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8 versions of UUID and when to use them
  • Yea, should have been V-00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000008 instead

  • Open Source 'Eclipse Theia IDE' Exits Beta to Challenge Visual Studio Code -- Visual Studio Magazine
  • Before clicking the link and reading the article I was thinking.. "Why would you put 'Eclipse' in the name? Don't they know that like 10 years ago there used to be this horrible IDE for Java called Eclipse?"

    Then opening the link...

    Some seven years in the making, the Eclipse Foundation's Theia IDE project is now generally available

    image info

  • Coomitter be like
  • git reset head~9
    git add -A
    git commit -am 'Rebased lol'
    git push -f
  • Explaining software development methods by flying to Mars
  • Cowboy Programming:

    PO: Hey we want to go to Mars
    - 3 weeks of silence -
    Developer: Hey I'm there, where are you?

  • Icebreaker Discussion - Dealing with ableism - What works and what doesn't?
  • Fair-ish, but it's still just a public channel - even if you were invited into it.

    Like you can right click a channel -> "Change Notifications" -> Nothing. Then @Channel or @Here or even @'th3raid0r' just stops working. And then mute the channel. Not more notifications from the channel. So that's not totally unignorable yet

    You can leave a channel, but yea, that triggers a channel notification saying that you've left.

    But yea, I don't know to which degree they were 'hunting you down'. At some point it's seems fine to put your foot down.

    I put my foot down on that one - called the initiative ableist right in their “party” channel. And stated that if my participation was an issue, then I’d like to request non-participation as a reasonable accomodation for my autism.

    I probably would have approached that a bit differently though - on one hand, less hostile, like of name calling them an "ableist" -
    And on the other hand, even less compliant and requesting to not participate. I wouldn't really phrase it as a request. If you've been ignoring them so far, and they DM you, wait half an hour to respond and just somewhat politely decline and say "yea, I'm not gonna do that." - and then continue to ignore them some more. By requesting it and asking for accommodations you're already way too far into accepting it as your problem

    As long as it's becoming loads of work for them to even get close to anything compliant, the more likely they'll just give up on it

  • All popular IDEs (and most apps) seem stuck in a single-monitor paradigm. When are we going to get an IDE that sets the bar for working with multiple monitors? For inspiration, look at multi-monitor
  • Hmm, maybe I misunderstand what you want to do - but that works fine for me (on windows) - (are you on a different OS)?

    Otherwise, try installing Powertoys - that comes with FancyZones and gives you more control over how window snapping should work.

    and different tool windows run when debugging so I have to reposition the pane boundary’s again whenever switching between run/design time.

    Also isn't this a one-time-activity? Once you've put them in place, for me it remembers where it should be. Otherwise, I suppose in visual studio you can also manually save the layout (Window -> Save Window Layout) and then restore it again later (Window -> Apply Window Layout)

  • What do you think of this explanation of why not going Open Source?
  • We have seen time and again, especially on Android, that whenever a moderately-popular app goes open-source, it is immediately picked up by unscrupulous developers. They download the source, add obnoxious ads [...]. tracking code [...]. Finally, they publish it to the Play Store

    This is a pretty bad argument, especially when you're specifically talking about Android. Android APKs are extremely easy to just download from closed-source, decompile them, and add new things or overwrite existing things.

    The argument makes more sense for things that are harder to decompile and recompile

  • Old timers know
  • Yea, I wasn't saying it's always bad in every scenario - but we used to have this kinda deployment in a professional company. It's pretty bad if this is still how you're doing it like this in an enterprise scenarios.

    But for a personal project, it's alrightish. But yea, there are easier setups. For example configuring an automated deployed from Github/Gitlab. You can check out other peoples' deployment config, since all that stuff is part of the repos, in the .github folder. So probably all you have to do is find a project that's similar to yours, like "static file upload for an sftp" - and copypaste the script to your own repo.

