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Your thoughts on compacts cars like this?
  • @Humanius @praise_idleness That and shared car ownership is an important part of the picture. When everybody owns a private car, everyone has taken on the sunk costs of ownership and feels an urge to drive more to justify it, plus cars dominate the landscape. Having to walk a few blocks to pick up a Zipcar and then pay a rate that to some degree reflects the cost of the trip significantly reduce discretionary driving by those who can walk/bike/use transit.

  • One Neighborhood’s ‘Bizarre Culture War’ Over Bike Lanes
  • @FireRetardant @Zoot In fact, narrowing roads and reducing speeding makes it easier for seniors to keep driving as their vision and reaction time decline. Older drivers tend not to feel very comfortable driving on 5 or 6 lane wide stroads.

  • The Biden administration’s new automatic braking rule is “impractical,” auto industry says
  • @FatLegTed @DrCake When I went to driver’s ed, the instructors repeatedly reminded us that we had to be prepared to stop at any time because the driver in front of us could brake for a squirrel or encounter debris in the road or stop for any reason. Most drivers don’t seem to understand the basic physics that stopping distance increases with speed. A key feature of driver assistance systems should be speed-based tailgating prevention.

  • People are dying on West Midlands streets - if we care, we have a funny way of showing it
  • @scrubbles @mondoman712 Car company propaganda 100 years ago started these arguments. Prior to the invention of “jaywalking,” there was broad consensus that streets were public spaces for civic life including children’s play and motorists who barreled through them with entitlement to kill whatever got in their way were the bad guys.

  • Sen. John Fetterman got two speeding tickets before Sunday’s crash, Pa. records show
  • @TheSambassador @FollyDolly He was never super liberal or conservative. He’s a centrist with strong views on individual issues. Those familiar with his work in PA knew him as willing to stand up and fight in a way that’s refreshing coming from a Democrat on certain issues (marijuana, LGBTQ+ rights) but deeply problematic on others (police, fracking). His overall politics have probably shifted a bit to the right since the stroke, but the change is more in people’s awareness of him.

  • Sen. John Fetterman got two speeding tickets before Sunday’s crash, Pa. records show
  • @DrunkEngineer It’s a terrible example to the public and a potential conflict of interest. How is someone who’s used to getting away with driving like that (& having wide roads that allow him to) supposed to cast unbiased votes on transportation bills?

  • Sen. John Fetterman got two speeding tickets before Sunday’s crash, Pa. records show
  • @DrunkEngineer 34 & “at least” 24 mph over the limit are some pretty serious speeding tickets, and the frequent reports of distracted driving are a serious problem too. Senators who support Vision Zero programs or care about traffic safety at all need to speak up about this and hold him and other negligently driving colleagues accountable. Especially after his stroke & related health problems, he should be extra careful, not distracted & 34 mph over the limit!

  • New York Spends Biden Cash on Highways Over Public Transit
  • @mondoman712 Good thing we have these utopian “blue states” to flee to as the fascists consolidate power nationally.

  • [discussion] This is what walkability means for me
  • @norimee @Gradually_Adjusting Another problem of the politics of austerity and obsession with low taxes at any cost. We’ve defunded water infrastructure almost as much as we’ve defunded public transit. There’s no excuse for a wealthy society to create an environment where many of its residents don’t feel safe drinking tap water and access to any tap water in major cities is periodically cut off by 100 year old pipes predictably breaking.

  • [discussion] This is what walkability means for me
  • @usualsuspect191 @perviouslyiner Uh… people who eat fruit or vegetables or fresh baked goods?

    It’s not that you get them every day, but that you have the ability to get them whenever you want them instead of having to plan an excursion.

  • Why NY Governor Kathy Hochul Killed Congestion Pricing
  • @TheDeepState @veganpizza69 If there’s any justice she’ll turn blue from accidental inhalation of car & truck exhaust while giving a press conference near a clogged tunnel entrance.

  • An M1 Abrams Tank can see children in front better than many current trucks.
  • @mojofrododojo @Lettuceeatlettuce I saw something really wild today. This dude had a Dodge Ram that was lifted… but the tires were small, probably smaller than the recommended size tire for the truck. He was vrooming through a downtown area rolling coal at people dining outside bars & restaurants. So cool. 🙄

  • [meme] Lawns and car storage — name a more wasteful use of land
  • @FLX @olutukko Yes. They’re afraid of damaging their cars on them because they insist on driving so fast they sometimes just randomly fly off the road.

  • Just a quick post about trucks and SUVs
  • @antlion If you’re taking criticism of your vehicle personally, there’s probably a reason you feel the need to be defensive about it. We all have room for personal improvement, but we won’t solve the problem at the personal level. We have to change the incentives to industry that are creating such unsustainable levels of consumption across the board. In the meantime anyone considering an SUV or multiple cars or a big house should think critically about it. @SpiceDealer

  • How to make sure drivers will give way
  • @lgsp @mondoman712 I remember my preschool having a big stack of cardboard bricks to build with. Maybe they still have those in toy stores?

  • Why is the right at war with cyclists? We’re not ‘wokerati’ – we’re just trying to get around | Zoe Williams
  • @frankPodmore @vividspecter Since middle aged, middle to upper class white men are also most likely to drive monster trucks for everyday transportation & recreation, we could also argue that for the safety and comfort of all we should do everything possible to get that group onto bikes instead of trucks.

  • Why is the right at war with cyclists? We’re not ‘wokerati’ – we’re just trying to get around | Zoe Williams
  • @Moneo @frankPodmore Avoid generalizations and stereotypes if you want to meaningfully analyze an issue. Women score higher than men on risk aversion *on average*. There’s no evidence of enough biological or socialized difference in risk taking to explain the entire difference in bicycling. Various other factors are in play, including childcare burden, street harassment, access to leisure time, social support for cycling by parents & peers, and gendered dress codes/norms at work & school.

  • Biden pledges billions to rebuild cities ‘torn apart’ by highways decades ago
  • @TangledHyphae @Nudding US voters have been very effectively conditioned to accept the two party system and to place outsized importance on the president and largely ignore the legislative and judicial branches of government. If you’re not happy, your only answer is to vote for the major party not occupying the White House, even if that party currently controls congress and offers even worse policies. Critical thinking is systematically squashed.

  • Biden pledges billions to rebuild cities ‘torn apart’ by highways decades ago
  • @regul @fireweed That’s how US government works. Democrats propose to do something moderate that would help a little bit but they already compromised on important details before they started, Republicans throw a tantrum, Democrats capitulate, billions more dollars get poured down the toilet (or into highways) with very few dollars going to something useful but the net effect being overwhelmingly bad.

  • Rishi Sunak’s report finds low-traffic neighbourhoods work and are popular
  • @LibertyLizard @Zagorath Probably, and the public servants who leaked it are owed a debt of gratitude.

  • PedestrianError PedestrianError :vbus: :nblvt:

    Enemy of car culture and cisheteropatriarchy

    Profile & banner image: bad so-called pedestrian safety campaigns. Profile pic is a poster saying “WALK SAFE most pedestrian crashes are the pedestrian’s fault” & banner is a cartoon crab on a lifeguard stand holding flags that say “save yourself” and “use crosswalks”.

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