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Not even one mainstream scientist?
  • Let me start up my time machine, I'll come back and confirm 🫠

  • Stay Mad, Tankies
  • All relative. Typical reply when you've got nothing😅

  • Permabanned over a mistake on reddit, feeling really upset over it.
  • Stop joining whatever sub banned you. It's some system check. Make new acct, don't follow any subs that banned you. Probably don't post in them, then again it seems to be case by case

  • Stay Mad, Tankies
  • @Pastabatman 😅... you read my comment & thought I'd engage in political banter with you😅 don't insult my intelligence😆. Only to reply with political comparisons. Tells me you didn't comprehend. Any retorts rooted in political jargon tells me the message was lost. The analogy isn't exhaustive....nor was it used as direct synonyms for Biden & Trump....

    Perhaps this will help bring it home...a still a quarter no matter hown you flip it, or what side it lands on..... you still engaged in commerce....

    Yall gotta stop reading stuff online and cherry picking whatever triggered your emotion, being willfully obtuse, dismissing everything before during and after lol it's so funny😆

    @dodgy_bagel - I just skipped to the latter part of your reply. Nothing happens until, if ever, the masses can have a common understanding that is based on truth. Expecting the very thing that oppresses you to free you is asinine. Expecting a broken system, a broken process to fix itself is less than smart... you've been hoodwinked and bamboozled, the fix was in and has been in for generations. It's nonsense once you unpack it all and once you do you see the world, things, as they are, and not as they should be. All the brilliant minds in the world and THESE two are your options 🤣😂 why are people so content on elderly people, specifically old white males in office. Living on this planet is definitely interesting to observe....I just smh🙄 what good do your words do if they can't understand you...

  • Stay Mad, Tankies
  • @Pastabatman 😅... you read my comment & thought I'd engage in political banter with you😅 don't insult my intelligence😆. Only to reply with political comparisons. Tells me you didn't comprehend. Any retorts rooted in political jargon tells me the message was lost. The analogy isn't exhaustive....nor was it used as direct synonyms for Biden & Trump....

    Perhaps this will help bring it home...a still a quarter no matter hown you flip it, or what side it lands on..... you still engaged in commerce....

    Yall gotta stop reading stuff online and cherry picking whatever triggered your emotion, being willfully obtuse, dismissing everything before during and after lol it's so funny😆

    @dodgy_bagel - I just skipped to the latter part of your reply. Nothing happens until, if ever, the masses can have a common understanding that is based on truth. Expecting the very thing that oppresses you to free you is asinine. Expecting a broken system, a broken process to fix itself is less than smart... you've been hoodwinked and bamboozled, the fix was in and has been in for generations. It's nonsense once you unpack it all and once you do you see the world, things, as they are, and not as they should be. All the brilliant minds in the world and THESE two are your options 🤣😂 why are people so content on elderly people, specifically old white males in office. Living on this planet is definitely interesting to observe....I just smh🙄 what good do your words do if they can't understand you...

  • Stay Mad, Tankies
  • @Pastabatman 😅... you read my comment & thought I'd engage in political banter with you😅 don't insult my intelligence😆. Only to reply with political comparisons. Tells me you didn't comprehend. Any retorts rooted in political jargon tells me the message was lost. The analogy isn't exhaustive....nor was it used as direct synonyms for Biden & Trump....

    Perhaps this will help bring it home...a still a quarter no matter hown you flip it, or what side it lands on..... you still engaged in commerce....

    Yall gotta stop reading stuff online and cherry picking whatever triggered your emotion, being willfully obtuse, dismissing everything before during and after lol it's so funny😆

    @dodgy_bagel - I just skipped to the latter part of your reply. Nothing happens until, if ever, the masses can have a common understanding that is based on truth. Expecting the very thing that oppresses you to free you is asinine. Expecting a broken system, a broken process to fix itself is less than smart... you've been hoodwinked and bamboozled, the fix was in and has been in for generations. It's nonsense once you unpack it all and once you do you see the world, things, as they are, and not as they should be. All the brilliant minds in the world and THESE two are your options 🤣😂 why are people so content on elderly people, specifically old white males in office. Living on this planet is definitely interesting to observe....I just smh🙄 what good do your words do if they can't understand you...

  • Stay Mad, Tankies
  • ....I struggle to see how any sane individual would vote for either option. Or allow their emotions to be unnerved by "politics". It is also concerning that more people are not aware of how the electoral process works. The popular vote bickering with one another while both sides laugh at you.

    Please stop making decisions rooted in "the lesser of". If you can pick between the "lesser of two evils" its because you've got evil in you...

    ...Someone is going to watch your child and you're given two choices: one is a convicted pedophile and the other is a convicted murderer.....

