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I can fix her!
  • Amd as you take your last bloody breayhs, she pulls out the strapon.

  • I can fix her!
  • Wanna find out? Only 6km away 😊.

  • I can fix her!
  • Fairly soon... she's only 6km away.

  • I can fix her!
  • Yeah, I was hoping for stroking maybe...

  • I can fix her!
  • Yeah, like how is that strokingmy ego 🤔...

  • I can fix her!
  • EU males go brrrrrr

  • I can fix her!
  • You sure? IDK man, you know, you could be sleeping while she slits your throat.

    She seems honest IMO.

  • NSFW
    Are you as smart as Ben?
  • Do watch some of the videos posted above.

  • NSFW
    Are you as smart as Ben?
  • There is something seriously wrong with them... that man needs to LEAVE ASAP!

  • NSFW
    Are you as smart as Ben?
  • The mental state is the problem... imagine one of them suddenly dies.

  • NSFW
    Are you as smart as Ben?
  • I'm just playing it safe, I've had so many posts removed from this comm, I still have no idea why. Sometimes they give a reason, sometimes they don't.

  • NSFW
    Let's improve the quality!
  • 😬... trailerpark family 😂...

  • NSFW
    Let's improve the quality!
  • Oh man 😬... you don't wanna share that in this comm 😬...

  • To sing the US national anthem
  • No, her dad is a music teacher.

  • Update on SJW upgrade to v19.3
  • Pictures don't seem to show up... but I'm guessing this is a caching issue, so it should be resolved by itself.

  • Why did I ask 🤦
  • Have to... mods are always watching.

  • this plug doesn't have the little holes
  • In the cheap one, we have two perfectly flat brass pieces pressing against each other.

    I'll bet you any ammount you want, that's not brass. It's iron with brass coating.

  • I got a... weird problem...
  • OK, I think I solved it :). Just needed to manually set some parameters in /etc/pulse/daemon.conf.

    resample-method = soxr-hq
    avoid-resampling = false
    enable-remixing = yes
    default-sample-rate = 44100
    alternate-sample-rate = 48000

    I think defining the default and alternative sample rate mostly solved the problem, the other settings were just in case, I didn't check if it worked with or without them.

  • I got a... weird problem...
  • So, how do I force it to use a particular sample rate? Cuz I think the streams are 44.1KHz (as is with most audio) and if it speeds up, the sample rate should be set to 48KHz if my logic serves me correctly.

    This is just a temporary fix, I'll switch to PipeWire as soon as I can, I just wanna do some work in my workshop and listen to music...

  • I got a... weird problem...

    It's an older PC, a P4 I use as a radio streamer mostly, so the install is x86.

    The problem is, audio seems to play back faster. I have it set up to boot up the streaming application after boot (Tuner, about 20 seconds after boot since it uses a spinning IDE HDD, so the rig is slow on boot) and sometimes (rarely) everything will be fine, the playback speed will be fine. But, most of the time, the audio plays back faster. In some rare cases, I've also noticed it can play slower as well. Also, if the audio is fine after Tuner starts and you change radio streams, back to square one, it starts playing the audio faster.

    I tried running other applications, like VLC and Audacious to see if the same thing is happening in them. Yep, the same thing. I still haven't tried Winamp with wine.

    I still use PulseAudio on that rig. I didn't see a reason to switch since it did it's job, I don't really need anything fancy on it, just a workable audio out was all I needed.

    Also, I have no idea when this actually started happening (everything worked fine when I set it up a few years ago, 1.5 or 2 years ago I think) since I haven't used it in a while as a streamer, but I needed to use it now. I thought it might be a kernel/driver bug, so I rolled back a snapshot a few months ago (I think a snapshot that still had some 5.x version of the kernel), and it did kinda work (the fast playback speeds were less sporadic) but it didn't eliminate the problem completely.

    Please, tell me what commands to run on this thing, I'll do it and post the output. It uses an onboard audio card, some old Intel card part of the chipset I think. Here is the output from lspci regarding the audio.

    Multimedia audio controller: Intel Corporation 82801DB/DBL/DBM (ICH4/ICH4-L/ICH4-M) AC'97 Audio Controller (rev 01)

    I'm thinking PulseAudio is so outdated now that it causes problems like these on certain chipsets/audio controllers, but I'm not sure. I know I'll have to eventually switch to PipeWire, but I was hoping I could ride the PulseAudio train a little longer.

    Let's get this party started!
  • It's... confusing 🤨... birthday party in space, but the main character has to fight asgar the destroyer after the party 🤣.

  • I told ChatGPT to code hello world in rust and comment in pirate slang 😂

    Arrr, me hearty! Ye be askin' for a simple piece o' code in Rust, peppered with pirate comments. Here be a wee program that prints a hearty greeting:

    fn main() { // Avast, me hearties! We start our voyage here. let greeting = "Ahoy, matey! Welcome aboard!";

    // Yo ho ho! We print our greeting to the open sea! println!("{}", greeting); }

    Now ye be havin' a taste o' pirate-infused Rust code! If ye be havin' any more requests or need further assistance, feel free to speak up, and I'll be at yer service!

    Are there any plans to add attachments to Lemmy, as in not just image attachments/uploads?

    This platform could be a viable alternative for forums (cuz we know in which state they currently are), but the lack of general attachments (any mime/file type) is what I believe stands in the way. I have an electronics forum I run (a local one, nothing too serious) and I believe Lemmy can make it more intereactive (not die out) because people from all over the world will get the feed and not just people that are online on the forum at that time.

    Still, we frequently exchange PDFs, schematics (not always in image form), archives, etc., which makes Lemmy useless if there are no plans to implement something like this, even if disabled by default.

    So, are there plans for anything like this being implemented?

    Am I the only one having problems commenting on posts made on this instance?

    At first, I thought it was just a temporary glitch or something, but a few days pass and I still can't comment from any if my accounts (I have 5, 2 are on this instance). And I think it's only exclusive to the Main community, not any other community... the weird thing is, I tried from 4 accounts, the 2 on this instance and another 2, none of them can comment. In particular, I wanted to reply after this comment.

    Every time it just returns a "language_not_allowed" error. This in Jerboa, I haven't tried commenting from the web UI.

    EDIT: Now this is interesting. I'm in the web UI now and if I follow the link I shared in this post, it says it's a KBin instance and asks for my login credentials. I noticed there is something funky with the URL and I really have no idea how I'm following this community through KBin 🤨.

    EDIT2: OK, I pinpointed the problem. The link to the reply leads to KBin because the reply is from a KBin user account. I can't seem to be able to reply to that particular comment (seems I can reply to anything that is from a Lemmy instance, but not KBin).

    Here's the post.

    Now scroll down and find a comment from a user named ScrumblesPAbernathy and try to reply to that comment, see if you get the same error as me (language_not_allowed in Jerboa, or just hangs in the web UI).

    EDIT3: OK, the solution to the problem was to select English as the language in which you wanna write the reply. There is no such option in Jerboa (yet), but the web UI has it and if you just select English, the reply goes through.

    PCChipsM922U PCChipsM922U
    Posts 38
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