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How can I quickly "unclog" firefox when it runs out of memory (with 1000/2000 tabs)
  • Not sure what your coding level is but you could interact with and scrape the sites with python. I'm sure other languages have similar frameworks.

    Even if you aren't very familiar and don't know any pythons, it's a good one to learn and though it could take a while to learn enough to do what you want, you would be more motivated to figure things out and it would save you a lot of time (and money) in the long term.

  • What does the world think of India?
  • I wouldn't view India as a world leader in any field but may be ignorant of some specialities? I know there is innovation but nothing major springs to mind. I'm being lazy though - that can likely be looked up and verified with stats.

    Technology wise, it appears to depend on western countries outsourcing work, which isn't necessarily a bad thing but isn't a good thing either since the draw to using India isn't skill but cost. If the cost goes up, the west will stop outsourcing there and go to some other low cost base. (I'm not saying Indians aren't skilled, just that's not the primary reason why outsourcing there is happening, it's all about exploitation from the west in search of more profit).

    Politically it seems to have been a dumpster fire for some time and looks like it's trending towards more national extremism. Though that doesn't seem to be unique at all - feels like the world is shifting to more fascist tendencies.

    The caste system is especially cruel and I regularly read stories that it's going strong with no signs of stopping. I find that morally repugnant.

    The amount of scams against innocent people that originate from India is shocking, and it really appears as though corruption is so high that it's not going to get better any time soon.

    Professionally, I deal with Indians semi regularly and it's overall positive. Personally, I've come across a few assholes but the majority have been decent people and none of the issues above ever come up.

  • How can I quickly "unclog" firefox when it runs out of memory (with 1000/2000 tabs)
  • You used that term, and frankly I recoil a bit a this term because of the implication that it's not a deficiency of the software but that it's the users who are wrong.

    I wouldn't say FF is deficient in this case - not being designed for your exact use case doesn't mean there's anything wrong with it.

    As for opening 500+ tabs to buy a thing.

    You do know that sellers now use algorithmic pricing and often there will be hundreds of sellers for the same thing.

    Plus the price will be obfuscated with various artifices that all have to be overcome to find the best seller with the best price.

    Defeating all of that means openning a shit-ton of tabs.

    I usually only buy things if I agree with the price it's being sold at. If I don't I will look elsewhere but ultimately I value my time more than money. Extra money can be earned, time cannot 🤷‍♂️ If you have to drive 100 miles to a fuel station to save 2 cent per gallon, are you actually saving money?

    Here's an example of the process I've designed for aliexpress

    So it's a script generating all the tabs?

  • How can I quickly "unclog" firefox when it runs out of memory (with 1000/2000 tabs)
  • The solution to write your own application that does what you want because your workflow is not a use case that browsers are designed for. It's not bad to wish for features but your workflow is never going to be catered for in a browser and it's both unreasonable and unrealistic to expect otherwise - hence you need to do it yourself.

    If you can't or don't know how to do that yourself, I suggest you listen to the advice everyone else is giving you. Organisation does require ongoing work and given your comments it will likely require a lot of upfront effort to change your browser hygiene habits but once you are more organised it becomes a lot easier and a lot less work to stay on top of things.

    It's none of my business but I wonder why you feel it's so important to open 500+ tabs just to buy something small online. Doing research and being informed is good but it seems disproportionate and perhaps talking to a professional might help you with that.

  • Dr Anne McCloskey jailed over Covid fine
  • She didn't lose her job for voicing concerns, it was for spreading medically false statements and the suspension was handed out by an independent medical board, and upheld on appeal. It could be argued that it should have been revoked as she is clearly suffering from serious mental health issues that affect her ability to responsibly perform such an important role.

  • Bunny the 'talking' dog's owner says the skepticism from the scientific community hurts the most
  • Did you read the article or the headline? Scientists are not toxic for being skeptical, the dog owner just prefers they believe her. Several studies are mentioned that disprove previous claims, which is reason enough for skepticism.

  • Defendants unmasked in court face cost of damage for allegedly felling famous 150-year-old tree
  • They haven't admitted to doing it. One plead not guilty, the other entered no plea. I doubt there will ever be a good reason given, I struggle to even imagine any justification. Sometimes humanity really acts like a virus that earth needs to get rid of 🤷‍♂️

  • MP uses parliamentary privilege to ask why Lucy Letby story blocked in UK
  • After reading the article, it very much looks the NHS is completely to blame for the deaths and crown prosecution fucked up because the believed 2 people that had a bee in their bonnet but no actual proof. I'd say it was right for the 2 accusers to ask the question the first time but after the investigation that resulted proved no wrong doing on Lucy's part, they should have dropped it. The whole argument is that she was present, but they were short staffed so she was always called in to cover. Also most of the staff didn't have adequate neo-natal training but were working on a neo-natal ward, because they were so short staffed.

  • Shaq
  • Shaq would be an awful president. Excellent basketball player and major respect to him for that choice on shoes but this does not translate into the skills, or knowledge that should be required to be a political leader.

  • What's your opinion on Andrew Huberman's podcast?
  • Because it's full of pseudoscience. He's a better spoken and more intelligent version of Joe Rogan. If you haven't done proper research I suggest you do, if you still don't understand (or don't care about) the dangers of psuedoscience then you do you but know you're part of the problem then. My advice, put the kool-aid down dude, he's not the answer to whatever it is you are looking for.

  • The idea that the Manor Lords dev should 'just hire 50 people' to update it faster is 'fundamentally not the way things work,' says publisher
  • Because progress would be made faster with additional devs. Not everything is/will be sequential and just because a large task is, doesn't mean it could be broken into smaller tasks. Doesn't have to be 50 devs.

    Yes, I do: "an intentionally misrepresented proposition that is set up because it is easier to defeat than an opponent's real argument."

  • Why are many men growing beards again ?
  • Yeah, even more than 10 years really - maybe OP was in a coma 😅 or just didn't notice until someone made a comment and then couldn't stop seeing them. Kind of like when you a buy a certain car you suddenly start seeing them everywhere because you're more familiar.

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