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[TOMT][German weapon] Name of an old German weapon. Possibly medieval. The handle I believe could be unscrewed and could be used as a club during close combat.

this was a weapon that's possibly used in medieval times (definitely long before 20th century). The main part may have been a sword and the hilt could be unscrewed or somehow used as a club. Thanks!

New York City Pat12
Who are the food vendors at dragonfest this year? Are there any must-trys?

I am from HK and have travelled around Taiwan, etc so it would be nice to find some dishes that are close to home

Female Fashion Advice Pat12
Is this type of dress too much for an Andrea Bocelli concert? Smaller US city and dress is navy not black

Would this type of dress in navy blue be too much to attend an Andrea Bocelli concert?

Healthy Food Pat12
Ideas for low calorie meals to maintain weight (cannot exercise)

I was recently in an accident and cannot exercise; particularly, I cannot put weight on my feet or lay my feet on the ground. Consequently, I have to maintain my weight purely through diet. I typically aim for around 1300 calories/day.

So far I have:

  • breakfast: fried egg/egg white on toast with a glass of water (about 200 cals)
  • lunch: chicken breast, small piece of bread, with a large spinach salad (about 300 cals)
  • afternoon snack ?
  • dinner ?

Thank you.

What gets you downvoted?
  • I got downvoted recently for saying "If you’re friends with someone, wouldn’t you want to know if they’re also friends with someone problematic?" and "I would definitely want to know if my friends were close with people who’d been in prison."

  • What is something that 2020s kids will never get to experience?
  • Though to an extent, the lack of community, especially amongst children is due to the complete lack of independence and they have to depend on their parents to drive them everywhere.

    where do you live that there's not even a playground or a residential street within walking distance of your home?

  • Has exercise helped your mental health?
  • When I'm feeling blue about something for a while, I do try to exercise daily. I don't know whether or not endorphins make a difference for me but I do not that I feel more awake after exercising. I like the feeling that I accomplished something for that day and it keeps my routine regular. The alternative that I can spend a lot of time thinking about something troubling me and I'm not productive.

  • What is something that 2020s kids will never get to experience?
  • I wouldn't use "never get to experience" but i would say it's much harder to have that real sense of community that we easily found in the 90s, early 2000s, etc.

    People are more connected to others but still more isolated from others. We were less connected to other people back then so people made a real effort to come up with fun activities and bond together. For kids, it's the lack of just playing outside in the neighbourhood with friends. For adults, it's the lack of third places and community/religious events.

  • What is the word for someone who is friends with different groups but doesn't have loyalty to any one group?
  • I know people who were Christians in Afghanistan, who were outed to the government (Taliban). The word they use is “spy”. It may not be the normal, English use of the word, but it’s the word that real-life people who have been on the receiving end of the betrayal use.

    This is basically what i mean; someone who you can't fully trust about their allegiance.

    That is really awful what happened to those people; are they ok now?

  • SpaceX is reportedly building a $1.8 billion network of spy satellites for US intelligence
  • Would you rather he, as a non-government affiliated citizen, pick a side? War is stupid. Communication is great. Maybe this is naive of me, but I think the world would be better, and maybe require less war, if everyone had equal access to communication.

    I recently read about Ted Hall who shared nuclear secrets with the Soviet Union because he thought everyone should have equal access to nuclear weapons and this would prevent another world war.

    Your logic is similar and it's not a good thing.

  • What is the word for someone who is friends with different groups but doesn't have loyalty to any one group?
  • That is such a heads-up for me in terms of making assumptions based on my own privilege, and I apologise for doing that here. I’m very lucky to be able to discuss politics without fear.

    it's ok, everyone has their own problems

    my wording was maybe not clear

  • What is the word for someone who is friends with different groups but doesn't have loyalty to any one group?
  • no, it's normal to have a variety of friends

    i'm talking about people with loyalty to a specific ideology and they are not honest about who they are in contact with, i live in asia in an area where you can get in a lot of trouble if you support democracy and if you share such information with the wrong person you can get in a lot of trouble

  • What is the word for someone who is friends with different groups but doesn't have loyalty to any one group?
  • Hmm I think it's fine if someone is a social butterfly, they don't have bad intentions etc. I am talking about someone who seems like you can trust them but actually they have other loyalties, I live in a place where people get arrested for supporting democracy for example

  • What is the word for someone who is friends with different groups but doesn't have loyalty to any one group?

    The closest word I can think of is a sycophant but that's too strong word and not exactly what I'm looking for. The word I'm thinking of has negative connotations and it's for someone who is friends with different groups but only at a superficial level and isn't necessarily honest about who all they're friends with. This person would be seen as untrustworthy.

    How can I make (east) asian food healthy?

    many east asian dishes included some ready made sauce like 豆瓣酱 or 柱侯酱 in chinese cuisines or 고추장 in korean cuisine. These sauces make our dishes delicious but unfortunately they are very high in salt and/or sugars. Is there some way to make the dishes with these sauces from scratch or without such high salt/sugar? We often have to add sugar in the dish in addition to the sauces. Thanks.

    I'm sure this is a similar problem in other cuisines but my question is just about east asian cuisines.

    edit: i'm referring to homemade food, not restaurant food.

    Are there any organizations to sponsor a family in Canada (microfinance for Canadians, not immigration)

    There are organizations like Save a Family Plan where you can sponsor a family who is living in poverty overseas and help give them funds for education etc. Are there any organizations like this for Canadian families? I tried searching online but it kept showing results for how to sponsor one's family to come to Canada (like to immigrate). Thanks.

    I'm aware of the perils of microcredit so i'd rather not get involved with something where the person might have extortionate interest rates or there's a loan to be paid, i am talking about microfinance where there is money directly given to the family in need and it is used to help make the family self sufficient.

