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microgrowery Pk_thunder
Lemon Og Kush

Moved plant to flowering chamber, still vegging

migration to sh.itjustworks
  • Hey there, just search "microgrowery" in communities and click on the one that ends with sh.itjustworks and subscribe and you'll follow. And please by all means contribute and post there, would love to have a stable community going.

  • microgrowery Pk_thunder
    Lemon OG kush, mother plant, recent clone, 3 pepper seedlings
    microgrowery Pk_thunder
    Probably taking clone tomorrow, pepper plants still haven't sprouted


    microgrowery Pk_thunder
    migration to sh.itjustworks

    Hey everyone, I'm the original creator of this instance back in July 2023 with the big reddit migration. I lost my password to this instance but have remained a lurker on the site. If anyone wants to follow my current (slow) grow or contribute comments/content, or just lurk with upvotes/down votes please search for microgrowery on sh.itjustworks. Thanks.

    microgrowery Pk_thunder
    Slow grow, Mather chamber 42 w cfl

    Posting my grow, migrated instances. Lost my old password for the other one. 42 w cfl, Lemon Og Kush. Will be a slow process here, vegging until I can take a clone. Let all my previous mother plant die out on me. Bonus 2 pepper plant seeds I'd started today to plant outside once it warms up and get a head start at bottom legt.

    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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