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I'm so tired of hearing about US police brutality and China being authoritarian. Why does it feel like everyone is a hypocrite here? Where are the posts about Chinese protests and police brutality?
  • Also, our protesters might get brutalized and slapped with some petty charges. Theirs disappear . After and during which they’re brutalized, too.

    And am I supposed to take your word or the one from the BBC for it? Why not link something from a less biased source, like from a country that doesn't host any US military.

  • I'm so tired of hearing about US police brutality and China being authoritarian. Why does it feel like everyone is a hypocrite here? Where are the posts about Chinese protests and police brutality?

    I bet if the kind of things happening in the US happened in China, I wouldn't be able to stop hearing about it. I mean, people are still criticizing the Tiananmen Square massacre, and hasn't anything happened since then? It's like still making conspiracy theories about Kennedy's assassination or 9/11, those are old news.

    Are there any innovative platforms in the Fediverse?

    I've explored a few platforms within the Fediverse, but most of them seem to be inspired by and mimic existing mainstream social media platforms like Twitter, Reddit, and Facebook. While this familiarity can be comforting, I can't help but wonder if there are any truly innovative and original platforms out there that offer a unique experience.

    What makes them unique? How do they reimagine the social media experience?

    What are your complaints about Lemmy?
    • Moving user profile to a new instance #1985: Provide the ability for users to migrate their account and all associated data (posts, comments, moderation actions, saved posts, etc.) from one Lemmy instance to another. This would allow users to move freely between instances without losing their online identity, history, and credibility built up over time on a previous instance.

    It's crazy when I see this super popular issues closed without completion by the main devs. It makes me feel like they don't care at all about user feedback.

  • What are your complaints about Lemmy?
  • It certainly doesn't help that Lemmy had and still has absolutely no sensible way to actually surface niche communities to its subscribers. Unlike Reddit, it doesn't weigh posts by their relative popularity within the community but only by total popularity/popularity within the instance. There's also zero form of community grouping (like Reddit's multireddits) - all of which effectively eliminates all niche communities from any sensible main view mode and floods those with shitty memes and even shittier politics only. This pretty much suffocated the initially enthusiastic niche tech communities I had subscribed to. They stood no chance to thrive and their untimely death was inevitable.

    There are some very tepid attempts to remedy this in upcoming Lemmy builds, but I fear it's too little too late.

    I fear that Lemmy was simply nowhere near mature enough when it mattered and it has been slowly bleeding users and content ever since. I sincerely hope I'm wrong, though.

  • What are your complaints about Lemmy?
  • I stopped using Lemmy due to instances blocking each other. I wanted to view content from specific instances, but none of the instances between the most popular ones allowed me to see all the content. I had to create multiple accounts, which made navigating between them cumbersome. This experience was more frustrating for me than any issues I've encountered on Reddit. I believe users should have more freedom to choose the content they see without having to create their own instance or manage multiple accounts. I was hopeful that this would change with user instance blocking implementation, but I feel validated in my decision after seeing that it hasn't.

  • What are your complaints about Lemmy?

    Please post one top-level comment per complaint about Lemmy. You can reply with ideas or links to existing GitHub issues that could address the complaints. This will help identify both common complaints and potential solutions.

    I believe there are a large number of feature requests on Lemmy's GitHub page, making it difficult for developers to prioritize what's truly important to users. I propose creating a periodic post on Lemmy asking users to list their complaints and suggestions. This way, developers can better understand the community's biggest pain points and focus their efforts accordingly. The goal is to provide constructive feedback so developers can prioritize the most pressing issues.

    Please keep discussion productive and focused on specific problems you've encountered. Avoid vague complaints or feature wishes without justification for why they are important.

    Here is a summary of all the complaints from the previous post from six months ago. It's interesting to see how many issues have been solved and whether or not developers value user feedback.


