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Lifting giant rocks with balloons millions of years ago...
  • Wow I didn't know rail is old enough to have ancient civilization conspiracies now lol Only 1800s kids will remember the rails

  • Dunkleosteus
  • Love me some dunky and dems teeths

  • Russia Loses Last Black Sea Missile Ship
  • There's this one time my brother was playing some Total War (I think?) And he told me he lost his army. I gave my condolences and he said "No, I lost lost it. I don't remember where I placed them and now I can't find them."

  • This layout was made for speed
  • This picture feels like those Outrun 3d renders. Love it.

  • Aww.
  • I've always want to make some crow friends

  • Subsets are a thing in biology as well.
  • For everyone confused, the term monkey refers to the infraorder Simiiformes. Simians include macaques, marmosets, and yes, great apes like chimps and us. So for decades people are being pedantic about "apes not monkeys" but monkeys/Simians includes apes.

  • How can I improve my handwriting?
  • In my personal experience the most of the time I've hand written stuff that needs to be graded are mid term and final exams. 90% of the time are digitally typed essays and research papers. I've only written in cursive but my profs are mostly older and I've never got any complaints about it. Also most profs out there are trying to give you as much help as possible. They're not out there to try and fail you. Most of them anyway lol.

    I've also never used laptops in class and have only taken notes by hand. Maybe practice like that would help?

  • Dante left out these circles of Hell
  • Mmm yes the trifecta

  • FPV drone causes a warehouse in Belgorod to detonate.
  • What are the range of these dronea? Even doubling the range on the box because it's a one way it still feel like they gotta be pretty close.

    Also what's the song? Lol

  • I don't understand people who buy shampoo.
  • I ran out of shampoo the other day and I walked up to my SO and said "I need some of the fake poop." pause for the punch line ramp up while staring at their confused face "Well, I'm not using any real poop. I need shampoo."

    If the groan and eye roll can power our place we wouldn't need to pay any bills this summer.

  • This is relatable
  • I've gone to get my tires changed without my tires before :|

  • TIL most cultures and peoples all over the world have historically had trouble recognizing the color blue
  • My understanding is that they don't distinguish blue and green as separate colours. Kind of like pink is just light red and not every language has a separate word for pink and red.

  • hooooly shit! has anyone else played journey?
  • The amazing part for me is running into a stranger and we have to communicate with the limited system in game. Outside of that it's a competent "walking simulator" with decent puzzles and great art. If that's not your thing I get it.

  • Am I the only one who doesn't really care about graphics?
  • I know it's mostly in jest but I can't help replying lol.

    I am a Euro Truck Simulator 2 enjoyer. Simulators are kind of another beast but I think "be as close to real life" can be a considered an artistic direction. It's bad when a game isn't being a simulation but pushing polygon count for its sake.

    We probably can consider simulators as edge cases I guess lol.

  • The beach you've visited most - by dergeraet9 (Acrylics on canvas)(2023)
  • I didn't notice the green exit sign at first. Really good use of colour.

  • Does anyone's game perform worst when playing with friends?

    I might be crazy but it honestly feels that way vs playing with randos.

    3 more countries (Estonia, Lithuania, Latvia) added into the delisted region. [Update]

    !CEO have no idea what's going on.

    Edit: Interestingly there are 3 unknown country codes in the list of deisted regions previously, so optimistically it might just be them correcting it and they would start selling world wide again.

    Also some people say this might put them in violation of EU laws, but I'm no law expert nor an EU resident.

    Edit 2 [update]: screenshot from someone who got denied a refund. Looks like it's confirmed to be Sony's decision.

    RandomStickman RandomStickman
    Posts 3
    Comments 186