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how's your week going, Beehaw
  • Things WILL be okay, just to add an extra voice. You got this.

  • how's your week going, Beehaw
  • Bad news: Anxiety's been climbing for no real reason. Stomach knot continuously tightening, even noticing it while lying down, which is new. Tried a cannabis gummy to see if it'd at least unwind the knot. No tolerance to THC at all after about a decade of not using it, so the dose I thought was sensible - one gummy - turned out to be way too much. It was by no means the relaxing experience I was kind of desperate for, but I did devour an entire bag of baby carrots without noticing, so that happened.

    Neutral news: Beyond that, pretty okay. Routine's been mostly unchanged.

    Good news: In January a massive tree fell during a blizzard and crashed through the roof in the room where I was sleeping, and while we managed to get the tree lifted off the house there's been nothing but tarps covering what remains of the roof ever since then. Because there was so much damage to so many houses as a result of the storm - and the insurance only uses one construction company in the region - we've been on a waiting list to have the collapsed part of our house fixed for six months. They've said they ordered the trusses to fix it as of one week ago, and should be out to get started Oct 16. I am super hyped about this.

  • Are you cancelling streaming services?
  • Canceled everything but my Youtube premium. The beauty of streaming, and why it killed piracy for a time imo, was that it made it so easy to access everything there was no need to bother with anything else. I was happy to pay for a media subscription when it was one subscription. I was even happy to do it when it was two, then three. By the fourth, fifth, sixth, so on and so forth forever, I'd had more than enough. They've done away with the ease of access for consumers and made it painfully obnoxious again, so... back to piracy.

  • Maybe building a better internet means going backwards
  • Which MMO, curiously?

  • A High Priority for Moving Away from Lemmy
  • I'm so sorry you went through this.

  • Whats your favorite free open source software that everyone should try?
  • Blokada

    Thank you for this one, it's desperately needed. Downloaded and subbed.

  • What colour is each school subject?
  • This is perfection. Exactly.

  • Who was your worst coworker?
  • This is my stepbrother 1000%. Dude will lie straight to my face about the dumbest shit for absolutely no reason, knowing full well I know he's lying and doing it anyway. It's absolutely bizarre.

  • Who was your worst coworker?
  • God damn it Brian

  • Who was your worst coworker?
  • Holy shit, that's wild.

  • What's something that you were surprised to find out a lot of people hate?
  • Same. I've found it helps to just not look at what general purpose "fans" have to say about pretty much anything. It's always gonna be a hatefest.

  • Beehaw on Lemmy: The long-term conundrum of staying here
  • I would prefer whitelist federation to moving. I would prefer whitelist federation period, actually. Thanks for all you do. Please feel emboldened to make the job easier on you.

  • What's the funniest game you've played?
  • Nexomon: Extinction cracked me up pretty much throughout the entire game.

  • Your most controversial theory?
  • You're pretty much my favorite person here now

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • That's hilarious and exactly what I thought it might be about, but looked a little closer and it is sadly not The Onion. Huge missed opportunity.

  • What are your programming hot takes?

    Edit: I'm good now

  • What are your programming hot takes?
  • Easily the most triggering thread I've ever read.

    I'm out of here.

  • OnichiCub Bardling
    • @OnichiCub
    • Elder Millennial.
    • Northern California Resident.
    • C Programming Enthusiast.
    • Etymology Hobbyist.
    • Text-Based Roleplayer.
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    • Crocheter.
    • Non-Religious.
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