    • Instance-agnostic links (links that don't pull you into a different instance when clicked) • Ability to group communities into a combined feed, similar to multireddits • Front page algorithm shows too many posts from the same community in a row, including reposts • Need to separate NSFW and NSFL posts • Basic mod tools • Proper cross-posting support • Ability to view upvoted posts • Post tagging/flairs and search by flair • Better permalink handling for long comment chains • Combine duplicate posts from different instances into one • Allow filtering/blocking by regex patterns • Avatar deletions not federating across instances • Option to default to "Top" comment sort in settings • Migration of profile (posts, comments, upvotes, favs, etc.) between instances • Mixed feed combining subscribed/local/all based on custom ratios • Categories of blocklists (language, NSFW, etc) • Group crossposts to same post as one item • Feedback for users waiting for admin approval • Propose mixed feed merging subscribed/local/all feeds • Ability to subscribe to small/niche communities easier • Reduce duplicate crossposts showing up • Scroll to top when clicking "Next" page • User flair support • Better language detection/defaults for communities • Ability to subscribe to category "bundles" of similar meta-communities • RSS feed support • Option to turn off reply notifications • Easier way to subscribe across instances • Default to "Subscribed" view in community list • Fix inbox permalinks not navigating properly • API documentation in OpenAPI format • Notification badges should update without refresh • Single community mode for instances • Reduce drive-by downvoting in small communities • More powerful front page sorting algorithm

    Andalusian olive oil cake


    • 2 cups all-purpose flour
    • 1 cup sugar
    • 1 cup olive oil
    • 1 cup milk
    • 1 1/2 teaspoons baking powder
    • 1 teaspoon aniseed
    • 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon


    1. Preheat the oven to 180ºC (350°F).
    2. In a large bowl, whisk everything together.
    3. Pour the batter into a parched sheet pan.
    4. Bake for 20 minutes.
    5. Allow to cool before serving.

    I make it without almonds and without a mold for simplicity. I then cut it into pieces and store what I'm not going to eat the same day in an airtight container in the freezer. It can also be made with a round mold. Usually, halfway through baking, it's sprinkled with almonds and sugar.

    This is a simpler variation I make of the following recipes:

    [Solved] How do I block an instance?

    That's one of the features of the 0.19 version, but I don't know how to do it.

    Seeking Assistance to Download and Listen to a Complete Fanfic from FicWad

    Hello everyone,

    I've recently stumbled upon a fanfic that I'm eager to dive into. I found it on FicHub, but unfortunately, it's incomplete there. The complete version is available on FicWad, but I've been having some trouble downloading it as an epub.

    I've tried using FanFicFare, but it keeps prompting me to log in. I attempted to register on FicWad to resolve this, but I haven't received any confirmation email from them. Moreover, I'm not quite sure how to use a login when using FanFicFare.

    My ultimate goal is to listen to the fanfic rather than read it. I usually have my phone read it to me using text-to-speech (TTS), so downloading the fanfic is just a step towards that. However, if there's an easier way to listen to the fanfic without having to download it as an epub, I'd be interested to know.

    That being said, I still prefer to download and listen to it on my phone since that's what I'm accustomed to.

    If anyone has any advice or solutions to these issues, I'd greatly appreciate it. Thanks in advance for your help!

    What is the best way to clean burnt-on splatters from a chrome oven without damaging the chrome?

    Hey everyone, I've got a chrome oven (Moulinex Optimo OX4848) with some seriously stubborn burnt-on food splatters that just won't budge. I've tried degreaser (KH-7) and scrubber sponge, steel sponge scrubber, and even a sanding block. The sanding block was working, but I heard it might damage the chrome plating, leading to rusting underneath.

    The trickiest spots are on the top of the oven, and I'm wondering if it's safe to turn the oven over to let some steaming water loosen up those burnt spots. What would you all recommend as the best way to thoroughly clean those difficult burnt-on spots without damaging the chrome plating? I want to get it really clean without risking damage to the oven surface itself. Any specific products or techniques you have used that worked well for this?

    I'm in Spain, so I'd appreciate recommendations for specific products that I can find in local supermarkets (all the products available in Spanish supermarkets are in

    Is there something that helps digest a cheese pizza?

