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Friday SOTD Thread - July 5th, 2024
  • That's a difficult one 😰

    A lot of languages have Friday starting with a 'P' (e.g., Hungarian 'Péntek'), but that's unfortunately the best I have.

  • Saturday SOTD Thread - July 6th, 2024
  • Maybe with a synthetic? What was your trick?

  • Saturday SOTD Thread - July 6th, 2024
  • They seem to have 2 bases, and you can get the stag in both (just avoid the tallow base)

  • Saturday SOTD Thread - July 6th, 2024
  • Saturday, July 6, 2024: Shit Stag

    It's hard to overstate just how shit the tallow-based Midnight Stag soap is. I took thrice as much as I would with a normal soap, and still got a foamy, airy "lather". It is slick, though. If it weren't such a meme scent...

    Have a good day!

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  • Thursday SOTD Thread - July 4th, 2024
  • Thursday, July 4, 2024: Random Tuesday

    I didn't feel very inspired today, so I went for safe choices.

    Have a good night!

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  • Wednesday SOTD Thread - July 3rd, 2024
  • Wednesday, July 3, 2024: Megalodon Mittwoch

    A quick shave with the TI.

    Have a good night!

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  • $Honemeisterschaft: The Challenge to reach Serenity in Austerity through Superiority of Edge Quality
  • It's the only month of frequent travel (going to visit different branches of the family with young children and worried mothers). Bringing along an open knife and a honing stone is a no-go 😭

  • Tuesday SOTD Thread - July 2nd, 2024
  • bon

    Nasal vowels are hard if you aren't use to them


    Normally, French spelling is transparent - but not here. That probably doesn't help, either 😱

  • Tuesday SOTD Thread - July 2nd, 2024
  • Tuesday, July 2, 2024: Zingari Zischtig

    Bon Monsieur is a great scent, and I somehow prefer it in the soap version (I have the perfume and the recovery splash). Also always fun to use the River kamisori.

    Have a good night!

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  • Monday SOTD Thread - July 1st, 2024
  • Monday, July 1, 2024: Les lundis de l'entropie

    It's too late for a straight - thus the shavette. And I'm getting used to Entropy Man!

    Have a good night!

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  • Saturday SOTD Thread - June 29th, 2024
  • I don't think you'll regret it!

  • Saturday SOTD Thread - June 29th, 2024
  • Yes, I definitely don't regret having bought it! It's vers different from the Koraats or the TI thoughs

  • Saturday SOTD Thread - June 29th, 2024
  • Saturday, June 29, 2024: Et Ego in Arcadia

    After a long time, good-bye stubble! Very nice shave, with a satisfyingly creamy lather (much better than the Cella I used while traveling).

    Have a good night!

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  • Wednesday SOTD Thread - June 26th 2024
  • Happy to see that you were satisfied with the pushosity!

  • [Buena Vista Wetshaving Social Club July Edition] Soap Voting Thread

    You have spoken: the community shave will take place on July 17th (the 3rd Wednesday of July)!

    But we still have to pick to soap. Every soap will get their own comment, and if you want to vote for this soap, please comment below the soap nomination with something indicating your approbation. You can vote for several soaps; in case of a tie, we will figure something out.

    Buena Vista Wetshaving Social Club Community Shave Prep

    Hi everybody,

    so we are planning to do a (monthly, but pausing in August) community shave! We collectively choose a soap, and on D-day, everybody uses the same soap for their SOTD.

    We need to know several things:

    • Who would be interested in participating? If you would like to join, respond to this message by including "I'm in!"
    • When will we do it? It would be best to choose a Wednesday, Saturday, or Sunday, to avoid clashing with the reddit theme days, and it would be easier to organize if we could avoid the beginning of July. Furthermore, it would be probably best to fix it once and for all (something like third Wednesday or last Sunday of the month). Opinions?
    • Finally, we need to agree on a soap. I don't know how to poll this (I know you can do a poll on Mastodon, not sure about lemmy). The idea would be: everybody who participates nominates a soap, and if that soap is picked, that person agrees to send out smushes to everyone who doesn't have the soap. In order to be on the safe side, we probably would want to have the soap picked three weeks before the chosen date.

