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What is your "Chicken soup" game?

In essence, what game do you play when you are feeling down, under the weather, or depressed, and what does it do for you?

Mine would be Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening. It is one of the first games I have beaten as a kid, and is probably the game I have completed the most amount of times. Everytime I play it, it brings me back to important or comfortable times in my life. It's also one of those games that I just wish I could live in, and everytime I return to this game is liking visiting an old home, or visiting old friends, which I guess is fitting and somewhat comforting given the nature of the game. I grew up with the DX version, but I'll play the original and the Switch remake as well for a slightly different experience. They all have their own way of making the experience feel different or fresh, like the different glitches between the original and the GBC versions, the attention to detail put into the remake, and the feeling of playing the OG version in a Super Gameboy if I'm feeling really old school. It's one of those games where no matter which version I play, it will always take me to a place of comfort.

Everyone wants to lurk but nobody wants to post
  • A good amount of the content posted to reddit was a small number of power users, and the reason you see certain communities show up more than others on lemmy is because of those power users.

    Don't be afraid to be that for your communities, even if you are the only one posting for awhile. The biggest discouragement to activity in a community is seeing the latest post is weeks to months old, and you wondering if there is anyone actually here.

  • Having niche communities be like
  • Different perspective: "I am the content!"

  • Brutal at all Times
  • Also works for podcasts too.

  • Chefs kiss
  • Snackbar! Snackbar!

  • This mouse has a tiny french horn...
  • Noone:"You can't just invalidate my argument with a mouse with a french horn!"

    Mouse: "doot"

  • Good hunting, Oliver
  • If he was American, he'd be bringing coffee.

  • It still feels nice.
  • "Thanks! I got it dirt cheap!"

  • Where do you get your news from?
  • I'm honestly not too picky about my source unless it's a source I know little about and can't gauge their slant or bias, or if they're a known propaganda pusher or right wing fearmonger. Honestly though I've been trying to avoid following the news in general because it doesn't put me in a good state of mind, and usually if it's important enough to know about, I'll hear about it one way or another.

    One bad habit I've been trying to kick every since leaving reddit though is trying not to read the comments of any given news article without reading the article, or verifying the known facts. A lot of times in the past, I would see a distressing headline, pick out details from the comments, and form an opinion based on the discourse which is not a healthy way to approach current events. Now if I'm going to get invested in a particular event or situation, It's going to be after I have a good grasp of the details free from influence from the comments on how I should feel about something.

    One of my biggest pet peeves though is someone posting a paywalled article, and noone providing anyway to access the article. Too often that would be the article that would hit the front page, which made all the more clear to me that many people were doing the same unhealthy thing I was.

  • Meta Threads engagement has dropped 50% in a week
  • The impression I got from Threads is it was all the ads and brands of twitter without the actual people.

  • Meta Threads engagement has dropped 50% in a week
  • There were definitely "phantom accounts" created out of people's instas who didn't actually sign up.

  • Actors say Hollywood studios want their AI replicas — for free, forever
  • As a furry art appreciator, I want to do what I can to make sure the community's artists aren't struggling.

  • It feels like Nintendo doesn’t want us to play older games until they say we can...
  • Agreed, but sadly to a profit driven company like Nintendo, they are still customers, and the anti LGBTQ lobby in the US is still very powerful, and they would definitely makes things miserable for Nintendo if they decided to go "lol, bigots stay mad XD"

    You're definitely seeing this with Disney, which has become the whipping boy of the republican party and are actively being legislated against due to their stance on LGBTQ inclusion. Nintendo being a foreign company who has a history of being targeted by conservatives in the past (as a video game company and a Japanese company) probably wants to avoid any controversy it can.

