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X revokes paid blue check from United Auto Workers after strike called
  • lol, literally schizo posting.

    This article was updated to include information about a Twitter policy to temporarily remove checkmarks from verified accounts that change their profile pictures.

  • X revokes paid blue check from United Auto Workers after strike called
  • The biggest losers are the people who cannot read for more than 10 seconds at a time.

    This article was updated to include information about a Twitter policy to temporarily remove checkmarks from verified accounts that change their profile pictures.

  • X revokes paid blue check from United Auto Workers after strike called
  • This article was updated to include information about a Twitter policy to temporarily remove checkmarks from verified accounts that change their profile pictures.

    Oh dear. Now that you're wrong, will you update your views or double-down like a knob?

  • X revokes paid blue check from United Auto Workers after strike called
  • The socialist advocates for violence after reading one headline.

    Is lemmy /pol/ for leftoids?

  • John Fetterman says he'll 'never understand' progressives who refuse to support Joe Biden
  • Everyone who did not vote for Vermin Supreme is also responsible for letting Trump win.

    Do you think before you type?

  • Redditors side with landchads in surprising turn of events.
  • believes an abundant resource of $0 is precious


  • blocks biggest piracy community from
  • What did he say that was transphobic? Or was it all in your head?

  • Benefits of smoking cigarettes?
  • get near instant access and treatment

    allowed to pay more for better services


    How clueless can you get?

    The only advantage to single-payer system is further encouraging fat people to get fatter. I've seen so many fat people clamor for this policy, it's ridiculous.

  • Benefits of smoking cigarettes?
  • health benefits cannot be psychologically, only physical

    Lemmy's most intelligent user.

  • Benefits of smoking cigarettes?
  • Were you smoking in a broom closet? What's wrong with you people?

  • Benefits of smoking cigarettes?
  • You can't think of any benefits without googling for it?

    If you didn't have breakfast yesterday, how would you feel today?

  • Benefits of smoking cigarettes?
  • So you're saying cigarettes filter out dweebs. How is that a bad thing?

  • Diving subreddit has new mods who promise to put an end to the protest, commentors are not happy. Is this the end of SCUBA???
  • makes up bullshit to prove that they're "right"

    lol, another mind-broken redditor.

  • NotOverSeether NotOverSeether
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