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[Bug Report] Posting anything (posts/comments) shows spinner indefinetly even if the content is posted
  • Same happened to me. Then when posting I chose "unknown" or whatever language (not English) and it worked.

  • Miami Mayor Francis Suarez officially launches 2024 presidential bid | CNN Politics

    Miami GOP Mayor Francis Suarez officially launched his 2024 presidential campaign on Thursday, marking the long-shot candidate’s formal entry to the race.

    Miami Mayor Francis Suarez officially launches 2024 presidential bid | CNN Politics

    > In an interview with CBS News last month, Suarez said deciding on a presidential bid was a “soul-searching process.” He also nodded to his lack of national name recognition, saying, “I’m someone who needs to be better known by this country.”

    1. Narcissistic much?
    2. It sounds like he's running for some cabinet postition.

    It does seem, though, if Republicans focus on the conservative ideas that conservative minority voters care about, and aren't stupid about piling all people of color into the "enemy" category, they can make some significant gains and overcome the inevitable demographic disadvantage that they will face if they keep the GOP as the party of white Christians only. (And, byt the way, the Democrats have to stop taking racial minorities' votes for granted. That, I think, is one area where Biden shines.)

    The Supreme Court's first opinion of the day is in Lac du Flambeau. Justice Jackson's 8–1 opinion holds that the Bankruptcy Code abrogates tribe's sovereign immunity. Only Gorsuch dissents.
  • A longer dissent than majority opinion, with lots of twists and turns and hypertechnical readings and citations to law review articles and court dissents to make his point. I agree, Gorsuch continues is pro-tribal jurisprudence. Maybe it's consistent with his ultra-textualist and libertarian world view, or maybe it's because of his Colorado upbringing, or maybe it's something else.

    Interesting discussion in the majority opinion about "all-inclusive" examplar pairs to show a broad statutory scope -- with examples "rain or shine," "near and far," "foreign and domestic."

  • Law Perdendosi Supreme Court preserves law that aims to keep Native American children with tribal families

    The Supreme Court has preserved the system that gives preference to Native American families in foster care and adoption proceedings of Native children.

    Supreme Court preserves law that aims to keep Native American children with tribal families

    Cross-posted from !

    TIFU by wearing my boyfriend's suit
  • Maybe you F'dU, but I think you were the stars of the party.

  • Are federal judges not chosen by random wheel anymore? That was the case ten years ago in my district and I just assumed although it may be RNG now, it's still random?
  • They're on the wheel on my district, but there are all sorts of odd rules. (E.g. related criminal cases, senior judges choosing the kinds of cases they'll be on the wheel for, etc.)

  • YSK that is now federating, adding hundreds of communities and ~26k more users content
  • Ah ha, I was trying to do the short url (!, and that wasn't working. Thanks!

  • YSK that is now federating, adding hundreds of communities and ~26k more users content
  • So I'm looking for a magazine that I know is on kbin, that I want to subscribe from here. I've tried typing in the magazine name in the address bar (, I've tried searching in the "communities" search, and I'm just not finding it and getting errors. Direct linking works, but I then I can only subscribe if I have an account on kbin. Help?

  • Southern Baptists Vote to Further Expand Restrictions on Women as Leaders
  • SBC also voted to affirm the explusions of two churches, including Saddleback Church, which was founded by highly respected author Rick Warren and is one of the largest baptist churches in the country. They claim nearly 25,000 people in weekly attendance. And Warren's books, including "The Purpose-Driven Life," are used all over, including in my then-relatively liberal Lutheran church.

    They were expelled because a woman acted as a youth pastor.

    Wow. That's like kicking the Yankees out of MLB because the league thinks that players should be able to have long hair.

  • Texas bans kids from social media without parental consent
  • The social media provider must "verify, using a commercially reasonable method" the person's identity and the relationship to the minor.

    You cam do that through credit card probably.

  • Reddit Blackout: CEO downplays protest. Subreddits vow to keep fighting.

    However for them, it’s not a big deal as the get the following benefits

    All undesirable sane and productive users leave for fidiverse or other reddit alternatives. The remaining users will be tame batshit crazy like the users of FB, Instagram, posting conspiracy theories, lies, flames and other content that gets people riled up, but results in more eyes and more clicks. Which destroys Reddit as we know it, but still generates the income that will appeal to investors in an IPO


  • From, living, or interested in Utah? Join the Utah Community!

    Hi folks! Though I'm not exmormon, I'm trying to get a Utah Community up at running in Of course, you don't have to have a connection to Utah to be exmormon, but just in case you do, or you're interested in Utah goings-on, I invite you to visit and subscribe. Thanks!

    Utah Community


    Law Perdendosi
    SCOTUS's surprise decision in Allen v. Milligan could force states to redraw voting maps throughout the Deep South ahead of 2024, potentially flipping as many as five House seats. Voting Maps Throughout the Deep South May Be Redrawn After Surprise Supreme Court Ruling

    As many as five House seats could flip in 2024 after the Allen v. Milligan ruling, in which the Supreme Court upheld a key provision of the Voting Rights Act.

    Voting Maps Throughout the Deep South May Be Redrawn After Surprise Supreme Court Ruling

    Cross posted from

    Law Perdendosi Illinois becomes first state to pass law curtailing book bans

    Illinois has become the first state to legislate against the banning of books in public libraries, a practice that has been on the rise across the United States as conservatives look to suppress some books dealing with race, history and LGBTQ topics.

