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Why isn't everyone talking about AI generated audiobooks?
  • Isn't Ghost and Pals just vocaloid? If I'm thinking of the right ghost(the one who's songs get used in fandom animation videos). That's already been a thing for a while.

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • Of course. An actual train is better than some hybrid boondoggle like a bus train hybrid

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • Yes, but private trains is not a scalable thing. Putting these on everything solves no problems

  • Everybody look!
  • Why are there so many

  • Biden Wants Arms Deals With Israel to Be Done in Complete Secrecy, Without Congress
  • Genocide Joe knows how evil it is, and wants to continue arming the zionist entity. Monstrous bastard.

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • Copying from a mediocre children's book(diary of a wimpy kid)? No, they aren't going far.

  • What is something you dislike but still begrudgingly use?
  • Cars. There is no direct bus to the grocery store from my apartment, so it's way easier to drive than get on 1 bus, transfer to a different line and then go there.

  • I just developed and deployed the first real-time protection for lemmy against CSAM!
  • Has this been a problem since the initial spam wave? I wasn't aware the issue was ongoing. But the less pedos, the better.

  • Hexbear federation megathread
  • White genocide/great replacement theory is an ideology espoused by fascist propagandists like tucker carlson and cited by mass shooters such as the buffalo and christchurch murderers. Nazis claim whites are being genocided. I deny those claims.

  • Admin update - Hexbear Defederated
  • How can anyone support "democratic" western regimes that perpetrate atrocities like this? If the people vote for a government that commits atrocities, they should not have that right. After ww2 the world said that Germany doesn't get to be a country and have self determination, because what they chose to do with self-determination was the holocaust. The world should do the same for the west.

  • rule
  • Yeah it works by appending it to the display name. If you see usernames, that's the problem.

  • Hexbear federation megathread
  • You also should deny "genocide" . Nazis claim that white genocide is ongoing, perpetrated by the Jewish cabal. I deny this is happening. That makes me a genocide denier by definition. Do you also deny these accusations of genocide or are you a nazi?

  • Hexbear federation megathread
  • All whites are subhuman and should be cleansed from the earth. Dessalines did nothing wrong killing Haiti's white population after the slave revolt won. Slaving mayo monkeys can rot.

  • Hexbear federation megathread
  • Using the same methods of counting excess deaths, the British empire killed 1.8 billion.

  • Hexbear federation megathread
  • State as in government not state as in subdivision of amerikkka

  • Hexbear federation megathread
  • Do you know how federation works? No "brigade" is necessary, we just post way more and sort by active.

  • Hexbear federation megathread
  • And we are very much not straight white men. User survey said it's like 1/3 trans people which is more than any non exclusivly trans space I've seen.