    (for example: a script that publishes a website to github pages)

  • Icebreaker Discussion - Dealing with ableism - What works and what doesn't?
  • I used to behave like this, and it's not very helpful, and usually turns it into an argument. Just silently ignoring it works much better.

    I put my foot down on that one - called the initiative ableist right in their “party” channel. And stated that if my participation was an issue, then I’d like to request non-participation as a reasonable accomodation for my autism.

    In your example - marketing sends a message on slack to post something on LinkedIn. You can:

    • Just do it
    • Just not do it
    • Not do it and be (very) vocal about not be willing to do it

    Picking the last option and complain is probably the worst thing you can do. You just open a can of worms, and - especially if you do it in a public channel - you put them in a position where have to be defensive or explain themselves.

    Basically instead of taking what they say at face value "this is what you must do" - as a real concept - so "therefor you must defend yourself and try to get out of "doing what you must do"" by complaining against it - take a step back before even considering that is really something you must really do. It's not. So just don't do it... but don't throw it in their faces that you're not gonna do it. Haha

    Like 99% of these things - if you just silently ignore them, they'll just go away without a fuss.

    It's not your problem if you don't do it, so not even worth trying to argue over. It's their problem. And if they think it's a big problem enough they'll probably send some more reminders in public first - like "We see not a lot of people have posted on LinkedIn! Please do, it's very important." - still just ignore it. If at some point they start DMing you about it, that's about the right time to put your foot down and directly tell them you're not going to do it

  • All popular IDEs (and most apps) seem stuck in a single-monitor paradigm. When are we going to get an IDE that sets the bar for working with multiple monitors? For inspiration, look at multi-monitor
  • What kinda "multi-monitor" features are you looking for?

    I usually use Visual Studio (the real one, not VSCode) - and their multi-monitor support seems fine to me. You can drag out any window component and put them somewhere else in a different screen. And when you drag things somewhere else, you can still snap them back together, so it's really just 2 windows again, not just loose floating boxes.

  • Old timers know
  • I suppose in the days of 'Cloud Hosting' a lot of people (hopefully) don't just randomly upload new files (manually) on a server anymore.

    Even if you still just use normal servers that behave like this, a better practice would be to have a build server that creates builds, like whenever you check code into the Main branch, it'll create a deploy for the server, and you deploy it from there - instead of compiling locally, opening filezilla and doing an upload.

    If you're using 'Cloud Hosting' - for example AWS - If you use VMs or bare metal - you'd maybe create Elastic Beanstalk images and upload a new Application or Machine Image as a new version, and deploy that in a more managed way. Or if you're using Docker, you just upload a new Docker image into a Docker registry and deploy those.

  • New Linux malware is controlled through emojis sent from Discord
  • I would assume this just relies on the Discord API being read by the bot - and not on having a local discord installed...

  • Codingame - Summer Challenge 2024 - Olymbits - Bot Programming Challenge
  • Hmm, well the first round(s) are doable for beginners. If you want to get into programming, these kinda games are a good way to start, since you're getting visual feedback of what your bot is actually doing.

    And you can participate in loads of languages, so you can pick anything that you're somewhat familiar with.

    However, once you're getting into higher rounds, ranks, and leagues, you'll be playing against other peoples' bots. So obviously if you have 0 experience it'll be way harder to beat people with loads of experience, that understand which algorithms are suitable etc.

    But I'd say go ahead and try it out. Its free. Maybe it turns out to be too difficult, maybe you'll manage.

  • Resolved: Is there something that can update /etc/hosts from feeds?
  • You can use Tblock - Or you can check which router they have, and tell them to flash it with FreshTomato

    Then their router can service as a raspi with a pihole:

  • Codingame - Summer Challenge 2024 - Olymbits - Bot Programming Challenge Coding Games and Programming Challenges to Code Better

    CodinGame is a challenge-based training platform for programmers where you can play with the hottest programming topics. Solve games, code AI bots, learn from your peers, have fun.

    Coding Games and Programming Challenges to Code Better

    I started this challenge and it's pretty fun.