    .. for some of us, there is no choice to choose from. Even under duress we have free will. A gun to my head might influence my decision making, I still made a decision....I could have decided otherwise.

    I wont get worked up over political theater. It's more agonizing to witness them play the same trick, generation after generationn and yall keep drinking the kool-aid 🫤

  • T-Mobile Network & Subsequent MVNO's Device Unlock Glitch
  • This was the previous glitch, this new glitch occurred within the last 24 hours

  • Can't get that metallic taste out of my mouth
  • This tickled me pink🤣😂😂. My nipples taste like Hersheys kisses...

  • T-Mobile Network & Subsequent MVNO's Device Unlock Glitch

    Just finished unlocking my Samsung Tablet, S24, and Pixel 8a. Now i can use my eSIM on both phone. FINALLY. My Moto devices did not unlock though.

    Just finished unlocking my Samsung Tablet, S24, and Pixel 8a. Now i can use my eSIM on both phone. FINALLY. My Moto devices did not unlock though.

    New Study: At Least 15% of All Reddit Content is Corporate Trolls Trying to Manipulate Public Opinion
  • I just want more people to LEAVE Reddit. To hell with corporate agendas, cowardly moderators, and incompetent admin. The internet needs an open source platform like Reddit where you can voice your opinion, no matter how flawed it may be, without concern you'll be "banned"...

    Second, end users need to display more maturity and stop being so sensitive.....a BLOCK resolves 99.99% of ANY. "Moderator" involvement. "****" words is about all they need to "censor" and even that's questionable. Mods should just focus on actual bots and sub organization not so much the content police, most stuff can be self regulated.....

    Lemmy, albeit I don't think the name is good for brand recognition, the functionality is ok, similar, just needs the audience. Even YouTube and Facebook....."community guidelines " ....I "offended" the AI,.... this is dire times and sadly most are not even aware. Without US these platforms don't exist. Facebook wouldn't be Facebook if it weren't for the USERS so why are you micromanaging them..... YouTube videos have to say "unalive" "deleted" "no longer with us" instead of kill murder death... it's so cringe and I'm so upset that critical thinking, having an opinion, being an adult using "curse" words is problematic..... I look forward to Reddit crashing. I look forward to mods crashing as well. They ruined the open space to speak freely.... but again the massess go along to get along and they continue to win.......

  • Elon Musk Begs Advertisers to Return as Twitter's Revenue Plunges
  • Well changing the name to "X" didn't do him any favors

  • WHY is 5G connectivity so (Trash) unreliable on the T-Mobile network including their MVNO’s?!
  • The other day, I was waiting at the auto mechanic and overheard a conversation where the customer stated they did not receive notification their vehicle was ready the previous day(somewhat upset). The advisor stated they called them twice and left two voicemails - both parties proceeded to show each other's phones to indicate what they stated was true. I know one had an iPhone and I couldn't tell the other, it had a case so I wasn't sure.

    The advisor says something, something always has an issue with our phones blasé blah, T-Mobile, something something.

    I thought about intervening, and ultimately deciding not to. Millions of people use their cellphones everyday. I don't even know where to begin, the extent of this issue is crazy and the fact most people are not even aware is how they are getting away with it. What if that was a call/voicemail/sms from the hospital about a loved one. The severity of this matter seems to go over people's heads and anytime someone brings this up - the way some people dismiss it is ridiculous. Never had these issues on older cellular tech - 5G is just not reliable for communication - these missed communications can be ruining people's lives and they dont even know it is happening smh....

    On my business device with dual SIM (primary SIM 5G on data preferred, second SIM 5G off voice sms preferred) - I got an OTP from bank, it did not come, I wait, nothing, I go into settings - disable 5G, the text came through instantly.


  • This is our best look yet at RCS working on an iPhone
  • Terrible. The next evolution to SMS MMS shouldn't be proprietary and fragmented.Google Messages is meh and is the only RCS Unless you have a carrier device and use Samsung Messages which is soon going away. Apple and iMessage being Apple only ruined universal messaging and all users on Apple or Android should have not let this happen.

  • World's smallest, cheapest network switch developed by US high school robotics team — Murex Robotics makes the hardware fully open-source
  • " High School students missing after the release of an open source product..." or something.