    The use of plural instead of tu in latin american spanish?

    When i was very young and learning beginner spanish, i thought it was taught that in some parts of latin america, they use some plural form instead of tu when speaking. Is this correct or am I misremembering?

    [Discussion] What are some of the nuances of cooking from world cuisines?

    For example, pad thai should be balanced between sweet, sour, and salty. Indian dishes don't have meat as the feature in a dish but rather it's added for some texture; the dish itself is the feature. Hunan cooking is dry and hot and often sour and differs from Sichuan cooking which it's often compared against. Generally speaking in Asian cuisines, if you don't cook the spices exactly correctly, it will change the taste of the dish quite a bit.

    As a francophone, i can say that french-based cooking is an art as the ingredients are traditional basics that are in season. The food should be delicate or have a cut (e.g. a creamy cheese should have something acidic to cut it like a nice wine). It is the combination of the techniques (method of cutting ingredients like julienne style or method of cooking like flambee, saute, etc.) to create the dish.

    Female Fashion Advice Pat12
    What is the difference between Self-Portrait and Bronx and Banco?

    Recently found Bronx and Banco and it looks very similar to Self-Portrait. Is the quality different?

    Which ski club would you recommend for a young 20-something year old?

    Looking for a ski club for someone; I saw online that there were a few different clubs. The person is a relatively advanced skier but more importantly it would be nice to have other people their age to ski with regardless of skill. They are a few years out of college so ideally a ski club where there are many other people in their 20s. Thank you.

    Can someone go swimming if they are recovering from torn ligaments in the foot?

    I got into a mild accident last week; after being checked out, i don't have anything broken but i have torn ligaments in one of my feet. My recovery has mostly been resting my foot and not putting pressure on; i'm not allowed to go for a walk. Would I be able to go swimming? This way I can keep my foot from being stiff but i can do some exercise.

    Female Fashion Advice Pat12
    What shorts are you wearing this summer?

    I'm obsessed with tailored high waisted shorts (example: and dolfin shorts for every day and after swimming

    0 Texas Girl Born in Jail Heading to Harvard After Graduating at the Top of Her Class

    Aurora Sky Castner, a Texas teen who was born in jail and graduated at the top of her class this week, will be attending Harvard University in the fall

    Texas Girl Born in Jail Heading to Harvard After Graduating at the Top of Her Class
    Where to buy juniper berries? Or lingonberries?

    Looking to make a bison steak and can't seem to find juniper berries or any other fresh/sour berry to pair. Thanks.

    aviation Pat12
    How safe is it to be your own pilot?

    I have a few friends who have their own pilots license (private pilot i assume). How safe is it to fly your own plane?

    I have acrophobia so learning how to fly is not high on my list but would like to know about how safe it is to assuage some fears. To be it seems scary because if something goes wrong, you wouldn't be the only person getting hurt (as would be the case for scuba diving or skiing) but you might also risk hurtings others like your plane crashing out of control.

    edit: i'm asking on the off chance i feel like one day getting a private pilots license like my friends. i'm not planning on flying with the friends anytime soon; they live on the other side of the world.

    Unresolved Mysteries Pat12
    Have you seen Austin Patchke? The 22 year old who was 6'8" and 275 lbs disappeared after leaving his place of work in 2022.

    Austin Carlos Patchke was born 29 Nov 1999. He'd be 24 now. He was last seen in the area of Old St. Augustine Road in Jacksonville, Florida on 16 Nov 2022. He'd been working at the 7/11 store there. He asked his boss for a cash advance which was refused; he left (walked out) and has never been heard from since.

    He was wearing a grey polo shirt with "7-Eleven" embroidered on it, dark long sleeves under it, and black pants and possibly carrying a pink bag and black Nike shoes.

    Detectives didn't discover any evidence of foul play and he was not reported to have any mental/physical disabilities. His father reported him missing; he'd last heard from him 2 days earlier.

    In Nov 2021 he had been arrested for drug posession/DUI and in Feb 2022 for driving under suspended license/battery. However, he had not been arrested/charged since that time and was able to obtain employment.

    This is a photo of him at 21 years old and this is a photo of him at 22 years old. He may resemble any of these photos.

    What is the best option to provide for people who are homeless in the cold?

    It's going to be very cold over the next few days in my area and I'd like to buy something for the people who are homeless, particularly ones who won't be in a shelter.

    For budgeting, there is one shelter in my area for adults and one for children/teenagers. I don't know how many people would not have shelter but in the past, I have planned for 40 people when providing food for people in a shelter.

    My budget is about $200 USD; what would be the most useful? thermal blankets? hot food?

    Edit: thanks to all who responded. I called the shelter and the most needed items are (1) sleeping bags (2) very warm gloves to prevent frostbite (3) boots

    Female Fashion Advice Pat12
    How do you tuck a shirt into high waisted trousers/skirt without looking bulky?

    title says it all. I have a leather midi skirt which i would like to wear with a blouse but tucking in the shirt makes the skirt look bulky.

    Personal Finance Pat12
    Credit score dropped for seemingly no reason

    I moved countries a few years ago and am building up my credit score from scratch. I'm cognizant of good practices to build up my credit score like paying my credit card on time. My credit score dropped 10 points in the last month but I don't know why. I've increased my spending on my card because of Christmas and travelling but make the payments right away (typically same day) so that there is not a large balance on my card at the end of the month. The total spending for the month is less than 30% of my credit card limit.

    I don't have any other form of credit like loans. Any suggestions why there was a drop?

    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (

    Native language French, fluent in English, practicing Cantonese and German.

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