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Open letter: Mass surveillance and undermining encryption still on table in EU Council - European Digital Rights (EDRi)
  • and any that code their way out of it using publicly audited and verified technologies will get sued out of business, at best.

    Individuals who implement their own encryption will be targeted next, if they aren't already.

  • NSA ’just days from taking over the internet’ warns Edward Snowden
  • gonna need some citations there, bud, otherwise i'll safely assume you know fuck all about world history

  • Meta gave Netflix and Spotify access to users private messages
  • Its also about monitoring what people are saying privately about your shows

  • Meta gave Netflix and Spotify access to users private messages
  • And even if it is your key, if you can’t see how they made the lock then you can’t prove other keys won’t unlock it.

  • Church attendance is dropping all across America. It's long overdue.
  • It’s the realization to raise kids in an unbiased way and let them make their own choices that’s killing it

    Without access to indoctrinate children as much as they want, religions will die out

    With that in mind, watch how they focus more on children to try and survive. Disgusting social parasites

  • People say they're leaving religion due to anti-LGBTQ teachings and sexual abuse
  • Not the lies, theft, manipulation, and indoctrination of children?

    Well, at least something gets them to wake the fuck up

  • A young family member is going on a mission
  • oh gotcha

    No, not exploitative of the recipients of the proselytizing any more than usual.

    The base point is to separate the cultist from their support network and put them in an unfamiliar environment where they only that the cult to rely on, building and entrenching their psychological dependence on the cult. That's the exploitation.

  • A young family member is going on a mission
  • Yup. They're really good at rationalizing nice sounding bullshit to justify what they were already doing.

  • A young family member is going on a mission
  • You mean despite all the reasons i just listed?

  • A young family member is going on a mission
  • My condolences. It's such a stupid, dangerous, and exploitative practice.

    In my former religion, it was 2 years in a foreign country. I'm lucky many of my family members came back alive, given the places they were sent. They "laugh" about stories of being assaulted, robbed, houses broken into, extorted and threatened, but it's a joke now because it's all part of "gods plan"

    So disgusting.

    (Edit: It's also a way to make sure that they face stress and doubt away from any resources that might help them out of the abuse. Instead they're at all times with another cult member tasked with keeping them on the straight and narrow. It's more a 2 year indoctrination session where the member gets exposed to anti-religious views through aggressive proselytizing, but then is forced to work through that alternate view in a directed and monitored way so that they reach the "right" conclusion. When they get back, they're so much more incredibly difficult to have a conversation with, because they've entrenched all the bullshit)

  • As a linux user, do you know about/use openwrt?
  • Linksys luckily still sells OpenWRT specific routers.

  • As a linux user, do you know about/use openwrt?
  • sure, and then you have to make sure you get the correct radio accessories, as the built in pi wifi isn't going to do so hot acting as the hotspot for multiple video streaming devices.

    Radios which you also have to vet against the approved hardware list for OpenWRT, and having multiple channels is even more of an issue with the lack of USB ports (depending on model)

  • As a linux user, do you know about/use openwrt?
  • In my experience it's because it's finicky as fuck and requires very specific (and often more expensive) router models, and even then it still crashes just as much as a proprietary os router.

  • "Why I'm no longer a White Nationalist." Neoreactionary blogger goes to live in Red America just like he always dreamed. What followed will shock you!
  • If you’d found anything you could credibly jump on, I’m 1000% sure that’s what you’d be bullshitting about now instead of some completely random and baseless accusation

    Yours is probably a trip

  • "Why I'm no longer a White Nationalist." Neoreactionary blogger goes to live in Red America just like he always dreamed. What followed will shock you!
  • I’m 100% sure you don’t know what fascist means

    Which is why it’s so hilarious for you to act like one while playing as anti

  • Users ditch Glassdoor, stunned by site adding real names without consent
  • It's called an "MBA" and they are the tip of the enshitification spear

  • Pastor Says Jesus Hasn't Returned Because People Haven't Donated Enough Cash
  • So all efforts to cure cancer are in direct opposition to the will of god?

    …thought I was making a joke, but now I’m worried

  • Pastor Says Jesus Hasn't Returned Because People Haven't Donated Enough Cash
  • Shoot, pay me enough money and I’ll dress up and say “I’m back!”

  • RandoCalrandian RandoCalrandian

    Advocate for user privacy and anonymity

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