    There are surely things that I have forgotten. Any ideas, questions?

    [Mail Call] Ertan Süer *L'Ours Russe* PorkButtsNTat (

    Ertan Süer L'Ours Russe Straight Razor. So sharp, you can cut yourself by merely looking at it.

    PorkButtsNTat (

    Inspired by the acquisitive prowess of our, I also helped myself to a new straight razor. It arrived today: an Ertan Süer L'Ours Russe (Russian Bear), which is a 7/8th full hollow carbon steel razor with a barber's notch, and scales made out of black horn. The razor came with leather sleave, and the packaging looks very classy.

    !Photo of Ertan Süer straight razor

    !Photo of Ertan Süer straight razor

    First impressions: shave-ready as announced, and gives a good shave. It is not as massive as the Koraat, but still well-sized.

    How do I pull a silicone-glued knot?

    So, I got excited, and didn't anticipate well how profound the knot would sit in the handle. The knot is glued in with silicone (maybe a little bit too much), and I would like to rescue both knot and handle without damage.

    The general advice is: You can just pull it, but Nature has gifted me with the grip strength of a 5 year old child. I have tried it. It simply doesn't move. Since there are a few chemically and physically knowledgeable people here, my question is: how do I get the knot out, when (my) brute force just does not cut it?

    Review: Semogue C3 Galahad Horse

    I believe that it is more or less 2 years ago that I bought my first horse brush – encouraged by the advice of @sgrdddy. This is a Semogue C3 Galahad premium horse brush.

    Now, at least at reddit, horse brushes suffer from a bad reputation. Stinky, scratchy, a tangled mess of bristles – the antihype is strong. I must say that I rather like my horse brushes (in the meantime, I purchased another one, a Zenith XS [Xtra-Soft] horse brush), and I consider the Semogue my primary brush. I cannot really count anymore how many uses I have, but I would guess that this brush has seen between 100 and 150 uses (yes, I know, @djundjila gets 100 shaves in less than a month, but for me, that's rather respectable.

    So, here come my experiences with this horse brush.

    General description

    The handle is "imperial red", which looks brownish to me. The bristles were initially dark brown, but they are getting clearer with use (and splitting).

    The Semogue C3 Galahad, slightly underfocused

    The smell

    The Semogue (just like the Zenith horse after it) came without any smell. I am strongly allergic to horses, which was the main reason why I hesitated to buy a horse hair brush in the first place, but I didn't feel anything with these brushes. Semogue (and Zenith) do a good job desinfecting and desodorizing their hair, and I never had the impression to wipe a horses ass over my face (as someone over at reddit described his experience).

    Breaking in

    The last brush I had bought before acquiring the Galahad was a SOC boar – a great brush, but a real pain to break in. Fortunately, I didn't experience any breaking in effect with this one. I could use it confortably out of the box, and I didn't have the impression that there was a noticeable break-in process. That being said, I would assume that there was a break in period, even though a very long and progressive one. After a year or so, some bristles started to split, and this is still an ongoing process (my macro photography skills are bad, but you can see the change in color on the photos: unsplit bristles are much darker than splitting bristles, which are light brown).

    I don't really remember anymore whether there was any loss of hair; I would assume that I might have lost the occasional hair, but not more.

    Tangling of the bristles

    I've heard that there are issues with the bristles tangling in horse brushes. To be fair, there is some slight tangling, but at the same level I also get with a Yaqi synthetic knot. (On the other hand, I haven't seen any tangling on my Zenith XS horse, so this cannot be related to horse hair as such).

    Overall evaluation

    The Semogue C3 Galahad Premium Horse is a great little brush. I would recommend trying a horse brush to anybody, and this one is excellent.
