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How does one find a career that won't cause them burnout?
  • I feel driven to respond after reading your response to BugleFingers (whose response I agree with). It really sucks you are feeling shame about your difficulties with working. I believe a lot (not all) of the difficulties that neurodivergent people have with work isn't anything to do with them, but about the pressures of living under the tyranny of late-stage capitalism.

    I don't think you not being able to work without burning out is evidence there's something wrong with you, I think it shows that most people don't get any kind of support in finding sustainable work. I hope you can find a way to forgive yourself for whatever you feel are your failings around employment because you've done nothing wrong.

    Apart from what BugleFingers wrote (especially doing work you are interested in), I found self-employment/freelance work to be life changing. I like being my own boss because I can choose when I work and when I don't (with restrictions, obviously) and have found a way to make it work for me and my family.

    It feels important to say it took me time to get to a point where this was financially practical, though. I went through a lot of jobs where I went through a cycle very similar to yours (don't listen to the person trying to diagnose you with more disorders; you getting depressed from work doesn't equal another diagnosis). I found my profession by doing jobs that seemed interesting and honing down what I actually liked. I think it's about balancing out what is important to you (e.g., making money, having nice things, having free time, ext.) with what is necessary (e.g., housing, food, bills, etc.).

    I hope you can find a job that works for you, OP. Good luck.

  • I would appreciate a diagnosis or classification of autism that isn't described as a disorder
  • I'm not sure how I'm speaking for the whole community for what I said but it is not my intention. I'm thinking this isn't the right community for me, so I'm going to apologise for any offence I caused. I'm sorry, I wish you all the best.

  • I would appreciate a diagnosis or classification of autism that isn't described as a disorder
  • No it's not. From the National Autistic Society:
    "Asperger's syndrome’ (often shortened to Asperger’s) is no longer used as a diagnostic term for autism and is considered controversial due to the history of Hans Asperger, which is summarised below.

    Historically, Asperger syndrome was used as a diagnostic term for some autistic people who did not also have a diagnosis of a learning disability. Broadly, it is now agreed that what was referred to as Asperger syndrome is part of the autism spectrum and there is no need for a separate term.

    Some people who received a diagnosis of Asperger syndrome continue to use this terminology to refer to themselves. Others do not, usually for two reasons: because the term is no longer used officially; and because of revelations about the Austrian psychiatrist Hans Asperger, who Asperger syndrome was named after and who was complicit with the Nazis."

  • I would appreciate a diagnosis or classification of autism that isn't described as a disorder
  • If you broke down those things that hinder you I imagine many, if not all could be accommodated for. If there was a general acceptance of different neurotypes as a thing that existed rather than something abnormal or disordered then I think a lot of our struggles wouldn't be a struggle. A gay couple walking down an accepting street compared with an actively hostile one is a good example of how things can be better. Homosexuality used to be a disorder, it was in the DSM until the 70s, but was taken out because we know its not a disorder, its just a different way of being.

    I'm AuDHD so I get the ADHD struggle. I even take medication and it helps me, but no one that takes birth control would think that they are managing a birth disorder.

  • I would appreciate a diagnosis or classification of autism that isn't described as a disorder
  • But isn't this the entire point? You like to call yourself that, and that is perfectly fine, but ultimately all of these words come from psychiatric diagnosis, from the DSM. That is where the labels were defined, that is where our cultural understanding of the neurotype comes from.

    Our culture has defined that you are disordered because of your way of being, you've been diagnosed as such. Another culture, a former culture will not have defined it that way. So you calling it a disorder is not based on anything absolute, it is based in a cultural understanding.

    I was diagnosed with autism level 1, not aspergers, because: 1 - We now understand that describing people based on 'functioning' is extremely damaging to the individual; and 2 - Asperger tested on children for the Nazis, and I think we can all agree that's not cool.

    All of this is cultural, we didn't know about the damage of functioning labeling at the time that diagnosis was accepted (or the whole Nazi thing), and so our cultural understanding of the condition has changed.

    Understandings of disorder are cultural, not absolute.

  • I would appreciate a diagnosis or classification of autism that isn't described as a disorder
  • Words matter, otherwise verbal assault wouldn't constitute a hate crime (at least in the UK). You used an ableist word and that matters. The word has an interesting history, in case anyone is interested (see below) and using it is ableist given it used to be a psychiatric classification. I am assuming you wouldn't use the 'F' word to describe gay people or the 'N' word to describe black people. Those are just words, too, what makes them different?

    Also, taking the "science doesn't care about your feelings" line of thinking is really lazy. We don't have to keep the status quo. In fact, it's generally good if we don't. I can see from your responses that you aren't interested in discussion, so I'm leaving it here. It's OK to be wrong about things sometimes. Maybe you are wrong about this. Maybe not, but maybe you are.

  • I would appreciate a diagnosis or classification of autism that isn't described as a disorder
  • I respectfully disagree. If no one ever questioned society there would be no progress. Society is constituted by people and people can change their minds, that's how progress happens. It's why gay marriage is legal in so many countries and women and black people have equal rights (at least in law).

  • I would appreciate a diagnosis or classification of autism that isn't described as a disorder
  • I posted something similar as a comment on the ADHD magazine and got an equally negative response, as you seem to be getting. I'm not sure why there is a resistance from some about not labeling these neurotypes as a disorder, but I find it really interesting.

    The comments you are receiving seem to come down to these neurotypes aren't normal and therefore any associated difficulties therefore constitute a disorder, which is fascinating and completely misses the point you are making. If Western society wasn't structured in the way it is, those who struggle so much would not, as had been the case for years prior to the definition of autism. I'm not sure why that is a controversial statement but apparently it is.

    Side note, the bizarre, ableist mention of "moron" in the top comment is really interesting.

    Also, if you are going to comment or disagree with what I write, that's fine, but please don't be aggressive or offensive. I get enough abuse and adversity from allistics, I don't need it from autistics, too. This should be a safe space to discuss things that interest us, it's a facet of our neurotype after all.

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