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Microsoft has gone too far: including a Game Pass ad in the Settings app ushers in a whole new age of ridiculous over-advertising
  • Especially in a paid service, like why do I pay for these services if you're still going to advertise, track, or datamine? I know the answer is greed, why profit off of one option when you can profit off of all of them, but I, the consumer, am fed up with the customer abuse.

  • Discussion: Do you donate financially to any OSS projects?
    • Lemmy
    • My local Lemmy instance
    • Lutris
    • KDE
    • Not sure if you want to count paying for Bitwarden

    I pay a small amount monthly to each, I figure instead of paying $5-10 for Netflix or something, I'll give it instead to these fantastic folks. Most of them are going through some major service, whether that's Patreon, Paypal, whatever...I already have a credit card with my spending being tracked, I don't mind if my love for the open source community becomes a documented metric.

  • Vimms Lair is getting removal notices from Nintendo etc. We need someone to help make a rom pack archive can you help?
  • Damn...Vimms Lair was my favorite, friggin Nintendo doing what it does best...

  • How do you guys feel about Loops?
  • I'm happy about any new features that draw more users to a federated alternative :)

  • YouTube has now begun skipping videos altogether for users with ad blockers
  • As much as it pains me to say it, I agree and am annoyed at the amount of "no, fuck Google" in response. I agree, fuck Google, but not because they're charging for a service so good that we all use it, fuck Google for its heavy user tracking of paying users. I understand it costs immensely to host the sheer amount of data that they do, and they still allow creators to have a portion of what's made from each video. Don't get me wrong, I'm all about sticking to the man and all that, but to want a website that provides the same service without any costs involved is unreasonable. Peertube is the closest solution we see, and there are still costs involved for anyone hosting a server. I hate that YouTube is our only real option and I'd love something different, but they already have all of our content, and ultimately, they're fairly reasonable with their demands (pay for our service or watch our ads). The amount of user tracking they do is what's unacceptable to me, but that's across all of their products, and I would love to see some enforcement of minimum required data.

  • I managed to run The Sims 4 on Linux after over 6 hours
  • Wife likes modding Sims and already bought some expansions before we moved her to Linux. They actually still add some free content sometimes, so we keep the wifey happy, and hope to almighty Gaben that EA doesn't fuck things up too bad. Good news is that she knows that when things go wrong, it's 100% on EA

  • what lemmy web app do you use and why?
  • Eternity, loved it on Reddit, love it on Lemmy, bless the Open Source community for keeping it alive

  • What happened to "You're welcome!" as a response to "Thank You"? It's not even included in the canned answers on an apple watch. Have we as a society abandoned it?
  • I think a lot of younger generation, myself included, prefer casual responses, conflating professionalism with being rude, slimy, or otherwise malintentioned

  • Which communication protocol or open standard in software do you wish was more common or used more?
  • Also a sysasmin, really don't wanna learn it...or have to type it on the daily

  • Debian spices up APT package manager with a dash of color
  • That's a great callout, and something we should be considering more often

  • Debian spices up APT package manager with a dash of color
  • I love this change, actually, I'm not a boring-text purist. Proper categorizing of data allows me to spot things at a glance much easier, and I'm all in favor of anything that can improve efficiency and understanding, especially for new folks, so we can improve product adoption.

  • Breezy Weather: An open-source, privacy-friendly Android weather app forked from the now-unmaintained Geometric Weather
  • I love the app, though I wish I could set a location for it to check instead of having to leave my location on in order for it to work.

  • I just wanted to share this non-profit station from Seattle, KEXP, that features a wide variety of music. They have performances on their YouTube channel and an app if you're interested.
  • Thank you so much for sharing, just moved to the area and wanted to find some local stations. Consider this my new favorite

  • I think an intern helps them tie their shoes too
  • We must work at the same org, we got that recently too

  • Plasmashell inverts(flips?) screen after running a game? (X11/Plasma 6)
  • I get that as well. As far as I understand it, and someone is welcomed to correct or expand on any of this - this is because when you play a game (primarily when using gamemoderun), it disables your compositor. When you exit the game, it kicks the compositor back on. I have no idea why it has issues on coming back on, seems to be related to Nvidia in X11.

