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Joe Biden Hits Back at The New York Times After it Tells Him to Drop Out of Race
  • I think the polls are close because only a certain subset of voters are in them.

    Did you participate in the poll?

    I ask because I didn’t. I’m not even sure how I could but can’t be bothered to figure it out, and it doesn’t seem like it means much.

    I also asked my coworkers if they were in any of these polls. Out of the whole lunchroom, one old guy said he used to do them, years ago when they would call him and ask questions. But they haven’t in a long while.

    So that’s a whole lunchroom not represented in the polls, and I doubt we’re the exception. But we will all be voting come November.

  • Joe Biden Hits Back at The New York Times After it Tells Him to Drop Out of Race
  • I mean, given my work schedule it was late for me too. But it was an OK time for the other coast I suppose. Good thing I have a DVR.

    Old age aside, that’s the curse of campaigning while actively President I think. Biden’s been up since god knows when hearing reports, making tactical decisions, worrying about multiple wars, working the reporters, navigating security concerns and doing his job, while also having to rehearse what he can anticipate, get to the studio and get all made up and go on TV. I’d be fried at the tail end of such a day too.

    Trump probably threw a party, napped, popped some strong pills, printed another copy of his same old rally speech and came out of a hotel across the street ready to blame some immigrants for the sun going down.

    Maybe we should get the VP to run the country on important days like debates so the active president can get the same treatment as the guy with nothing better to do?

  • Joe Biden Hits Back at The New York Times After it Tells Him to Drop Out of Race
  • On the one hand, it’s a tradition at this point to always run the incumbent. In most cases, it’s a slam dunk win unless things went really wrong. (say a pandemic)

    The difference now is that I don’t think we’ve ever had presidents get this old. I think Reagan ended this old but no one has ever run for office this old. And I can’t blame a guy for getting old like I can blame a guy for spouting lies and vitriol. I do think it’s time for an upper age limit for office though. If people can be too young, they can be too old. And it seems like people are living long enough to get to test it.

    But on the other hand, there just aren’t any democrats that came close to winning the primary, wether because of the first hand tradition or because they just didn’t have anything good to bring to the table I’m not sure.

    And when the opposition is as sturdy as Trump, it’s not the time to play games with untested newbies, you know? So you try to bring up your battle hardened best, even if he might be getting up there in years.

    That said, before the debate, I felt like he had the ability. He’s been strong at previous public appearances. I truly hope this is a fluke, and he wipes the floor with Trump at the next debate. Because otherwise we are screwed, either because Biden fades out on us or Trump gets to try for his racist autocracy.

  • Steam is getting an official controller, but Valve isn’t making it
  • Sorry, no touchpads, no real interest from me.

    I need a Steam Controller 2 with the same controls as the deck itself, so I can configure and learn one layout, not enjoy the virtual menus or trackpad mouse control on one and then go without on a basic Xbox layout in another.

  • The Raspberry Pi 5 is no match for a tini-mini-micro PC
  • You would go for a Raspberry Pi when you need something it was invented for.

    Putting a computer on your motorcycle or robot or solar powered RV. Super small space or low-low power availability things, or direct GPIO control.

    A MiniMicro will run laps around a Pi for general compute, but you can’t run it off a cell phone battery pack. People only related Pis to general compute because of the push to sell them as affordable school computers, not because they were awesome at it, because they were cheap and just barely enough.

  • Get rich quick
  • Forgive me, I’m no AI expert to fully compare the needed tokens per second measurement to relate to the average query Siri might handle, but I will say this:

    Even in your article, only the largest model ran at 8/tps, others ran much faster, and none of these were optimized for a task, just benchmarking.

    Would it be impossible for Apple to be running an optimized model specific to expected mobile tasks, and leverage their own hardware more efficiently than we can, to meet their needs?

    I imagine they cut out most worldly knowledge etc/use a lightweight model, which is why there is still a need to link to ChatGPT or Apple for some requests, would this let them trim Siri down to perform well enough on phones for most requests? They also advertised launching AI on M1-2 chip devices, which are not M3-Max either…

  • Get rich quick
  • Onboard AI chips will allow this to be local.

    Phones do not have the power to ~~~

    Perhaps this is why these features will only be available on iPhone 15 Pro/Max and newer? Gotta have those latest and greatest chips.

    It will be fun to see how it all shakes out. If the AI can’t run most queries on the phone with all this advertising of local processing…there’ll be one hell of a lawsuit coming up.

    EDIT: Finished looking for what I thought I remembered…

    Additionally, Siri has been locally processed since iOS 15.

  • Get rich quick
  • I think there’s a larger picture at play here that is being missed.

    Getting the weather is a standard feature for years now. Nothing AI about it.

    What is “AI” is, Hey Siri, what is the weather at my daughter’s recital coming up?