    Illinois becomes first state to pass law curtailing book bans

    Crossposted from

    Law Perdendosi
    Legal Eagle overview of the Trump indictment

    cross-posted from:

    > Review of the indictment, by a lawyer, in reasonably digestible terms.

    Why did the scarecrow win an award?
  • You could say he was a pioneer.

  • My favorite organ piece (the novice that I am), the last (section of the) movement of the Saint-Saens Symphony No. 3

    I've played it a few times (I'm a percussionist), and I just love it. I have a few recordings, and my favorite is definitely not this P. Jarvi recording, (I can't remember my favorite, I'll have to look it up when I get home.) But any version is still awesome!~

    Enjoy pipe organ music? Or just curious?
  • There's a joke about attracting people who like working pipes and experiencing organs that I'm sure you've told a thousand times.... Though I don't know a ton about pipe organ-only music outside of the common Bach stuff, my favorite classical piece is Saint-Saens' Third Symphony, and I really like Percy Grainger's "The Power of Rome and the Christian Heart" (though the more I learn about him, the more I'm not sure I can like Percy Grainger...). I'll subscribe! Good luck with your community!

  • Instant Brands - maker of the Instant Pot - files for bankruptcy
  • So interesting, because we tried an air fryer (not a dedicated one, but a toaster oven with air fryer capability) and found that we just got stale food that took forever to cool. The Instant Pot is great for cooking beans, caseroles, soups, yogurt, boiling eggs, and creating other awesome, gloppy foods that my Midwestern sensibilities liked. We don't use ours a ton, but I'm glad we have it.

  • Instant Brands - maker of the Instant Pot - files for bankruptcy
  • Instant Brands will continue operating as usual during the bankruptcy process with help from $132.5 million in new financing.

    It's Chapter 11 reorganization, not a liquidation. I think they're big enough that they're not going to go anywhere, but they have to adopt a new, much smaller, business model, since pressure cookers aren't as cool as they were 5 years ago.

  • Conservatives, republicans want america, trumpthecunt to give their nuclear secrets to their enemies
  • than any other citizen

    Hmmm. That'd be a really fun point to argue.

    George W. and Cheney for lying about WMD to get us into a war that cost billions (was it a trillion?) of dollars and tens of thousands of American lives?

    Clinton for welfare "reform" and NAFTA, which made working class and poor people considerably less well off (though maybe that was inevitable)?

    Nixon for lying and turning the presidency from an institution of relative trust to an institution of relative contempt?

    LBJ for Vietnam?

    Robert E. Lee and Jeff Davis for, you know, actually being traitors?

    Trump's thirst for power is awful, and our country is much worse off. The question is whether he did the damage, or whether he just allowed the damage to escape from the shadows, or whether that makes a difference.

  • Confession. I wrote a lot of fake stories on Reddit.
  • I'm glad you're coming clean. I kinda hope that you go back and delete the fake stories, or at least make clear they're works of fiction.


    Because people are stupid. They hear an urban legend about a psycopath putting razor blades in apples and all of a sudden no one can have anything but individually wrapped candy during halloween. People overemphasize anectodes to establish political views or actually make policy changes. Academics troll reddit for evidence to support theories. And "news" "reporters" pull stuff from Reddit and report it, often as fact. If it implicates criminal activity or child abuse, that might cause authorities to get involved needlessly.

    Maybe your stories aren't such that they would impact policies, or change political views, or impact lives. I'm sure some of it is just harmless fun (though, when I'd participate in forums like AITA with fake posts, it sure did annoyme), and to some extent, people should be smarter about responding to shitposts. "Throwaway because my friends know my main account" should be a big, red flag. And I'm glad you got to work on your writing skill and voice. I hope you can use it productively in the future, and I wish you the best of luck. (But think about deleting or editing your posts!)

  • This is a bigger deal. These federal charges are way more serious than what he's facing in New York.

  • He was processed in New York, too. I'm going to guess that he's going to go through this process at least once more (in Georgia). I don't think he'll need to be fingerprinted and processed again if there are other federal charges while these are pending, but charges related to Jan. 6 might change his bail or conditions of release.

  • No mugshot "because the president is recognizable" EDIT: "Trump is easily recognizable" I guess that's a thing, though I've never heard of it being used before. EDIT, I didn't quote it right, and caught me :)

  • Conservatives, republicans want america, trumpthecunt to give their nuclear secrets to their enemies
  • I didn't say that. Because Joe had some docs in his garage with his Camaro and Hillary didn't get "locked up" even though she "destroyed" 30,000 emails, conservatives think that Trump can literally flush documents down the toilet, lie to federal officials, brag about having classified documents, and let them sit in the shitter because "the dems have done worse... by the way Hunter Biden!" I don't think most conservatives want Trump to give secrets away (though they'd probably say they weren't secrets anyway because he "thought" about declassifying them while he was president and therefore they were declassified), they don't care.

  • One of my favorite tracks on my favorite TMBG Album. I love the vibraphone, the production, and the concept of chasing something everyone says is great but is ultimately destructive

    Perdendosi Perdendosi

    Utahn. Dad & Husband. Likes camping, music, trivia, law.

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