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Spent a couple of days now with my new 5 from @murena with @e_mydata and I'm as happy as could be.
  • @promitheas It was bought while it was in stock on the murena site around new year's. Took a while to arrive.

  • Spent a couple of days now with my new 5 from @murena with @e_mydata and I'm as happy as could be.

    Spent a couple of days now with my new @fairphone 5 from @murena with @e\_mydata and I'm as happy as could be.

    5/5, no complaints.

    RandamuMaki Maki

    :heart\_sp\_pride: :heart\_trans: :heart\_lesbian: :heart\_ace: šŸ‡³šŸ‡± šŸ‡µšŸ‡ø šŸ‡ŗšŸ‡¦ :europe: šŸ‰ ā˜®ļø :antifa: :fcknzs:

    I GNU.

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