    I'm curious if consuming sodium bicarbonate or Eno fruit salt could alleviate discomfort after eating a cheese pizza.

    Edit: After reading some enlightening responses, I'm uncertain about the specific element causing my issues—whether it's the cheese, sauce, or bread. I can consume each component separately without any problems. However, when I eat pizza, I often experience sluggish digestion, especially if it's close to bedtime, leading to a burning sensation in the morning. I suspect it might be acid reflux triggered by a substantial meal. Perhaps a short walk after eating could help speed up digestion.

    What Are Your Favorite Hidden Gem Android Apps?

    I'm sure there are countless apps out there that are incredibly cool, interesting, or useful, but just haven't hit the mainstream yet. Maybe it's a productivity tool that's boosted your efficiency, a unique game that's kept you entertained for hours, or a niche app that's catered perfectly to one of your hobbies or interests.

    What are some Android hidden gem apps that you've used a bunch or think it's really cool/interesting/useful?

    Please share your recommendations, and if possible, a brief description of what the app does and why you find it so valuable.

    Looking forward to uncovering some hidden treasures in the Android app world. Thanks in advance for your suggestions!

    Is it safe to use pans with peeling nonstick coating?

    I have a set of 3 Bra Premiere non-stick frying pans that I've used for a while. The coating on them says "Teflon Innovations without PFOA". Recently I've noticed that on the most used pan, the 26cm one, the Teflon coating has started to peel off.

    I know that Teflon coatings can release harmful fumes and chemicals if overheated, but what about if the coating is physically peeling? Is it still safe to cook with them? Or should I stop using especially the 26cm one? I don't want to keep exposing my family to anything dangerous unknowingly. Any advice if these types of pans are still safe to cook with if the nonstick surface is peeling would be appreciated!


    Is there an Android app for sharing grocery lists with household members?

    I'm looking for an Android app that allows my household to easily share and edit a grocery/pantry list. It would be great if the app could:

    • Allow multiple people to view and edit grocery and pantry lists
    • Automatically add items to the grocery list when they drop below a set minimum quantity in the pantry list
    • Send notifications when the list is updated by someone
    • Allow users to add expiration dates for fridge/pantry items, and provide reminders when items are close to expiring

    Some other useful features would be:

    • Barcode scanning to quickly add items
    • Categorization for where items are stored (pantry, fridge, freezer etc)

    Does an app like this exist for Android? I haven't been able to find one that has all the functions I'm looking for. If you know of one, please let me know! Or if there are any that come close I'd love to check them out. Making grocery lists and keeping the kitchen stocked feels like a constant chore, so anything to make it smoother would be great.

    Previously I used a Matrix group chat and currently I'm using Our Groceries Shopping List.

    How can I search content from websites I visit with full-text search and tags?

    Hey everyone, I'm looking for a way to save content from the websites I visit manually or automatically, and then perform full-text searches exclusively within the saved content. Additionally, it would be great if there's a feature for adding tags, flair, or labels to categorize the saved content by topic. Does anyone have any recommendations for tools or methods that can help me achieve this? I'd love to hear about any apps, browser extensions, or other solutions that could make organizing and searching through my saved web content more efficient. Thanks in advance for your help!

    Is there a discussion platform between Reddit and image boards that uses tags instead of subreddits?

    I'm curious if there are any discussion platforms out there that fall between Reddit and image boards in terms of structure and moderation.

    The main thing I'm looking for is a platform that organizes discussions by user-created tags instead of communities or subreddits. This would allow more flexibility in categorizing topics.

    A tag system could hopefully make it easier to filter out or avoid content you don't want to see. This could include topics like graphic violence, abuse, self-harm, pornography, hate speech, politics, religion, phobias, anything related to past traumas, etc.

    I know some communities allow you to filter by flair, but I'm imagining a more customizable tag filtering system to really tailor what you do and don't see.

    Does a platform with this kind of tag-based organization and filtering already exist?
