“And he shall know your ways, as if born to them..”
"I must not fear. Fear is the mind-killer..."
I use an iPhone because I need two things to just work, and my phone is one of those things. (The other is my car, but that isn’t super relevant here.)
Mantis Shrimp when?
How long before he's offered some extra spicy tea?
This makes me exceedingly happy.
Idk, I mean.. I’d do it, too.
Eh, that’s a mitigating circumstance.
Heh, cool. I saw this theaters when it first came out. I was about ten.. there may have been some scarring.
I've been using the hotio image for qbt. It's working pretty well. ghcr.io/hotio/qbittorrent:latest
Anybody else getting Aku vibes from the first picture?
Melvin Idle and Fallout… 3 GOTY were the last two.
I’m pretty sure the Winnie that Pooh is now in the public domain.
Where’s your herd immunity now, huh?
You know, I’m something of an Arch user myself.
The future is nothing but a cloud of infinite possibilities