  • Ask a stupid question, get a far stupider answer.
  • "...and then a wild Snorlax appeared "

  • Anti-LGBTQ+ student thought he'd get away with urinating on a family's Pride flag. He got busted.
  • My gay friend said he's a DL power bottom high off delusions & insecurity 😅... he'll "come out" soon enough🤣

  • Anti-LGBTQ+ student thought he'd get away with urinating on a family's Pride flag. He got busted.
  • Just how small was his penis🤏.. who knew it was even smaller than his brain🧠🫤. They shouldn't concern themselves with "ruining his life" bring back CONSEQUENCES, COUTH, and SHAME. He could have at least been well endowed to lighten the blow 🤣

  • T-Mobile users thought they had a lifetime price lock—guess what happened next
  • I'm surprised I havent read from the comments how funny it is: Of course I know it wasn't a true restriction, after all its a man made program; however, isn't it convenient for years T-Mobile told customers those plans had restrictions, line caps that could not be changed, saying they couldn't make changes to the plan and you would have to switch plans to add more lines.....

    Yet, they are able to raise price as it fits them... Comical and pathetic.

    Self imposed limitations....

  • WHY is 5G connectivity so (Trash) unreliable on the T-Mobile network including their MVNO’s?!

    I was making some updates to my device layouts and when testing the PTN associated with my tablet from another number, I noticed the text did not arrive. I double checked the number. I remembered then that I had 5G enabled on the device since it is primarily used for data only and tried an additional text. Still not delivered. The device had been “idle” on Wi-Fi, so the connection essentially “timed out” unbeknownst to me. I restarted the tablet, and the texts sent several minutes before came right through. I bust out laughing in frustration…

    Note: After X amount of time if your “data connection”(uplink to network) is not “refreshed”(Restart device, Toggle Airplane Mode, Place a Call, Use data on your end) then that communication sent to your device (voice/SMS/MMS/voicemail/data) will NOT be delivered to your device. I sent texts and left voicemails that never made there way to my device. Do I need to spell out the disaster this is – and the sad part is most people are not tech savvy, corporate shills, and/or iPhone users and have no idea this is happening.

    (The audacity to try and raise prices…)

    This issue has persisted for several years at this point; I first noticed the problems around the ~ S20 FE. Since this time a plethora of videos and posts both knowingly and unknowingly have been shared regarding the matter.

    The Issue: If you have 5G enabled on any device you will intermittently loose connection with the network/tower by way of transmission with voice/SMS/MMS/voicemail/data not being delivered to your device; often times unbeknownst to you(signal will show connected – other times SOS emergency calls only may appear).

    *This is not attributed to known technical limitations that have existed since cellular technology was introduced(signal interference, building materials, congestion, location, time of year, phone case, user error, device software/hardware(known bugs), etcetera)

    *These issues NEVER happened with prior generations of cellular technology. I never had to guess whether or not my device was connected, the signal software could be trusted, moreover, I never had to worry about the receipt of voice/SMS/MMS/Voicemail being delivered to my device, even when “off network”(roaming) a voicemail still would deliver once the device reconnected to the network.

    *iPhone users mostly communicate with other iPhone users(blue bubble). iMessage works on a data connection (Wi-Fi or Mobile data). iPhone is not using SMS/MMS the same way Android users do. Cellphone users spend less time talking (voice) and more time texting(iMessage/Facetime; SMS/MMS; Other apps).

    “I called you” “I texted you” “911” “I called to offer you the job” “The hospital called so and so has been hurt” “I left you a voicemail before I took my last breath” just a few scenarios you won’t even know took place because A) it never made it to your device B) people will assume you didn’t answer/respond. Ignoring them, etcetera.

    I saw similar complaints on other carriers, so I don’t believe it to be specific to T-Mobile’s network, however, I haven’t researched enough to know if it’s a technology issue with 5G in general or specific to Magenta. Point being, it should not be happening.

    The current fix I have found for reliable voice/SMS/MMS/voicemail is to disable 5G on my cellular phones, and only use 5G on my data specific devices since getting SMS/MMS on them isn’t my main use for them. I just thought it was funny to see the issue is STILL present. I’ve ran tests in multiple locations over different time periods. This isn’t a SIM card issue. Unsure if it is hardware related at the SOC level/5G but again, the same SOC does not have these issues with 5G turned off.

    Somehow the devices are losing connection/timing out/idle when 5G is enabled causing the lack of transmission of voice/SMS/MMS/voicemails and needs to “reconnect” before these transmissions are delivered to your device. The issue is if you are unaware of this, you don’t know it is happening. Don’t let people gaslight you. I raised this issue internally directly as an internal customer, and externally as an external customer – Management is aware. Engineers are aware. I’m sure there are more technical jargon to explain why the packets are not being sent to the device and why it only sends with a connection “reboot”.

    June 2024 Price Increase for Legacy Rate Plans | FCC/FTC/Attornery General Responses?

    If you received notice that T-Mobile was going to raise the cost of your service $2-$5 per line and you filled a formal complaint with one of the aforementioned, have you received an official response? If so, what did T-Mobile say?

    PsyDoctah9Jah PsyDoctah9Jah
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