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yikes rule
  • Although I haven't read Lolita myself I recently came across a great video explaining how many people misunderstand the book as being some sort of tragic romance. LOLITA: The Worst Masterpiece

    It's ironic that one of the most famous and successful writers in the world made this same mistake of trusting and sympathizing with the pedophilic murderer protagonist while claiming that she wants to protect women and children from the evil trans agenda or whatever.

  • In Post-Debate Poll, Voters Think Biden Is Too Old to Be President Yet Alternative Candidates Perform Similarly Against Trump
  • As they state towards the bottom of the page this specific poll was conducted online:

    On June 28, 2024, Data for Progress conducted a survey of 1,011 U.S. likely voters nationally using web panel respondents. The sample was weighted to be representative of likely voters by age, gender, education, race, geography, and 2020 recalled vote. The survey was conducted in English. The margin of error associated with the sample size is ±3 percentage points. Results for subgroups of the sample are subject to increased margins of error. Partisanship reflected in tabulations is based on self identified party affiliation, not partisan registration. For more information please visit

    While it's true that polls can vary widely and are sometimes unreliable, it's worth noting that according to their 2020 retrospective conservative white voters tend to be underrepresented, while liberal voters and activists are overrepresented in their surveys. This is consistent with a previous analysis by FiveThirtyEight showing that in 2019-2020 polls substantially overestimated Democratic performance.

  • In Post-Debate Poll, Voters Think Biden Is Too Old to Be President Yet Alternative Candidates Perform Similarly Against Trump

    Only 51% of Democrats and 35% of all likely voters say that Joe Biden should remain as the Democratic nominee for the 2024 presidential election.

    In Post-Debate Poll, Voters Think Biden Is Too Old to Be President Yet Alternative Candidates Perform Similarly Against Trump
    Infant mortality rate rose 8% in wake of Texas abortion ban, study shows
  • There's a well-known relationship between abortion restrictions and worse health outcomes for women and children.

    I've also read harrowing accounts from women who resorted to infanticide because they couldn't get an abortion. While I couldn't find the specific anecdotes I'd seen before, I found that the Wikipedia page on this topic has plenty of info showing that access to safe abortions does reduce infanticide.

  • War of the Goose (Rythaze)


    Stone Rule
  • I didn’t hear about the vandalizing of private jets until people were complaining about stone henge.

    It'd be a bit odd if you had heard about the jets before the Stonehenge stunt since they vandalized the jets one day after Stonehenge. I heard about each of them on the day they happened as I was listening to the news.

    this does seem like a much more effective way of bringing attention to the issue.

    Even most leftists didn't support the Stonehenge stunt while the majority of comments and posts I've seen on the vandalism of the jets was positive. The majority of the public has grievances towards private jets, their pollution and who's using them, and how they should be taxed. You'll be hard-pressed to find anyone who thinks Stonehenge is bad or that vandalizing it is good.

    This only serves to make them and other climate activists look like petty fools, besides creating infighting on the left. Nearly everyone already knows about climate change and has an opinion on it, and the Stonehenge stunt does nothing to move the public to our side or make Just Stop Oil look good.

  • Stone Rule
  • The Stonehenge stunt was an ineffective attention grab. Vandalizing the private jets was an effective attention grab.

    Like if some Just Stop Oil activist took a shit in the middle of a busy NY street that would get them a lot of attention, but it wouldn't be even remotely positive or effective in any way.

    They should stick to vandalizing the property of the biggest culprits of climate change. I and most other leftists can get behind that, and it actually puts a spotlight on the people causing the problem. The Stonehenge stunt just comes off as a petty attack on the public who has little to no say on climate issues.

  • Stone Rule
  • made climate activists look stupid for decades to come over some nonsensical and ineffective attention grab

    didn't stop climate change

    Yeah, seems about right.

    They had the right idea when they spray painted those private jets. IDK what they were thinking with the Stonehenge stunt.

  • You're ok.
  • Liminal vibes...

  • Elsevier
  • As someone who's not too familiar with the bureaucracy of academia I have to ask: Can't the authors just upload all their studies to ResearchGate or some other website if they want? I know that they often share it privately with others when they request a paper, so can they post it publicly too?

  • What is an underrated/forgotten video game that you think deserved a second chance?
  • Plants vs. Zombies: Garden Warfare

    It's a shame that it doesn't seem to have that many players anymore. It's a lot like other multi-class shooter games like Overwatch and Paladins, but about three times more crazy and weird, and I had a ton of fun playing it as a teen.

    I've heard Garden Warfare 2 is pretty good too though, so I'll consider buying it at some point (when I have money).

  • What was your worst work mishap, accident, or oopsie?
  • I set part of my house on fire when I was like 6 or 7 because of a stupid series of events starting with an ad on Cartoon Network

    Class is about to start so I might write the full story later

  • Texas megachurch pastor resigns after admitting to molestation claims in 1980s
  • I simply must repost these images whenever I get the chance because just looking at the facts always shows how utterly full of shit conservatives are:

  • Have you ever, given someone a major step up in life, been a mentor, and measurably altered the trajectory of their life for the better?
  • Not sure how deeply positive it was necessarily, but as far as I can tell I changed at least one person's life significantly.

    When I was in middle school I learned how to solve the Rubik's cube through online tutorials, and afterwards I was basically addicted to it for a while and I was messing with a cube all the time. One of my classmates was interested in learning how to solve one, so I drew a bunch of guides and taught him the terminology, and soon enough he was also hooked on the Rubik's cube.

