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What is you backup tool of choice?
  • clonzilla, redorescue.

  • NSFW
    left or right?
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  • That Computer Scientist - Nix is the New Arch!
  • πŸ˜„ 🀣 πŸ˜‚

  • What is your favorite GNOME distribution?
  • What is wrong with this Ubuntu spelling on this laptop logo?

  • Provide me your unbounded powerful insight.

    Enough shit about reddit. Get back to work folk. Tell me a phone with no bloatware at all, or no app pre-installed at all.

    *Permanently Deleted*
  • You summoned us here for no reason?πŸ€”

  • It was confusing at first
  • I will stick to only one account. Too much accounts are pain.

  • which OS do you like the most?
  • I don't use derived OS. Either Debian or Arch.

  • Ravan Anime Lover

    A random walker on a random Planet

    Posts 3
    Comments 7