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Uhhhh, What the fuck is happening at /mildlyinteresting???
  • You just are never going to get it. I listen to all sides. I do my own research and form my own opinion. When was the last time you read something factual that goes against what you believe, did your own research and changed your opinion? I have done it many times.

  • Uhhhh, What the fuck is happening at /mildlyinteresting???
  • LOL 99% of the media has a leftist slant which is why you are firmly in the hive of misinformation. And peer reviewed means that they agree with you

  • Uhhhh, What the fuck is happening at /mildlyinteresting???
  • Did you bother to read the rules of the group?

  • Uhhhh, What the fuck is happening at /mildlyinteresting???
  • I agree most social platforms are leftist hive mind wastelands. What is funny is how 99% isn't enough for the leftist. They must eliminate all debate. But if I couldn't defend my position in a debate I guess I would just call the other guy names. So much better to live in the hive and never have to think for yourself

  • Uhhhh, What the fuck is happening at /mildlyinteresting???
  • Excellent point. Let's make lemmy a one voice, one opinion paradise. Just like any tolatarian govenment that we all love. And remember that anyone who disagrees with us is bad. Interesting how some so much fear open discussion with those who hold opinions different than there's. Not surprising why people on the left despise debates of the issues.

  • Uhhhh, What the fuck is happening at /mildlyinteresting???
  • Good point. Why have a place for all points of view. Much better to have an echo chamber

  • YSK: How to see a list of the communities you're subscribed to
  • Still trying to figure out what "local" means

  • YSK: How to see a list of the communities you're subscribed to
  • good question. wish I knew the answer

  • Uhhhh, What the fuck is happening at /mildlyinteresting???
  • I agree with a prior poster that very few of them there know anything about lemmy. I was recently banned there and stumbled upon lemmy. As a former mod there I know that I could get many to migrate but have lost the ability to post there. Anyone have any ideas how to get a reddit account unbanned other than the usual appeal process.

  • Reddit Optionhome
    Not me but interesting post from someone else
    NO JAIL TIME: Hunter Biden Pleads Guilty In Deal To Avoid Jail
  • there is a famous quote that comes to mind. "there are none so blind as those who refuse to see". And the basis of that quote is exactly what those currently in power count on.

  • NO JAIL TIME: Hunter Biden Pleads Guilty In Deal To Avoid Jail
  • LOL. Reading some of the comments here I am starting to believe that there are multiverses and we have visitors from them to the one that we currently reside in

  • NO JAIL TIME: Hunter Biden Pleads Guilty In Deal To Avoid Jail
  • So you are saying that if everything was equal and this was one of Trump's kids the outcome would be the same?

  • Hackers threaten to leak stolen Reddit data if company doesn't pay $4.5 million and change controversial pricing policy.
  • Anyone have a simple explanation regarding what it's all about. Is it just a scam?

  • Reddit Optionhome
    Hackers threaten to leak stolen Reddit data if company doesn't pay $4.5 million and change controversial pricing policy.
    NO JAIL TIME: Hunter Biden Pleads Guilty In Deal To Avoid Jail
  • Anyone reading this, if you did the exact same things you would with no doubt be pleading the length of your jail term

  • The Circle of "Diversity"
  • That's exactly how it works. They can't just leave you alone. They have to take over whatever you are doing that "offends" them

  • Millions losing faith in our system over Trump-Biden divide: ‘Can’t vote our way out of this injustice’
  • Why don't you explain to us all the "crime" and how it is different from biden's while VP having classified documents

  • Millions losing faith in our system over Trump-Biden divide: ‘Can’t vote our way out of this injustice’
  • Wrong again. Conservatives have issues with the Republican Party and Trump. We think for ourselves. Leftists follow the direction of the Lying Liberal media and the DNC. They never question anything. They are incapable of thinking for themselves. And as the biden regime continues to fuck them they double down on believing the lies that "it's not's them who are fucking you." Might be time to do independent research. It is the only chance you have to finally realize that you are just a pawn.

  • Ironic how some things are bad because they are "permanent" and others are not
  • I enjoyed reading your thorough description. I still believe rather than a real help for the patient it is about a new money trail for Big Pharma and Hospitals. Soon enough we will see how it works out.

  • Optionhome Optionhome
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