    I eventually grew tired of it, but he kept going and learned how to solve all sorts of smaller and bigger cubes and pyramids. I bumped into him at uni a few years later and he had a cube in his hand lol. Last I heard of him he was even participating in some local competitions, but idk what he's up to now.

    Even if he ultimately gave up on his speedcubing dreams I can at least say that I introduced him to a cool new hobby that kept him entertained for several years.

  • What do you think of this prediction?
  • Kinda sounds like how worker cooperatives work tbh, but with Gabe still technically being the owner.

    I remember reading a news piece a while back about how the founder of a food company made sure to transfer ownership to the employees before leaving. While we're talking about worst-case scenarios, let's also hope for the best and hope that Gabe has a similar plan.

  • me whenever hbomberguy uploads a new video
  • Sorry to give you false hope 😔

    But I still believe that we'll get at least one video this year! 😭

  • me whenever hbomberguy uploads a new video

    Shameless plug of my playlists:


    Edit: Yes the playlists are very much still incomplete and a work in progress. I promise I'll eventually add the recommendations yall made!

    I heard we're wizard posting...
  • I know a spell that lets me see through clothes 👁👄👁

  • Why do we have Pride?
  • There's a fairly well-known story that illustrates this that I'll paraphrase here.[1, 2]

    A Redditor thought that he was being homophobic towards his gay roommate because he got mad whenever he saw his roommate with other guys. Fast forward a couple of days and after discussing this with several Redditors and his sister he finds out that what he's feeling isn't homophobia, but rather jealousy. Eventually him and his roommate talk it out and they end up in a relationship.

    Had this happened a couple decades earlier their story would have likely gone very differently. For starters the gay roommate probably wouldn't have been out about being gay and might have been acting in a more stereotypically "straight" manner to not raise suspicion. Had the straight guy found out that his roommate was gay there would be a higher chance that he was homophobic, and even if he wasn't he'd be far less likely to question his own sexuality after thinking of himself as straight for his entire life. Their story only ended the way it did because they live in a time where homophobia is less prevalent in society.

    As societal acceptance increases more people who experience same-sex attraction and gender dysphoria are willing to explore and adopt a non-heterosexual and/or trans identity, and more people are willing to tell that to a pollster as well.

    The life expectancy of queer people also appears to be smaller for a variety of reasons, although the gap with cishet people seems to have reduced over time.

  • Markiruler
  • Most of the time I think with my own voice, but sometimes when I've been watching a lot of videos from the same creator I'll start thinking with their voice and speech patterns. This was moderately annoying when I started hearing my thoughts being narrated by Jacksepticeye's high-pitched Irish voice.

  • I think there's a clear winner here 😳👉👈
  • Ȉ̶̢̠̳͉̹̫͎̻͔̫̈́͊̑͐̃̄̓̊͘ ̶̨͈̟̤͈̫̖̪̋̾̓̀̓͊̀̈̓̀̕̚̕͘͝Ạ̶̢̻͉̙̤̫̖̦̼̜̙̳̐́̍̉́͒̓̀̆̎̔͋̏̕͝͝M̶̛̛͇̔̀̈̄̀́̃̅̆̈́͑̑͆̇ ̵̢̨͈̭͇̙̲͎͉̝͙̻̌͝I̷̡͓͖̙̩̟̫̝̼̝̪̟̔͑͒͊͑̈́̀̿̋͂̓̋̔͌̚ͅN̸̮̞̟̰̣͙̦̲̥̠͑̔̎͑̇͜͝ ̷̢̛̛͍̞̖̹̮͈͕̠̟̽̔̋̎͋͑̍̿̅̈́̋̕̚̚͜͝Y̴̧̨̨͙̗̩̻̹̦̻͎͇͈͎͓̩̐̓Ö̸͈̭̒̌̀̇͂̃͠ͅŨ̷̢̞̗͛̌͌͒̀̇́̽̓͑͝Ŕ̷͇͌ ̸̛̮̋̏̋̋̔͝W̶͔̄̐͋͑A̷̧̖̗͕̻̳͙̼͖͒L̴̩̰͙̾͑͑͑̒̏Ḻ̸̡̦̭͚̱̝̟̣̤͗̊́͐̋̈́̒͠͠͠͠͝S̸̯͚͈̠͍̆̉̑͗͊̄̒̏͆̔͊

  • What is your favorite season?
  • Winter because I live in Brazil, which is a tropical and very humid country so the heat can get unbearable even here in the south where it's colder compared to the north.

    There are a few cities that get cold enough to reach negative Cº, but where I live it's mostly between 10º-20º during winter so I just need some extra coats and more blankets and I'm happy. During summer I can only take off so many layers before it becomes illegal.

  • i am filled with endless pain and ire 😇

    idk someone posted this to a Discord server I'm part of and I thought it was funny

    Fetterman has to be one of the biggest disappointments for the left in recent memory

    From the article:

    > The liberal comedian then asked Fetterman whether his shift in various policies had anything to do with his recovery from his 2022 stroke, asking if his near-death experience had given him a "freedom."

    > "Absolutely," Fetterman responded. "There's a line from the first 'Batman,' Joker's like ‘I’ve been dead once already. It's very liberating.'"

    > "It's freeing in a way. And I just think after beating all of that, I just really [want to] be able to say the things that I have to really believe in and not be afraid of if there's any kind of blowback."

    So basically yes, the stroke made him a Republican. Pathetic and disappointing, but all too predictable.

    Happy pride month to the TF2 fans :P (Art by Milk Ouji)



    Furry Ragdoll X
    Happy pride! (@ANGO76_)

    Ragdoll_X Ragdoll X

    Three raccoons in a trench coat. I talk politics and furries.

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