    The AI processing, calculated on-device if what they claim is true, is:

    1. the determination of who your daughter is
    2. What is a recital? An event? Are there any upcoming calendar events that match this concept?
    3. Is the “daughter” associated with this event by description or invitation? Yes? OK, what’s the address?
    4. Submit zip code of recital calendar event involving the kid to the weather API, and churn out a reply that includes all this information…

    Well {Your phone contact name}, it looks like it will {remote weather response} during your {calendar event from phone} with {daughter from contacts} on {event date}.

    That is the idea between on-device and cloud processing. The phone already has your contacts and calendar and does that work offline rather than educating an online server about your family, events and location, and requests the bare minimum from the internet, in this case nothing more than if you opened the weather app yourself and put in a zip code.

  • Proxmox on NUC8I5BEH
  • Plug it into a monitor or TV and keep an eye on the console.

    I have an older NUC that will not cooperate with certain brands of NVMe drive under PVE…the issue sounds like yours where it would work for an arbitrary amount of time before crashing the file system, attempting to remount read-only and rendering the system inert and unable to handle changes like plugging a monitor in later, yet it would still be “on”.

  • Don't bother posting
  • Perhaps because of Imgur, my and perhaps others clients aren’t even loading the image. I just see a long rectangle with a question mark box.

    I just assumed it was a dead/broken link and kept scrolling at first…

    EDIT: taking a quick scroll through your posts, I see this is true for all but two of your posts, and those working ones have hundreds of upvotes, so we may be onto something here…

  • Amazon Games has unveiled a spiritual sequel to New World which is set to replace it
  • My understanding is that this is a rage-baitey misunderstanding.

    Yes, they are renaming the base game (to improve search results, it is speculated) but otherwise this is more of a soft-reboot, a free DLC(for owners of current DLC) with some core mechanic overhauls.

    It’s not even going to stop being an MMORPG, the marketing team was just allergic to the acronym for some reason.

    In fact, it was confirmed that for base game players without DLC, this is all just a big nothing. We’ll still keep our progress and data, just not get any new DLC content(obviously), though the rebalancing will still trickle down.

    New World isn’t shutting down, it’s getting a new DLC and a less generic name, the marketing guys just tried to oversell it like a new game. Guess they earned their bonus because everyone is talking about it now…

  • If you like TF2, sign in the petition #FixTF2 #SaveTF2
  • Genuine curiosity…what are some proposed solutions we think Valve can implement to solve this crisis?

    I ask because the line about VAC being a joke gave me a thought…VAC is such a joke because it is so simple and un-invasive. Do we really want VAC “upgraded” to the level of more effective Anti-cheats, where it cuts down the bots but is now a monitoring kernel service? Just a few weeks ago people were in an uproar about the new Vanguard anti-cheat…do we want that for Valve? Or do we think they can do it a better way?

    As an aside, honestly in my mind community servers with a cooperative ban list plugin might be the most effective solution of all…it would still be a game of whack a mole since they can always churn out new accounts, but that’s what gives me pause about other solutions because the only real solutions to slow cheaters start to sound like charging for the game(to make account creation costly) or implementing a bulletproof system of hardware bans, which means invasive solutions that can be certain they aren’t virtual machines or such.

  • Is dockStarter a waste of time?
  • I recommend Dockge over Portainer if you want a web admin panel.

    It’s basically docker compose in a website, and you can just decide one day to turn it off and use the compose files directly. No proprietary databases or other weirdness.

  • Why do posters say that increase in Linux Steam share doesnt count becuase its mostly steam deck users?
  • That’s right. Had Steam Deck run Windows, or even for those that install Windows and join the survey, they would be lumped in with the Windows metric and nobody would care as it would be a drop in the ocean.

    Linux is the underdog, always has been, maybe always will be. So any uptick in metrics is far more significant than a twitch in the Windows numbers and gets a more exciting response. I think the problem is many don’t see it as true adoption when Steam Deck has such a console-like experience for a lot of users…for the naysayers it is like including PlayStations in the survey and saying FreeBSD users are everywhere. Technically yes, but also no, right?

    That doesn’t make a great example because you don’t even have the option to exit PlayStation and use BSD, but I hope it gets the idea across.

  • Why do posters say that increase in Linux Steam share doesnt count becuase its mostly steam deck users?
  • I think it’s because generally speaking, thanks to the efforts of Valve with game mode etc to create the console like experience, many that have a Steam Deck don’t “use” Linux…they use Steam, they click Install and they click Play and that’s it.

  • How should news sites be funded?
  • Like a non-profit, with tax breaks and the ability to earn enough to operate, but little more than that or the taxes come back with a vengeance.

    Everything needs money to run but when there’s the option to shovel out whatever bait it takes to chase the dragon of uncapped earnings, they’re not in it to keep us informed, just to keep us spending.