    Some things that I've found that help is disabling the compositor (Alt+Shift+F12)
    After doing that, I try to maximize and un-maximize any windows I still have up, then re-enable the compositor with the same shortcut.

    Realistically, your plasmashell solution is great. Theoretically, Wayland shouldn't have this issue, but I know Wayland comes with its own issues with Nvidia.

  • What does your desktop look like?
  • Thank you! I love the flexibility of Plasma and being able to make a uniquely me environment

  • What does your desktop look like?
  • Thanks a ton! I loved changing everything and finding what things I could or could not do without and optimize everything to my use-case. Getting off of my work Windows PC and logging into my home Linux PC feels like such a breath of fresh air

  • What does your desktop look like?
  • It's actually just the normal KDE one, set as floating, then shrunk it to my desired size. My partner then added some embellishments to the wallpaper to make the clock and taskbar pop

  • What does your desktop look like?
    • OS: Manjaro
    • DE: KDE Plasma 5
    • Global: Scratchy
    • Plasma Style, Window Decorations, and Colors are customized and don't remember their sources, sorry
    • Icons: Colorful-Dark-Icons
    • Cursor: Breeze

    I know there's a lot of defaults in here, but this has been my daily driver for 6 years now and been loving this setup

  • Discussion: The Social part of Social Media is Dead?

    I apologize in advanced for this rant, as it's very heat of the moment. \ I have struggled with the social aspects of social media ever since the world shifted from MySpace to Facebook. It feels like I can't say anything without it being contentious, and no, before you bring out the pitchforks, I don't mean "omg I said something bigoted and couldn't get away with it." \ I left Facebook back in 2013 because while I was dating my now-wife, I posted a short, oozy "She said she loves me back! <3 <3" which blew up into some weird thing in our respective communities, from people at her church throwing a fit, her best friend ending up in tears that she wasn't told first, her youth pastor bringing it up in class, people in my life that didn't know her complaining that either they had planned on dating me or "why don't you date someone more local?". \ From that moment, I felt like the magic of conversing online was truly dead, that nothing could be said without needless ramification. \ I had not posted since then on any media, passively and quietly enjoying Reddit posts, scouring Instagram, and sharing funny or thought-provoking posts with my partner. Along came Lemmy, with all of the magic of the internet of old, and fellow nerdlings ready to discuss any tech or fandom my little heart could desire. A smaller group of folks, who know that in order to help keep the community alive, you should make an effort to be an active participant. \ So I did. \ Granted, I have not posted much (and before you go digging through my posts to see what scandalous things that I've said, note that this is not my only account, so this isn't a datapool of only a handful of posts), but I've been trying to make an effort to join the discussion. Now, in real life, people have described me as charismatic and likeable, though it feels awkward to say it of myself, so you can imagine my surprise when the majority of my comments were responded to with rage, taking a flippant remark and mad that I didn't come with sources and thorough research, or angry that I wouldn't be on some bandwagon about what the best (name of function) company is. \ I've seen several (no, I'm not including sources currently) posts on Lemmy regarding how to raise user engagement, and at the time of reading them, I got all excited and on-board with wanting to raise engagement, but with my recent experiences, I can no longer blame anyone that chooses not to participate. It's all too easy for text to be misconstrued - where inflection and tonality of voice is missed. People are mad, and rightfully so, about anything, it could be the state of the world, your local governments, how someone else on the internet treated you, or your experience with a particular product, but I am a random person trying to make light conversation on a public platform. I am not your enemy, though I can't blame others for assuming the worst of anything on the internet, a history of trolls and malicious actors have turned us into this. \ I miss getting excited, rather than anxious, when I see that I have a reply. \ I've seen great conversation on this platform, I know it's out there, and I know Lemmy has a wonderful, intelligent, supportive, and amazing community, so I'd love to hear your thoughts. How can we, as people, remediate this conversational tension. \ Thank you in advanced, and I love you all

    8's Main Community Nyanix
    Lemmy Themes

    I've enjoyed the fact that there is theming in Lemmy, but I just wanted to make an appreciation post for the Dark Vaporwave theme and a big thanks to our Admins for adding it to this instance.

    Nyanix Nyanix

    Just an UwU boi living in an OwO world

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