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what's your favorite Gameboy game that isn't Pokemon or Mario?
  • Golden Sun and its sequel, Golden Sun: The Lost Age. Easily my two GBA favourites.

  • What are your favourite and/or most used kitchen items?
  • I have become an air fryer believer. Yes, it's basically a convection toaster oven, but SOMEHOW it works 100x better. That, my instant pot, and my stand mixer are my life. Air fryer to quickly make chicken nuggets for my picky children, instant pot for rice and beans, and my stand mixer for bread. We love carbs.

  • Finally
  • Yes

  • Caffeine can be effectively used instead of adderall for concentration
  • My vyvanse definitely helps me focus and get shit done, but I am so irritable and I get that awful jittery feeling too. Plus it's so stupidly expensive.

  • RoquetteQueen RoquetteQueen
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