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Finding a Tech Job Is Still a Nightmare
  • The first page of my resume covers my technical skills, a summary of myself, and my most recent jobs.

    When you go past that, it gets to older jobs that are still relevant, then into school, then to side projects, volunteer, etc. basically, if you liked the first page, the rest of it gives them more about who I am.

    I think at this point it's either 3 or 4 pages and every time I've gotten a job it's been one where they asked me about the hobbies on the bottom of the last page, which meant they liked what they saw and liked my interview well enough.

    When I update it for my next search, I'll take my first internship off because it's no longer relevant, but most everything else is.

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • "This is the heaviest mother fucker known to man right here" ~ Jason Newsted

  • Windows 12 May Require a Subscription
  • Hey, some of us are trying to do a huge server migration before we switch so that we can make sure all of our stuff is backed up properly.

    I can't wait to go back, especially since proton is so much better.

    Hopefully my Nvidia card doesn't suck too bad.

  • Texas man sent to death row by junk science is denied US Supreme Court appeal
  • The only part I'd disagree with is the "regardless of the crime" portion, purely because I do believe that there are people who have committed heinous acts and that death was a just punishment for their actions.

    However, I do agree that I focused too much on the financial side of things and I definitely don't want to equate a human life to a financial cost. That job is for the billionaires. My reason for bringing that up was the idea that for those that have committed such heinous crimes, what is the overall cost (not just financial) to keep them stuck in a box for the rest of their lives? Especially for those that never rehabilitate (which the US penal system does a terrible job at anyway).

    That said, after reading some of the other comments, especially the one from @StorminNorman, I've got some reading to do and may be willing to change my views on this. I'm definitely coming from a more conservative background (grew up very Republican, now I'm not sure where I sit) so there are some views that I have not had changed over the years, if only because I've not argued them. This would be one that I never had to argue as, at least in my circles, we never really discussed this view compared to things like gun control, healthcare, climate change, etc.

    So I do want to make sure that I'm not just coming across as "we should just kill people for their crimes" because, like I said, I don't think it's that black and white and also I wanted to see other views because it's not one that I've had to argue until this point.

  • Texas man sent to death row by junk science is denied US Supreme Court appeal
  • And that's absolutely a fair point. That's why I mentioned wrongful convictions in my comment originally. I know there was a story about a guy in Oklahoma who has been on death row for something like 20 years but then evidence came out that he was innocent. I'm not even sure they released him from prison but they finally removed his death sentence.

    Horrible situation, and that's where I think we need reform in general because clearly our justice system has failed us in many ways.

    My only counter is for situations like Timothy McVeigh, the home grown terrorist who bombed the Murrah building in OKC and killed 168 people and injured over 600, many of them being children due to parking his truck close to the daycare. It's reactionary, sure, but a man like that committed an atrocity that was proven, he admitted to it, said he was justified in it, and ultimately was put to death for it. To me, that is justice for his crimes, but it's also a very extreme example since most people aren't home grown terrorists.

    Again, I'm not saying I'm an expert or that I'm even right, hence why I even commented in the first place because I want other views. I do think that the death penalty should be used extremely rarely if it's used at all, but I do still feel that there are some crimes in which the penalty is death. How do we ensure that we get it right though? That's where you have a point and maybe we can't so we shouldn't.

  • Texas man sent to death row by junk science is denied US Supreme Court appeal
  • This is super interesting. Thanks for that! I knew that there were more legal costs but I wasn't aware that the overall costs were significantly higher. Obviously they want to make sure that someone on death row is guilty which takes more time, evidence, etc, so this does make sense.

    I'll have to continue reading but from a brief overview, this is very interesting. Thanks!

  • Texas man sent to death row by junk science is denied US Supreme Court appeal
  • The reason I disagree with this is that if we truly decide to "lock someone away for life", it will ultimately cost us, the taxpayers, tons of money as someone is kept fed, educated, healthy, etc. I'm not against any of those things for the average Americans, but if someone is just going to spend the rest of their life in prison, they're going to spend the rest of their life costing money.

