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Mostani Vidman-t is szeretjük azért
  • Annyira nem nézek Vidman-t mostanság, max pár collabot. Menők a DIY cuccai, de engem az animációs videói érdekeltek mindig is a legjobban. Pamkutyát se, inkább én azt érzem, hogy ők nagyon bementek a mainstream irányvonalba, amit megértek de nem az én stílusom.

    Amúgy valóban nem ugyanazt a humort szedi a Szondi utca, de nagyon hatásosan vitelezi ki a saját humorát, amit széjjel adok.

  • Mostani Vidman-t is szeretjük azért

    Már jóval régebb óta hallottam a Szondi utcás csatiról, csak most jutott eszembe, hogy ebből énén is készíthető.

    don't use ladybird browser lol
  • Ahh yeah I've forgot about kbin and Mastodon. Is Lemmy federated well with your software?

  • don't use ladybird browser lol
  • Maybe he means and lemmygrad perhaps? But even if you are on a different instance, you are still using the main dev's fruit of their labor.

  • don't use ladybird browser lol
  • AFAIK the devs are supporting communist ideologies, especially maoism and they like the USSR's demolition of independence revolutions like the hungarian 1956 and the checzh 1968 uprising.

    They also made a controversial statement about the Uyghur genocide too. I'm not sure about the specifics tho.

  • don't use ladybird browser lol
  • It's understandable to get offended at this, but really it could be a lot worse. Also probably we should separate the project from the developer, because with this logic, we shouldn't even be using Lemmy, since the main devs are controversial to some people.

  • Make it stop.
  • Let's start with you then.

  • lemmy test how ur client handles long posts
  • Get out of my head, get out of my head, get out of my head

  • What's the most stupid trend (or fad) you participated in yourself?
  • I was so furious that my fidget spinner started to graze insanely after 3 days. I liked that trend ngl.

  • Erdtree sm sm
  • What the sigma

  • Flat to not flat
  • Good, another one has deceived. /s

  • ONLYOFFICE 8.1 released
  • True, that's the sole reason I use it over LO. Also combining ppt-s, docx-s and others into one app is pretty comfy ngl.

  • CUDIMM Standard Set to Make Desktop Memory a Bit Smarter and a Lot More Robust
  • Well usually yes, but if cpu manufacturers decide to really lean into cramming lots of cores into cpu-s (Like Intel's big.LITTLE cpus, but even more cores), then we probably will need faster RAM-s, since more core == more memory bandwith demand, and currently this issue has been always resolved by faster RAMs. (Or we could just increase the memory channels)

  • what are you excited to watch this weekend (June 21)
  • I would be down to literally anything at this point. Cramming for the uni closing exam for 1month+ everyday is just really tiring me out

  • The disturbing online misogyny of Gamergate has returned – if it ever went away
  • Tbf I have never looked at Assassin's Creed as a historically accurate game. It can really be only called accurate in broad terms probably. (Only played Black Flag and Odyssey tho).

    She seems to bring up pretty great points, like harrassing her, complaining about not hot enough greek god girl, but I'm interested about the other side.

    Also she worked at Kotaku in the past, so listening to these gamergate people too could help to make a throught decision overall

  • Oh...
  • Firehose of content? Does that mean a lot of or lack of content?

  • Oh...

    How's the game nowadays? I got burnt out of it after 4.0.

  • The anti-AI sentiment in the free software communities is concerning.
  • FQQD probably refers to companies such as MS, Apple, Google, Adobe, etc. since they usually incorporate AI into everything.

  • YouTube's next move might make it virtually impossible to block ads
  • Well the problem here is that youtubers need some type of monetization too for compensation. Idk Peertube can solve this without ads.

  • People who refuse to learn how to drive a car, why?
  • Wow which country did you go from and to where?

    It seems like a downgrade, but there must have been an economical / life quality reason that you had moved.

  • 1.21 releasing
  • I purposefully try to abstain from watching too many update infos. I like a surprise, unfortunately I already know about the trial chamber.

    Shouldn't the full 1.21 be released on the 13th?

  • Is Proton Unlimited worth it?

    I'm thinking on potentionally subscribing for an Unlimited with a student discount.

    Are you satisfied with it's current services? I've seen mixed reviews from ProtonVPN. Someone loves it, someone despises it. Also does Proton Pass offer any convenience benefits over Bitwarden?

    Which apps began to interoperate with FB Messenger?

    Meta has already announced interopability opportunity since March 6. Has anything been made after that? All I know is that Signal apparently won't operate with them.

    Azahriah - Introvertált dal (Hungary's submission)

    There wasn't as many people in the discussion as I've had hoped, so decide if you wish to accomodate us:

    Lyrics in english:

    Csatlakozunk a Lemmyvision-höz? (Lemmy-s Eurovision)

    Link a poszthoz:

    Kicsit hiánylom, hogy nem vagyunk már részese az Eurovision-nek (annak ellenére, hogy elég érdekes zenék kerülnek ki ott nyertesnek, de rengeteg jam van ott elrejtve) szóval csatlakozhatnánk ehhez. :D

    Annyi lenne a lényeg, hogy közösen kiválasztunk a kritériumoknak megfelelő zenét közösen Április 1-ig, mint határidő.