    • First round: Program a runner to jump over hurdles
    • Second round: Program runners to jump over hurdles. Problem here is that 4 games are running at the same time, and you can only give 1 input every game-loop that'll go to all 4 games
    • Third round: 4 different games are being played at the same time, and you have to give an input that'll be for all 4 of them every game-loop

    They have this graphical interface that'll actually show what your character is doing, which makes it more interesting than just a "code-only" leetcode or adventofcode challenge

    Repeat after me "this problem isn't bothering me". There! fixed it
  • Chaotic neutral: If you complain a lot and keep saying your ticket has high priority, you'll automatically have lower priority than the guy that doesn't really care when I do something

  • Defragged Zebra
  • Defragging an SSD on a modern OS just runs a TRIM command. So probably when you wanted to shrink the windows partition, there was still a bunch of garbage data on the SSD that was "marked for deletion" but didn't fully go through the entire delete cycle of the SSD.

    So "windows being funky" was just it making you do a "defragmentation" for the purpose of trimming to prepare to partition it. But I don't really see why they don't just do a TRIM inside the partition process, instead of making you do it manually through defrag

  • What programming language ruby, python og javascript?
  • If “build the server and client in the same language” is a hard requirement, I believe your only choice is JavaScript…

    You can probably also use Java. And I've used dotnet / c# for it. You can build the server in ASP-core, and a desktop client in Avalonia, or a website in Blazor

  • Value of "encrypted at rest" data
  • I guess cloud big boys would be using key management systems to move the key off the local instance

    Yes, AWS uses KMS - by default everything like RDS is encrypted at rest through the AWS default KMS key (default for your account, not globally default). I'm still not entirely sure what the point is, since once you login to the AWS console, or connect to the database, everything is decrypted by default anyways. So I suppose the main thing it protects from is physical access.

    You can make it more complicated by having more complicated KMS schemes, for example, see Demystifying KMS keys operations - That has a pretty good explanation of what KMS is, and the point of encrypted at rest (at AWS).

    A reason customers could ask for encryption at rest could be that they want to be in control of the decryption key. Then at any point that would give them the ability to revoke the decryption key, and practically revoke your access to their data

    But as @recursive_recursion mentioned, you should probably ask the stakeholder what the point is. 90% of the time the point is just some checkbox on a ISO27001 or SOC2 form. And "really providing any extra security" is not

  • EU Council Presidency’s Last-Ditch Effort For Mass Scanning Must Be Rejected

    In public session, the presidency will inform ministers about the state of play of a legislative proposal to combat child sexual abuse. The proposed EU law would make it mandatory for internet companies to alert the authorities about online child sexual abuse on their platforms.


    The Belgian proposal was debated behind closed doors, and civil society groups have only recently been able to even evaluate and discuss the proposal after it was leaked to the press.

    A bit of a discrepancy here between how it's framed, "we're having public discussions" vs getting information from a leaked document marked as "Classification: Top Secret – For official use only" - I wonder who's telling the truth here, the EFF, or a Council of EU governments that secretly want to implement mass surveillance.

    Also funny how it's always the same playbook. "Lets do this under the under the guise of combating child sexual abuse."

  • Is it possible to "manage up" on customer expectations? Or am I doomed to unreasonable SLAs? (Database as a Service Company)
  • The amount of times I’ve been alerted in the middle of the night because CPU was running high for 5 minutes is too damn high.

    I'd suggest to just set up automatons to fix those things automatically. Lets say 80% CPU for 5 minutes it too high. Ok, add an auto-scale rule at 65% CPU for 3 minutes to add an extra node to the cluster to load balance the CPU load

    It’s like we’re trying to prevent outages by monitoring for potential issues rather than actually making our system more robust and automate-able.

    Like it sounds like you're saying the issues are caused by systems not being robust and lack of automation... If they're this scared of outages and breaking SLA, they should work on having less outages, or having fall-backs when they occur.