    That said, does it make the death penalty the answer? I don't know, I'm not a lawyer, I'm not a legal expert, I'm not an expert in anything. What I do know is that there are crimes that most people would probably say they're okay with the death penalty, and crimes that people say they're definitely not okay with it. I generally lean more towards the death penalty in some cases, but I also know that they fight and appeal for years and cost even more money. I also know that many innocent people have been put on death row, and that's not okay. I think Texas uses it a bit liberally and that's not okay.

    Again, I'm not an expert, but "locking him up for life" is just gonna cost more than he may be worth.

    It's just not super black and white, in my opinion. But I'd love to be corrected and hear opposing views.

  • "My first girlfriend turned into the moon"
  • In Pathfinder 1e, it mentions that high charisma can mean an attractive person. We know this can be true because my bard had a 36 cha (PF1e is broken lmao) and we all know it wasn't his personality.

  • "What kind of music are you into?"
  • Big iron on his hiiiiiip

  • Are you cancelling streaming services?
  • Interesting. I might have to get Jellyfin set up and run them simultaneously for a bit. Like I said my favorite Plex thing is Plexamp because it's so clean and simple and I'd rather use a dedicated app for music instead of the main app.

    I do like that it's FOSS though, so that's pretty great.

  • Are you cancelling streaming services?
  • Is jellyfin that much better? I've seen people throw it around a lot and I've yet to try it. The big thing I like about Plex is Plexamp as a music app and it seems like Jellyfin lacks that for the time being.

  • Google’s Bard AI can now access Gmail, Drive, Docs, and more
  • I'm starting to switch over to Proton. I haven't paid for it yet but my plan is to start paying and potentially grab usernames on other sites so I can have a consistent email across any site I decide to use.

  • Marvel Studios’ Loki Season 2 | Amazing Loki Featurette
  • I haven't seen the last like 4 Marvel movies because they no longer interest me. I have been enjoying most of the shows, but it's a bit less of a commitment to say "oh I'll watch one of these episodes every now and then" instead of going to a theater and spending 3-4 hours there.

    So yeah, I think most people are getting burned out. The latest movies haven't been very good from what I've heard, the stories aren't as fun, the new characters aren't carrying as well as the old guard. Basically the same issue with Star Wars where the movies suck but the shows have been either really good or really bad.

  • grandpas guitars
  • Not my favorite. He's got a couple solid songs but the rest isn't my jam. My style is more Death in the death metal genre, or Metallica in thrash.

  • grandpas guitars
  • I love death and thrash metal a lot. I can occasionally write some really solid riffs that I feel are representative of what I like normally.


    My best work is the simple acoustic stuff I write when I'm bored and don't feel like plugging an amp in. I don't even like the kind of music it ends up falling into normally, but I guess I can write it.

  • Do you pirate? And do you justify pirating? i.e., what is your piracy philosophy?
  • The last time I pirated a game was for Freelancer. Couldn't buy it anywhere except a CD and there was no guarantee it would work so I pirated it, it wasn't what I expected, so I removed it.

    I also downloaded a Halo CE crack for PC but I owned the physical disk and just used it to play with friends at a LAN party.

    Otherwise there's no reason to pirate anything gaming related, short of protest or something.

    TV, movies and music are so hard to find. Lots of people will tell me "no just use Spotify". No. Go try to listen to Turn the Page by Bob Seger, and not a live version. The only versions Spotify has are the live and the Metallica versions. Try to find Whitesnake's Deep Purple cover album. I used to never pirate music because I could buy the few albums they didn't have and upload them to Google music. Now, there's no option for that. I'd rather have a smaller library with the music I want than a massive one that's missing my favorites,

  • Need help picking SSDs for a new server with Proxmox
  • I think a drive like that is pretty much perfect. If their current usage is low enough that it's still well above a consumer drive, then it would probably work.

    Guess I can grab a couple of those and slot them in so I can start my server migration.

  • Live Scenes from New York - Dream Theater album released on Sept 11, 2001 that had to be pulled out because its cover showed the WTC twin towers in flames
  • Another one here is that Slayer released the album "God Hates Us All" that was taken down very quickly after the attacks happened.