  • It feels like Nintendo doesn’t want us to play older games until they say we can...
  • Aside from the dialogue being darker than the US localization, Vivi is trans in the Japanese PMTYD. I go into detail on what roadblocks nintendo faces rereleasing it and Mother 3 in a reply to @testfactor

  • It feels like Nintendo doesn’t want us to play older games until they say we can...
  • Bingo. The issue Nintendo faces is they're going to anger someone depending on how they handle it. Like they faced backlash when they hinted that Shiver from Splatoon 3 might be nonbinary, and later clarified that she wasn't. Same when they advertised that you selected your character's appearance rather than gender in Pokemon Legends, Scarlett in Violet (despite the fact the characters are still referred to as men/women in game).

    What complicates PMTYD and Mother 3 even more so is even though they include gender nonconforming characters, the way they are depicted in game aren't exactly flattering by today's standards. No matter how they decide to go about rereleasing these games they're going to anger someone.

    If nintendo keeps the PMTYD localization as is, or change Mother 3, it's going to cause backlash because nintendo is more or less removing trans and gnc characters out of a game that originally had them. Likewise, if they decide to changePMTYD to include Vivi's original trans plot, or release Mother 3 unchanged, They will facebacklash from people who take offense to LGBTQ people being in any form of media, especially in family entertainment which is Nintendo's bread and butter. Even that aside, they might face backlash for how these characters are depicted and handled, because these were early 2000s games made by Japanese developers who used unflattering Japanese stereotypes for queer characters. Then you would have people who would want no changes to the localization because they just want to play the PMTYD from their childhood, and they would also be dragged into this complicated and heated debate.

    Either way, Nintendo would be walking into a minefield no matter how they decide to release these games, and have probably elected to simply keep them vaulted. Maybe there will come a time where they will be able to rerelease/localize them with little controversy, but as things are right now, it's a little dicey, especially for games they don't even know will be profitable.

  • Is it really a mass exodus? And is it really a mass exodus to lemmy?
  • As someone who is still on reddit and other mainstream sites as well as fediverse, here are my impressions.

    There is definitely a frustration around the enshitefication of most of the major platforms, which is causing users to seek out alternatives to these sites. A lot of this has translated into increased traffic and membership on fediverse sites like Lemmy and Mastodon, but the reality is the situation still hasn't gotten bad enough for most general users to abandon the platforms entirely, or they stick around because despite everything, they are still the platforms with the most reach, and are still easy to use for most users.

    Mastodon seems to have waves of activity based on the latest major fuckup by Elon Musk, but because of the learning curb and the differences in how Mastodon works, combined with the lack of user activity compared to twitter, most users don't stick around. Meanwhile, Bluesky is advertising itself as twitter pre enshitefication, and Threads is promising a userbase comparable to twitter without it being ran by Musk, which to a more casual person may seems more appealing. Fediverse is more appealing to people like you and me because we're nerds. Like we are interested in the technology, and want to dive into it to create the web experience we want. That's not going to appeal to the average user though.

    There are weeks where I spend most of my time online on kbin and mastodon, and if I go by word and news posted, it would seem like reddit and twitter are on their final ropes, everyone is rushing to the fediverse, and we are about to enter another wild west period of the internet. But then I go back to reddit, and most of the communities I was apart of still seem as active as they have ever been. Most people I followed on twitter still post regularly with similar amounts of likes, retweets and comments, and most content creators will still point people towards these platforms for further engagement.

    One space I have seen a major shift in is the LGBTQ community. There is definitely a diminishing of activity on major platforms mostly because the recent enshitefications have made these platforms more hostile places. Fediverse is a popular alternative for these communities, which is probably why you see a large amount of queer users within the fediverse. A lot of tech communities have also flocked to the fediverse and other communities because these spaces attract a lot of tech savy nerds, and are a great place to find fellow techies who know what you're talking about.

    Overall, There is definitely a shift in how people use the internet and how they interact in Social media. The echochambers within the fediverse though would make it seem like it is bigger than it actually is. I would say we are seeing the dawn of the expansion of the internet, where instead of everything being centralized on 4 or 5 major sites, there will be a number of smaller sites that host their own communities. It probably won't be anywhere near as decentralized as the pre youtube and facebook era of the internet, but you'll at least have other places to go to when you get sick of a site, but still want to find like minded people to discuss your interests with.