    But it could get pretty difficult to get management to do this kinda things from random suggestions from some SRE. I'd probably talk with the team-lead about this, and other people in your team, cause you're probably not the only one with these issues. And then have a meeting with the entire dev/SRE team and management to point out it's not sustainable the way it's going, and with suggestions to improve it

  • CodinGame - Spring Challenge 2024 by Fiverr Coding Games and Programming Challenges to Code Better

    CodinGame is a challenge-based training platform for programmers where you can play with the hottest programming topics. Solve games, code AI bots, learn from your peers, have fun.

    Coding Games and Programming Challenges to Code Better
    "Inside Kingmakers" - Technical interview about their game and tech

    Youtube Description:

    With an incredible trailer that came out of nowhere, marrying RTS elements with third-person modern vs medieval combat, Kingmakers has gone on to become one of the most eagerly anticipated games of 2024... and Digital Foundry has an exclusive interview with the developers. What tech is Kingmakers using? How does it work? How many enemies will you do battle with and what's the level of AI in play? Find out here as John Linneman discusses the game with developer Redemption Road.


    Not sure if this fits the usual /c/gamedev content, but I thought it was really interesting - it's an interview with 4 devs, and they go pretty deep into the tech of how they're building this game, and how they're managing to have 4000 knights running around at the same time

    Add Support for mlmym on

    Hey there,

    I was using to browse because I don't really like the default Lemmy UI. However, as of today just redirects to this gist:

    When checking both and - they both resolve to the same IPs - So it seems like the intended use for this UI is not use it though anymore, but for the instances to host it themselves under the ".old." subdomain. In a similar way reddit is doing.

    As for how it would look, have a look at - and probably enable dark mode in the settings.

    Was hoping would consider supporting this UI as well, under - It makes the transition from Reddit to Lemmy a lot easier

    You can find the repo of it over here:

    Banned from Reddit after posting John Oliver


    /r/ProgrammerHumor/ closed for a couple of days, then - "because mods have to listen to the community or otherwise they get replaced by more /u/Spez compliant mods" opened up again, and held a voting which new rules to enforce. The sub opened up with the new rule allTitlesMustBeCamelCase.

    I made the first post about 15 minutes after the sub re-opened (because I'm in their discord, I was aware it opened up again, it wasn't announced yet, I think) - and of course I just make a shit-post about John Oliver since it's the /r/pics (and a bunch of other) subreddits way to protesting the API changes.

    It wasn't even that good of a post to be honest, it got temporary taken down by the subs' mods since they mentioned "it's only anecdotally related [to programmer humor]" - but after messaging them explaining the context they put it back up. So it's basically approved by the moderators of the subreddit. And not against the content policy of the sub

    It got like 3k upvotes in about an hour, so I got a message from some bot that I was on the frontpage of /all/ as well. At the end of the day it had 13.5k upvotes

    About 48 hours later I got an automated message:

    > Your account has been permanently suspended for breaking the rules. > This account is permanently suspended due to violations of Reddit's content policy

    I posted an "appeal" basically just asking "Lol you banned me for posting John Oliver?"

    And the only response I got was:

    > Thanks for submitting an appeal to the Reddit admin team. We have reviewed your request and unfortunately, your appeal will not be granted and your suspension will remain in place. > For future reference, we recommend you to familiarize yourself with Reddit's Content Policy. > -Reddit Admin Team > This is an automated message; responses will not be received by Reddit admins.

    I posted another "appeal" yesterday asking "Could you clarify which Content Policy rule I broke?" To which they haven't responded yet.

    It's the only post I made in the last 2 weeks, so there wasn't any other reason to suddenly ban me besides this post...

    My reddit account was 12 years old at this point. I was going to leave anyways because the Reddit client I use (sync) already announced it would be shutting down June 30 - so I don't care that much that they banned me - just though it was a pretty weird approach from the Reddit Admins to start banning people for getting John Oliver on the front-page

    RonSijm RonSijm
    Posts 6
    Comments 217