s unspoken words say everything
    A long-awaited change to Canadian banking is coming A long-awaited change to Canadian banking is coming. What to know - National |

    Change is in the works that will give Canadian consumers and businesses significantly more control over their financial data, in what’s known as open banking.

    A long-awaited change to Canadian banking is coming. What to know - National |

    cross-posted from:

    > A long-awaited change to Canadian banking is coming > > > Open banking works by giving consumers the option to share their banking data with other firms. The most common use is granting access to budgeting or money management apps and companies, so that a customer can pool different bank accounts and credit cards into one place. > > Ah yes, finally what we've been missing in our financial system! 🤭

    Tools for managing other users

    As Lemmy grows it would really good if we have more tools to filter out low quality users.

    • RES like user tagging. Boost is already one of the few apps that has user tagging but it would be nice if they added the vote counter as well as the origin comment the user was tag based off of.
    • Communities they are banned from and why
    • Lowest voted comments
    Meta Analysis for WDT Methods
    • Manual WDT is a perfectly valid method.
    • If you're chasing the pinnacle of Blind Shakers is certainly worth a try.
      • Yield - This one is pretty clear for the most part.
      • Workflow - As someone that owns that 2 different Duomo I can say I'm not a huge fan of the manual WDT. That said the clanging some metal together in the morning is also not ideal
      • Consistency - I think this one I have the most significant difference in opinion. While calling the Blind shaker method the most consistent is valid my interpretation is WDT could also be called more consistent baring some wild outliers 13% of the time.

    Possible difference makers between the two:

    • Conical vs Flat burr
    • Modern precision basket
    • Extraction method with machine(Lance had a rather specific per-infusion method on a Decent)



    The Real Sprometheus- ESPRESSO ANATOMY - Which Distribution Tool Is Most Effective?


    Lance Hedrick - BEST WAY TO PREP ESPRESSO?: The Finale (WDT, WW Blind Shaker, Autocomb, NCD

    ! ----

    Apps that have RES User Tagger

    What I'm looking for specifically is adding tags to users, highlighting their names and a vote counter next to their names.

    Sync has user tagging and highlighting if you pay monthly for Ultra.

    Connect and Boost has user tagging.

    Lemmy isn't to bad right now, but I'm definitely seeing a trend of people I'd like to avoid and or at least be weary of.

    I prefer not using the block function since it remove to much context sometimes.

    Searchpean Tiny2s - Review

    Feature packed espresso scale that lacks intangibles. At the current price of $50 CDN certainly worth a try if you get it from somewhere with easy returns, probably should get a extra 3rd party warranty if you can.

    For espresso I think this scale does everything that most people would want out of a scale. The shortcomings is really how well it does those things and how long it will work.

    Pro's: - Auto turn on at 100g (Favorite feature) - Fairly bright display - Relatively reliable espresso auto timing - Notably loud - Flat bottom. e.g. No foot nubs

    Con's: - Durability - What seems like zero post sales support - Responsiveness - 0.2g off calibration out of box

    Responsiveness measurements in seconds. !Repsoniveless numbers


    Expense Tracker/Replacement for Mint

    As with many Mint users I was looking for a alternative when they announced their shutdown.

    TLDR: Cashew is pretty good and free

    I tested a few of the auto scraping alternatives (YNAB, Wealthica) but even though they were paid they didn't even have all the financial institutions.

    Then I looked into manually entry and the top suggestion of Google Forms which turned out to be a pretty limited hack of a solution.

    Finally stumbled on Cashew that had a proper mobile app, desktop web app, widgets, csv export. Perk of it also being free and open source(aka FOSS).

    The whole app is actually impressively refined and noticeably better than the Mint Android app ever was.

    As someone who had about 10,000 transactions in Mint from 2014 I was pretty hesitant on the switching to manual entry but everything is so streamlined it only takes 20 seconds from picking up my phone to entering a transaction once you have things setup.

    1. Touch widget
    2. Enter title
    3. Choose Category
    4. Enter amount

    Few cons

    • Some syncing issues between the Android and Web App

    • General lack of documentation.

    • When a Main Category has Sub Category it'll add a extra step for the SubCat every time you enter a transaction. Otherwise entering a transaction is 3 steps from a home screen.

    Profitec Go and DF64P setup

    Just copying my post from R/Espresso last year for context. I'll add another posts for my one year update.


    Seen a lot of posts on this grinder and machine. Just wanted to add my notes as a new coffee drinker/maker

    I started my search with the GCP but decided that the Profitec was the way to go given that it was similar price of a fully modded GCP without looking like it has been modded out. Overall I'm pretty happy with the Profitec Go it's pretty feature packed and well built at the price point, but there is a list of things I'd look for if I was looking for a new machine.

    Profitec Go

    • Really short working area. There's 74.68mm/2.94in clearance when using a bottomless Portafilter
    • PID and Pressure gauge location. Being closer to the top and outside would be nice.
    • No Preinfusion
    • Knob placement for steamer would be more ergonomic on the side. Lever would be better than the knob
    • Steam wand is not insulated
    • The way the drip tray scrapes metal when pulling it out. Would be nice if one of the surfaces was lined with plastic.
    • How the water refilled. This one is mostly due to the placement of the machine for me.

    If I was buying a machine again at a similar price point again I'd take closer look at these:

    • Ascaso Steel Uno Professional w/ PID V4
    • Bellezza Bellona Dual Boiler

    Was mostly a toss between Sette 270, DF64 and DF64P. Ended up with the DF64P since it seemed to be the better single dose grinder.

    DF64P Grinder

    • The way you have to zero it out.
    • Drifting zero issue.
    • The funnel rattling on the dosing cup
    • Fork angle should be what the 3d printed mod is.
    • Adjustment dial should be closer to the numbers.

    I'll probably be swapping the DF64P out with a Niche zero, Timemore Sculptor, Lagom P64 or Kafatek Monolith Max. Would probably get the latter two used.

    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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