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Hexbear has arrived
  • Maybe one day it will be possible

  • Who (and what?) comes after Xi?
  • We'll have to see what happens over the next few years, he may not even be in consideration for the position. He was an odd pick imo. I thought Xi would leave Li Keqiang there, but from what I understand they did not get along. The west liked Li Keqiang too.

    I think Li Qiang was likely chosen to signal to the west that China would welcome their investments much to the chagrin of the US who has been trying to pry it away via sanctions and the continuing trade war. In that sense he was a good choice for his current position. The more the west spends in developing China the better for them.

    I doubt he's China's gorby though, as the situation in the two countries are very different.

  • Czech President Petr Pavel says Russian citizens living in the West should be put under “strict surveillance”
  • No problem, yeah, every once in a while there is another researcher who is claimed to be a "Chinese Spy", though it has seemingly slowed down after multiple cases turned out false. Just another part of the latest red scare.

  • Czech President Petr Pavel says Russian citizens living in the West should be put under “strict surveillance”
  • You can look up Trump's China Initiative, it's technically "ended" but seeing as they have arrested researchers since I think it's "ended" in the way Biden has ended other trump programs. I'm on my phone, but here are some things to look at:

    Keep in mind months after this article was published, Tao's case was determined to not be "espionage". Here is his wiki:"Franklin"_Tao

    Here is another example:

    You can google related terms and find other examples. Some more dubious than others.

  • How did you learn linux?
  • I put it on a laptop that could barely run windows like 10 years ago and found it pretty intimidating, but eventually learned how to find the resouces online to fix problems I ran into and learned as I went. It did make using CLI was more approachable for me though, which has benefitted me since.

    Today it's much easier, but unfortunately I have to use windows for work as there is no suitable Linux version and running the software in Wine is just not great. My old laptop has Linux on it but I don't really use it anymore. I'd dual boot my desktop but windows just ends up breaking the Linux install eventually and it got annoying to fix. I wish I could just use Linux, it's much better and windows 11 is dog shit.

  • Who (and what?) comes after Xi?
  • I agree, and hope that doesn't happen. There must be some younger party members who are both committed and ready to move up, and would like to learn more about who they may be.

  • Who (and what?) comes after Xi?
  • Like the other commenter said, there isn't really any unbiased media anywhere. I read both western news (Reuters, AP Financial Times, or Foreign Policy for example), Chinese English language news (Xinhua, Global Times, Sixth Tone is decent too and more critical) and will sometimes read which is in Chinese but easily translated by Google, etc.. Guancha also has a user forum which I find more interesting to get an idea of what people think.

    I spend more time searching out and reading academic papers from authors in China. Off the top of my head, many publish in World Review of Political Economy, China Political Economy, Review of Radical Political Economics, International Critical Thought, and Economic and Political Studies. Or translating Chinese papers with Deepl or Google, which are harder to find. I've been slowly tracking down papers mentioned by Roland Boer in SwCC A Foreigners Guide (Boer, if you are reading this, fuck you for using pinyin without tonal marks and not including the Chinese characters in your citations), and by Isabella Weber in How China Escaped Shock Therapy. A few places that translate newer papers is CSIS (lol don't their intros and own essays, they are terrible), Reading the China Dream (translator is a lib, keep that in mind as to what he selects and how he introduces them. Less academic), The Center for Strategic Translation (newer and relatively neutral), Pekinology, and The East is Read (both a bit more capitalist centric in their choices). I'm always looking for more of these regardless of the translators political bend.

    A sidenote: anyone that tells you there isn't a wide and open range of political discussion in China is lying to you. From what I've seen there is a far wider range than what is allowed in the west.

    None of this will really give you the gossip type stuff that exists around politics in the west so knowing about rumors about what is happening within the party is pretty inaccessible from where I am (with sub-preK level skill in mandarin lmao). I once read a book on inner party politics, but it was so western centric and essentialist that I couldn't really recommend it lol, and it's outdated at this point as iirc it was published before Xi.

  • China's installed non-fossil fuel electricity capacity exceeds 50% of total

    China's non-fossil fuel energy sources now exceed 50% of its total installed electricity generation capacity, state media outlet Xinhua said on Monday, citing an official at state planner the National Reform and Development Commission.

    China's installed non-fossil fuel electricity capacity exceeds 50% of total
    Who (and what?) comes after Xi?
  • His proximity to capitalists doesn't inspire much confidence in me, and Shanghai is a liberal mecca.

    I'm not the most knowledgeable about Li (or the inner workings of the CPC), so I could be quite off base as to what he would do. The western press was pretty happy as they see him as someone to give capital more free reign (even if they then try to deride him as a Xi "loyalist"). Though I think they said the same about Xi at some point lol.

    Iirc there was some hukou reform under Li in Shanghai, which is good and I hope to see it go further.

    Regardless, I think Xi has done enough to set China on a specific path that will likely not be altered beyond recognition depending on who is next, nor would a less influential leader necessarily lead to a power vacuum. It will be interesting to see what happens next though.

  • Who (and what?) comes after Xi?
  • Yeah I agree about Wang, he's been high up in government so long but doesn't face the public in any way that I've seen. He's also just a few years younger than Xi. I was hoping there would be some younger members appointed in the last politburo to give a gesture as to where things may be heading once this generation is out.

    I'm curious to see how he does, but tbh I hope it isn't Li Qiang.

  • Who (and what?) comes after Xi?
  • Chen will become the leader and China will move to a dunk-based economy.

    Really though, I have no idea, but a "return to the policies of the Four" seems like the least likely outcome. Looking at the politburo it's hard to make a guess. Maybe Li Qiang, but it depends on how he does. I'd want to say Wang Huning, but I don't think he'd want to be in the public eye like that.

  • Does allow criticism of the CCP?
  • Directing homophobic attacks at anyone just makes you sound like a homophobe

  • Does allow criticism of the CCP?
  • There are definitely photos of maimed and burned soldiers

  • Seeing libs seethe about “too many tankies” is really funny.
  • Sending that was a generous response to what they wrote

  • NSFW
    Semen Retention (SR)
  • Why? All the other cum freaks are there