  • Are you prepared for the ramifications of windows 10 EoL?
  • Do you game at all? Gaming on Linux has made great strides, be be fair, but for a lot of titles you still need to consider a dual boot of some form of Windows, thanks to over the top anti-cheat, DRM, and developer support.

    Something to consider for the gamers out there.

  • How did you come up with your username?
  • Between Lemmy and Reddit, I’m a long time lurker, rarely a poster, especially as toxic as Reddit was I just found what I was looking for and moved along. Don’t mind me, I’m just:


  • It’s the End of the Web as We Know It
  • Absolutely. You can even throw the telephone in there. At the start it was a great way to reach Grandma across the country or the doctor across town. Now most of the traffic on it is robots and extortionists trying to fool Grammy into giving her money for some lie or another.

    I don’t even answer my phone for numbers anymore…be on a short named contact list, leave a voicemail reminding me you are someone I should put on that list, or nothing doing. Sucks for anyone putting me down as an emergency contact though…

    And I feel TV being 25% ads is being pretty conservative…oh, but streaming! Swap the ads and channels you don’t want for a higher per-channel price and no ads…oh, wait, now you get a higher price and the ads!

  • [Question] Stay with Gitea or jump to Forgejo?

    Does anyone who’s more on the pulse of stuff than I know if I should stick with Gitea or jump to Forgejo while I can?

    I understand that, for the moment at least, Forgejo should be a drop-in replacement for Gitea as they shared codebase for so long…

    Anyone have experience that this is the case? What version did you make the switch on? Was it really just a binary/docker container swap on existing database or did you run into any troubles?

    I’m at a crossroads where as a casual HomeLab user I don’t really care either way, but if there is a chance Gitea does something that ruins my use of it, I will regret having not switched while it was supposed to be easy. On the other hand, if Gitea remains the stronger choice and Forgejo fizzles out, I will regret leaving it behind. Help me decide? I’m on Gitea 1.21.5, the last “guaranteed” jump point now.

    People can't truly understand history they haven't lived.

    People today cannot truly grasp history and fully comprehend (possibly literally) what should be learned from it because it is for many of them, especially the new ones in school, just words on a page.

    Nothing educates like experience, like how you can teach a skill from a book but to truly understand it you must practice it, probably poorly at first but better with further action.

    History cannot truly be experienced by someone who was not there, whether kept apart by time or distance. We can try to bridge the gap with our spoken and written words, and today maybe a video feed, but it is not the same. Just doesn’t adhere to our fleshy brains the same way.

    This also means that “true” historical fact and utter fiction are often indistinguishable. The only difference between a history book and a historical fiction is that we are encouraged by our parents who we trust implicitly, or our teachers they tell us to trust, to believe that one book be the true one over another.

    Kids today cannot understand the gravity and lessons of the time before because what they have experienced first hand in their short lives is the only thing they truly know to be real. As for everything else, it would be just as easy to give them an alt-history fiction and convince them we saved our country from actual lizard men. And they would believe it with just as much vigor as any other history lesson.

    This is why I think some major issues are easily glossed over by the newest generations. Their entire life experience is based in a world which is not perfect, but also not as bad or the same as the events before. And the accounts of the past just don’t hold the same gravity as their experience of world today, making those who did experience worse and are rightly afraid seem like they are exaggerating. We ask people to feel just as concerned about something they have never lived through and hopefully never will, with the same feeling as those who truly have. And it would be like asking someone to feel like they've lived through a novel or movie, because to their brain there is no difference. I feel that's why there is a struggle to connect and cooperate on these issues.

    It doesn't help that history is malleable because of its apparent intangibility. There is the fear these days that misinformation, propaganda, and AI created fiction can be easily spread along today's internet, to influence the minds of people everywhere and convince them of non-truths. Politicians and leaders of nations are even at this moment pushing legislation to set the tone of history taught in schools. Should any of this succeed, one generation will know history to have one set of facts, and the next will have another set. They will both hold these facts to be as irrefutably true as any others they've learned. I feel that this is so easily possible because of how, fundamentally, the "true" and false histories are cut from the same cloth and leave the same mark on the mind.

    Notice how I keep putting "true" history in quotes? It's because I ask, what is true history? Is it not said that history belongs to the victor? Propaganda, book burnings, internet/information restrictions, statues and landmarks put up and torn down... History is subjective, altered every day to suite a narrative or changing sensibilities. Different countries educate on different perspectives and opinions of the same events, and each is the world truth according to their citizens. This practice continues even into today, with wars going on and different sides with different opinions on why they are happening...and when one is victorious, one side will influence the collective record through alliances old and new, and make that the truth. Eventually. And if that side so happens to be known by the witnesses of the time to be false, then what will become future historical truth, will actually just be fiction.

    Or really, all just words on the page, like all history not personally witnessed.

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