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FDA bans food additive found in citrusy sports drinks and sodas
  • Trying to keep myself out of trouble... But I have in one way or another have dealt with most big corps. The ones that scare me the most are the mom and pop shops that lack the infrastructure for a regulatory group. Like a team dedicated on keeping up with all the various changes both locally and globally since... As you mentioned products do ship and it's hard to track where things come from. And I think that's why I tend to trust these larger entities (now anyway). They have to deal with global regulations and not just the FDA stuff. That said, the FDA just ruled out a mandate on traceability standards for 2026. But to your point, I'm not sure how public this will be as it seems like it would lay out a companies supply chain and customer base...which are considered trade secrets.

    I guess time will tell.

    I wanna be clear, I'm not really a fanboi, it's just something I'm surrounded by with my current role and wanted to share my experiences while not sharing anything that would get me in trouble.... I need that check y'all 🥺

  • FDA bans food additive found in citrusy sports drinks and sodas
  • While I don't doubt nor deny this happens (looking at you 3M), but I will say from experience, a lot of the bigger corps push themselves to exceed food safety standards. Well at least, in my experience in the food biz ... Granted I'm more in the luxurious sector. But yeah, since 2008 we've been well beyond what is being asked... Mostly for perception, but overall for financial reasons. In general a food safety incident costs about 10 mil (average anyway). Like we've been testing for heavy metals well before I started ... And now that's a big thing being tested for and such. The FDA sets a pretty low bar... Most of their actions tend to be reactionary.

    Again, not saying I disagree, just stating my one point of data from my anecdotal experience.

  • FDA bans food additive found in citrusy sports drinks and sodas
  • I always find this a little funny... Like I always hear complaints how the FDA is overbearing and stuff... And I'm like, they're barely doing their job. They're so woefully backed that even if they make a ruling, they act super slow or are unable to enforce. That said... Lots of moves happening from them after the baby formula stuff. It'll be interesting how the next year or two goes

  • Get the BBS Scene Vibes back with Neon Modem Overdrive
  • Has there been an update? The last time I tried this... It was not a good experience... Seemed to crash pretty often, but I am on an arm64 device.. so maybe that has something to do with it

  • Gould's wattled bat smiling for the camera
  • 'yeah, that's it... Keep looking in my direction... Yes .. yess'

  • "Privacy" for normies is... Weird.
  • I either get down voted or ignored for this... But you should check out beeper. It's just matrix with bridges but makes the login procedure much easier for normies as it's an email two way auth vs maintaining a key and password....

  • Napoleon Dynamite is 20 years old now.
  • Seemed more a slice of life type of movie.

  • This smiling robot face made of living skin is absolute nightmare fuel
  • If the Internet has taught me anything... I know someone out there took one look and said 'imma fuck this thing. '

  • $200-ish laptop with a 386 and 8MB of RAM is a modern take on the Windows 3.1 era
  • i believe the use case is for old tech that require win95/dos interfacing with old science instruments

  • Scientists enlist AI to interpret meaning of barks
  • Y'all remember that Kickstarter called bark no more?

    That said, I'm interested but skeptical

  • Anthony Bourdain Trolls Bougie Singaporeans - YouTube
  • As much as I loved no reservations and his other shows that I can't seem to remember the names... It's hard for me to watch them now, like often, you could clearly see how much pain he was in... It just felt like he was screaming 'i don't deserve any of this.' the beruit and man... Somewhere in South America (I just woke up sorry for vagueness)... Those hurt.

  • Ice cream sandwich has some funny ad reads
  • I'm happy is spreading... I got it on app release and haven't regretted my sub years later.

  • Fedora 41 Looks To Offer A KDE Plasma Mobile Spin - Phoronix

    Not official but I've seen. A handful of users post about it in the chatroom

    Edit - crap, I swore there was a plasma build... Phosh only ... Sorry

  • Jellyfin Live Tv
  • madtitan(kodi)

    i use that and the aforementioned link above.

  • What's your most favorite place you've ever been to?
  • So covids def changed the place, but I'm rooting for it... But I love Montreal, QC. I know Quebec gets hate for being rude to non French speakers but I've genuinely only had one bad experience and it was a McDonald's outside Montreal.... But the food is great, they have a lot to do both indoor and outdoor activities (see edit) and it helps coming from the states my money is worth a bit more. Man... It's been too long... I wanna go back.

    edit - my favorite things to do is the tam tams, frites alors (hands down my favie resturant), there's a lot of beautiful cathedrals.... the aboritory is awesome. all the 'lil x towns' are legit too... man... i need to go back. i recommend going during the jazz fest if you can afford it.

  • Stained glass detail, Mucha, Barcelona
  • Wow, I'm not sure I've seen stained glass so detailed before... I think I need more to look at

  • Suggest me a secure chat platform for my family
  • Im aware, I'm specifically speaking about the log in process being simpler for most people on beeper vs matrix. I use beeper thru nheko, as you said it's just matrix. But less work for the end user

  • Suggest me a secure chat platform for my family
  • Self host beeper... I love matrix but people struggle with maintaining a key and password .. beeper simplifies this and has other chat protocols (bridges) that might entice normies.

  • IPTV-ORG XXX Fork?

    So, sometimes me and the wife, uh hang out and stuff... and this was kind of our go to. But with - all that was removed. I found some of the channels - but it's kinda a sketchy site and the channels they provide are like a 3 minute clip and a 10 minute advert... not ideal and immersion breaking lol.

    I tried searching github but I didn't find anything recent. Any suggestions/solutions?

    Qkall Qkall
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