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Does Cloudflare's DNS Block
  • There's a comment on one of the HN threads that gives a little more insight - basically it helps him combat abuse by routing requests to the closest server outside of the requesting ips area:

    Not sure how that argument really holds up to scrutiny but it's something.

  • Does Cloudflare's DNS Block
  • The reason I'm saying use a VPN is because you're presumably visiting the site anyway, so leaking your full IP to them anyway. You can route your DNS lookups through what server you like, obviously. (Again, the privacy issue would be not that you're leaking part of your IP to, but to everyone in the chain of recursive DNS resolvers). You could use TOR too, I think even in this thread someone posted a TOR url for it.

    Cloudflare do make the DNS queries from 1 of their 180 locations, so there is some information being passed through about where the request is coming from in terms of load balancing.

    I'm not arguing that Cloudflare are doing the wrong thing by omitting ECS data in general. Just that site owners have a right to do as they like WRT people using their website and if that includes blocking Cloudflare, so be it. What he is doing is not legal (or at least grey area) in many countries so anything that makes his life easier is understandable IMO.

    Also, ECS leaking does not seem like a real concern for the vast majority of people surfing the net.

    Lastly I don't think Google own, did you mean

  • Does Cloudflare's DNS Block
  • can and does bypass real paywalls. That's why it's useful.

    You literally called it a fake convenience in your previous comment. Do you have the memory of a goldfish?

    Geolocation of users of course does not violate GDPR, don't be ridiculous.

    You have no idea what you're talking about and clearly don't understand the issue at hand, so yep, we're done.

  • Does Cloudflare's DNS Block
  • It's way faster for one. It actively scrapes articles from behind paywalls, using a bank of credentials it has. respects robots.txt and will take down copyrighted material on request. doesn't do any of that.

    I would view it as complementary to it's more like sci-hub to me. A useful tool, run by one person who likes the idea of providing such a service.

    What exactly do you think is being tracked by your ECS being sent along with DNS requests? All it means is that can't load balance properly because they don't know what their nearest server to your location is. If you're so privacy conscious that leaking a portion of your IP to a DNS provider, then hardcode IPs into your hosts file or use a VPN. Not that your problem can really be with, because you're visiting the site anyway, giving them your full IP.

    It just seems like such a non issue to me.

  • Does Cloudflare's DNS Block
  • It might be terrible for you but it's very handy for the rest of us.

    If it's so bad, maybe just pay to bypass all the paywalls that the site removes from your way. Having your local ISPs details sent through is a small price to pay for the convenience.

  • ChatGPT gets code questions wrong 52% of the time
  • I was pretty impressed with it the other day, it converted ~150 lines of Python to C pretty flawlessly. I then asked it to extend the program by adding a progress bar to the program and that segfaulted, but it was immediately able to discover the segfault and fix it when I mentioned. Probably would have taken me an hour or two to write myself and ChatGPT did it in 5 minutes.

  • Long-tap on comment text should display text selector
  • Part of the issue is that three dot option is pushed off screen for me in very nested comments (like yours). I can only see it comments closer to the root.

    It is also nicer to be able to select which text you want to copy.

  • Customised Lemmy Instances?
  • Speed of development. It could take months for a PR to get into Lemmy core and then a new release.

    Things that get into Lemmy core have to be well thought out and the core Devs have to want them in there.

    Running custom code is a way to make changes without having to get their approval, and if it proves popular enough, then maybe they'll implement it upstream.

  • Customised Lemmy Instances?

    Are there instances that run modified versions of the base Lemmy software? For example, that use their own sorting algorithms, or provide users ways to block instances or specific users, etc?

    Are there communities that talk about this kind of thing? Like a LemmyForInstanceOwners community? I don't really want to trawl through GitHub for this sort of discussion.

    Black fisherman repeatedly confronted by white neighbors, who ask what he’s doing there
  • BTW, I didn't vote one way or another on your posts. Those downvotes came organically.

    I don't care if you do or not. We're not having a popularity contest here.

    You can think that I'm...taking meaning that isn't there

    I sure do, because you are. Just because I'm saying that it's important to stand up and fight for your rights does not mean that I'm advocating for this particular guy to put himself in a situation where he might get beaten up or killed, or judging him for not doing so. There's an enormous range of actions between actively putting yourself in harm's way and doing nothing at all. And in fact, the only person judging people you.

  • Connect 1.0.108 Released
  • Option to make both the comment icon and number on a post open the comments would be great. I basically never want to comment directly on a post without first opening it and I'm constantly fat fingering the icon when I want the number.

  • Black fisherman repeatedly confronted by white neighbors, who ask what he’s doing there
  • What if the moon was made of cheese?

    It's up to him to judge his own situation and make his own decisions. There are many different ways besides physical to fight and struggle against something. Basically the only thing that does nothing is giving up entirely.

    Call it victim blaming if you like. It would be lovely if society at large sprung to assist those who are wronged. But that's not what happens in reality, as I see it.

  • InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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