    • 1 zenét küldhetünk csak be
    • Legyen magyar szám (A szöveg is)
    • Ne legyen "nemzetközi hit" (Ilyenünk úgy sincs, nagyon max a Gyöngyhajú lány)
    • 2023 Január vagy annál frissebb legyen

    Szerintem az lehetne a legjobb, hogy mindenki beküld kommentekbe zenéket (1 kommentben 1 zene), és azokat megszavazzuk. Amelyik kapja a legtöbbet, az kerül be a versenybe.

    Monster nyami nyami Monster nyami nyami - Spectra

    Spectra is a special new PeerTube instance dedicated to supporting original content creators, and building the video community within the fediverse!

    Radarr: Path: Folder '/data/' is not writable by user 'abc'

    I'm trying to setup my first homeserver with pods alone but I can't add my mounted /data (it's an external HDD) folder to the root folder, but the /app and /config works. It's a common issue but somehow I wasn't able to solve it.

    OS: Rocky Linux 9.3

    External HDD (WD Elements)

    external HDD in /etc/fstab: ```

    WD Elements drive

    UUID=4655386a-5ccf-4c7b-ad6a-c0b90ccf8454 /home/privatenoob/media/storage1 xfs defaults 0 0 ```

    radarr.service: ``` [Unit] Description=Radarr Movie Server

    [Service] ExecStart=podman run --name=radarr -e PUID=1000 -e PGID=1000 -e UMASK=002 -p 7878:7878 -v radarr-config:/config -v /home/privatenoob/media/storage1/Filmek:/data --restart unless-stopped ExecStop=podman stop radarr Restart=on-failure

    [Install] ```


    ``` drwxr-xr-x. 2 privatenoob privatenoob 6 Jan 17 16:52 Filmek

    drwxr-xr-x 4 abc users 139 Jan 18 19:44 config drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 6 Jan 17 15:52 data ``` chown -R 1000:1000 /data didn't work. It gave permission denied, even though I used root (probably this is because of -e PUID=1000?)

    What's your experiences with Debian and Rocky as a homeserver OS?

    Hello there lemmings! Finally I have taken up the courage to buy a low power mini PC to be my first homeserver (Ryzen 5500U, 16GB RAM, 512 SSD, already have 6TB external HDD tho). I have basically no tangible experience with Debian or Fedora-based system, since my daily drivers are Arch-based (although I'm planning to switch my laptop over to Fedora).

    What's your experiences with Debian and Rocky as a homeserver OS?

    Legjobb buszjárat Pesten (OC)

    Eskü jók a buszok Pesten, csak nem jutott viccesebb cím az eszembe.

    Meddig van el a bejgli ha tejet használok cukorszirup helyett?

    Szeretnék bejglit csinálni, de inkább tejjel mennék neki, mert finomabbnak hangzik a cukorszirup helyett (győzzetek meg ha ez nem igaz), de ezzel ugye lecsökken az állósága. Meddig lehetne ehető így egy tejes bejgli, egy cukorszirupos bejglivel összehasonlítva?

    Valahogy úgy dec 20-23 között csinálnám meg és jó lenne ha úgy 1 hétig azért legalább ehető lenne.

    EDIT: Megkérdeztem haverom, akiknek a szülei fixen tejjel csinálják és konyharuhával eltakarva 1 hétig biztos megvan. "Előbb lesz ehetetlenül száraz minthogy másból baj legyen"

    Can't import OVA file or unpack it with tar

    I'm on an Arch-based Linux with VirtualBox (generic installer, couldn't load modules with host-modules-arch) and I get this error whenever I try to import this OVA file:

    Error reading OVA '.../coa-aio-newton.ova' (VERR_TAR_UNEXPECTED_EOS) Result Code: VBOX_E_IPRT_ERROR (0X80BB0005) Component: ApplianceWrap Interface: IAppliance {86a98347-7619-41aa-aece-b21ac5c1a7e6}

    Apparently, these OVA files should be unpackable but tar doesn't recognize it, and neither Ark or PeaZip can unzip this, but importing this OVA file works on Win 10.

    I've tried using VMWare but that gave me an import error too. Why can't virtualization work at all on Arch-based systems?

    [QUESTION] Great food decoration ideas

    I'm planning to make my first ever bakery dish for Christmas as a surprise to my family. Do you have decorations that might look funny, cute or maybe something other for a food decoration. I couldn't find any good tiny anime figures, so my best bet are these cats.

    Ingyen állatkert :D (LOPOTT)

    Discord szerverről szedtem, innentől már legenda az eredete.

    Would an Orange Pi 5 be enough for my selfhosting?

    I have my eye on the Orange Pi 5 8GB as my first SBC to selfhost with. These would be the roles for the SBC:

    • Jellyfin with 4K
    • Some *arr services
    • Host own domain site
    • Pi-Hole
    • Google Photos alternative?
    • Probably more I guess
    • Be low-power consuming

    What's your take on this? Is 8GB enough?

    PrivateNoob PrivateNoob

    Just your average quirky thigh-high socks enjoyer programmer. :3

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