  • It feels like Nintendo doesn’t want us to play older games until they say we can...
  • I'm almost convinced Nintendo wants to erase the legacy of PM:TYD. Like it's definitely the game that took the most chances with the Mario universe, and in the Japanese version especially, it pushed the limits of what was acceptable in media at the time, and would probably be a difficult game to navigate rereleasing in today's climate. Probably the same reasons we likely won't see an official Mother 3 localization either.

  • Fediverse is 100% Decentralized or not?
  • I'm just wondering what you are sharing that is getting you censored off of most of the major instances. Something illegal? Something morally reprehensible that most regular people take objection to it? Like I understand Beehaw being very uptight about what they allow (to the point of defederating most major instances) but world just seems free for all but the most extreme views, ml will allow straight up genocide and warcrime denial as long as it's China or Russia, and shitjustworks seems to be gamers in general, left or right.

    Like there are instances that are just basically unmoderated free speech zones if that's what you're looking for. There are even instances that are echochambers for your political leanings if that's what you are actually looking for. But most of the major instances are going to be catering for a more general userbase. Afterall, part of the reason world became the biggest is because it's the one most former redditors were pointed to.

    And the reality is, and part of the reason I'm apprehensive about Meta joining the fediverse, is because even in a decentralized environment, communities, opinions, topics and activity all becomes centralized around whichever community is the biggest. The internet itself is a decentralized network, but since everyone gathers in the same places, it ultimately became centralized around sites like reddit, insta, youtube, and twitter. That's one of the reasons we are encouraged as fedi users to join smaller instances. Not just to save on space and traffic, but to encourage the activity in our local communities to grow.

  • Actors say Hollywood studios want their AI replicas — for free, forever
  • As long as I can help it or afford it, I will always prefer human art over machines.

    The reality is works produced by humans are going to be a luxury for the rich, while the poor have to setting for AI generated crap.

  • Shantae Advance: Risky Revolution - LRG3 Announcement Video
  • Huh. I thought this is what Risky's Revenge ended up being. Didn't know the GBA's story was completely different. Wonder if they'll be using some of the Godzilla: Domination music tracks that were used in the prototype.

  • A lot of the content regularly posted to memes and 196 could fit Antiquememeroadshow

    I barely noticed they were a different community. In the end, a lot of our memes are reddit's sloppy seconds and thirds.

    There's nothing wrong with using Reddit, Twitter, and other mainstream site still while being active on fediverse.

    I see a lot of posts on fediverse trashing reddit, Twitter, spez, musk and so on, and rightfully so. But like it or not, the mass majority of users on the internet still use these sites, and some of us still want to interact with the friends and communities we are a part of on those sites. And there's nothing wrong with that either.

    Personally, I want fediverse to grow, and I post on kbin and mastodon constantly, and try to grow the communities on them. But I still pop over to reddit for r/splatoon, r/casualconveration, and my hometown sub, because either the communities haven't grown enough here yet for constant fresh content, or the content is different enough between both to justify me checking in.

    I get many are here as a protest against reddit, Twitter, or where ever else you came from, and that's valid. But there are many of us who are simply casual users who want to include fediverse into their drives of other social media, and that's totally fine too.

    Let's say the worst case scenario happens with kbin and Meta. What are some alternate sites/instances that would be more resilient to enshitification?

    I'm getting really tired of trying to run away from big tech, only to be ensnared again by the greed and/or naivety of sites who ultimately cave to the whims of big tech.

    Mastodon has already caved, and the silence of lemmy's and kbin's developers over this matter isn't exactly reassuring. Since I more or less still have my bags packed from leaving reddit, what are some other communities I could try that would be more resilient to corporate encroachment?

    /kbin meta Roundcat
    Could we get official word on what Kbin's stance is towards federating with Meta?

    I would like to know if I can feel safe here, or if I should pack it up and start looking elsewhere sooner rather than later.

    If the kbin staff have already made there intentions clear, please let me know.

    Roundcat Roundcat
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