  • Need help picking SSDs for a new server with Proxmox
  • Yeah so for the actual data, it'll all be HDDs. I've got a couple 8tbs I shucked from some EasyStores, got a 3rd WD Red and will be getting a 4th soon. So actual data is all gonna be stored there. This is specifically the OS/Programs stuff, which (and this may be my ignorance) I understand that I'd want to run Proxmox on the SSD. I just want them to be in a raid1 config here so that I have redundancy similar to the rest of the system, but I only need the one.

    So yeah I'm just looking for what SSDs I should go for as my OS/Program drive, under the assumption I have to run Proxmox on that drive. If I'm mistaken then let me know, but that was my understanding. Like I said I'm somewhat new to self-hosting stuff so my current system is just Ubuntu for desktop that I pretend is a real server by SSHing into it with my desktop terminal.

  • homelab Pastor Haggis
    Need help picking SSDs for a new server with Proxmox


    I'm (kinda) new at self-hosting stuff and have been running off an old gaming PC with 8gb RAM and an i5-3570k and a couple 8tb drives in a raid 1 configuration.

    A few weeks (months maybe) ago, I bought a Dell PowerEdge R720XD for a decent price and the only thing it didn't come with is drives. I've got another 8tb drive and will be grabbing one more to do Proxmox with ZFS and do a raidz1 configuration for 24tb of usable space.

    The big question I have here is what type/size of SSD should I go with? I currently just have an old 120gb SSD that's running Ubuntu with things like Plex, Kavita, Foundry, and whatever else I'm using on it. A buddy was telling me to use "data center SSDs" due to the amount of work hypervisor tools will do. I've also read other posts from Reddit and similar that mention that consumer-grade SSDs should be just fine but then others point out that if they only have 80-100TBW which means they'll fail quicker, but if they're cheaper than data center or enterprise SSDs then it would still be cheaper.

    My plan for Proxmox is basically this:

    • ZFS Pool with a raidz1 vdev (made of hard drives) with the goal to expand it eventually
    • Plex instance (I'll probably point my cache to the vdev via symlinks because one time I had a 50gb cache when setting up Plex so I don't want to do that again)
    • Kavita instance
    • Linux instance just for dev work and funsies
    • Foundry (D&D tool) instance
    • I also run some random website stuff but that'll probably be on the Linux instance. None of it is very big
    • HomeAssistant

    So with that, are there any things I should consider? Is a pair of $30, 480gb Kingston drives more than plenty? Should I go for some mid-range Microns? Do I find something way more expensive and just eat the cost up front instead of over time? I'm just trying to figure out how I should price it out because I want to get this server up and running so I can steal my old desktop back for other dumb reasons.

    Thanks in advance for any help!

    Side note, if you have a good way to migrate data where I have to get 4.5tb off my 8tb raid1 group, set up ZFS with those same drives, then put the data back on it, let me know. The current plans are to either piecemeal out the data to all the machines on my network, or just get a 6tb external drive.

    Star Citizen reaches $600 million raised but the game future is really worrying
  • The difference is that Dwarf Fortress only released on Steam because they had financial worries due to some health scares. They decided to release it on steam and charge for it but they wanted to deliver a major overhaul of the UI to justify selling it, even though people wanted to pay them for years.

    DF has been in development for 20 years but it's essentially a full game that they've been making better. Yeah it's buggy (they simulate so goddamn much of course it'll have bugs), but it's at least a full experience that you can replay many times and never have the same experience.

    Star Citizen does not deliver a full game, it's just a glorified tech demo. It's cool tech, but it's not worth playing in my opinion.

  • Anyone else having issues with preloading on Steam? UPDATE: I'm dumb, Steam preload is on the 30th, not the 17th.

    I purchased Starfield through Humble Bundle and made sure to get the deluxe edition with the early access key. It took them a bit to actually deliver the key to me (and I was only able to put it in yesterday) and I tried preloading and it didn't seem that I had that option on Steam? I'm not sure if I did something wrong or what, but I'll be a little annoyed if I have to wait until the day of to play, and even more upset if I can't play until after the preorder access is over.

    Update: I am dumb and only Xbox could preload on the 17th, PC is the 30th. My mistake.

    PastorHaggis Pastor Haggis
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    Comments 72