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Anon sees a happy couple
  • I'm tall and a woman. It makes me happy and feel kinda powerful that I could cause this situation and maybe even have since I've dated shorter guys and am oblivious to social stuff.

  • What the fuck timeline are we in right now
  • Maybe, but the rest of the trumpers seem like they'd be cool with any attention from the orange one. Its weird how many of them hated him and then flipped. Makes me wonder if the Russia arrangement includes kompromat services. All these right wingers have tonnes of secret dirt to go with their holier than thou attitudes and bible thumping cred.

  • Trump signs new order to vastly expand presidential powers
  • I really believe it was dangerous to martyr trump by putting him in jail... His followers were so nutty that they would maybe have broken the system completely, as they tried to do last time.

    I mean, right now the facade of america being a functioning democracy is kind of intact, if you don't look too close. If a lot of crazies with guns stormed the court, the jail to rescue or protect trump... If the police or jailers released him... I mean, then what? Military coup? He tried it last time, people died and he's blatantly supported and protected those people. There's also that old adage about giving him enough rope to hang himself. There has to be a line that even brainwashed cult members won't cross and he seems to be looking for it.

    I really hope that someone over there who's smarter and better informed than I am has some kind of plan and this will all be worth it in the end.

  • MapQuest Just Handed The Internet A Perfect Tool For Trolling Donald Trump
  • I realised that when both parties were publicly 100% committed to supporting Zionists no matter what atrocities they were committing. Even when the outcry from the left was such that committed dems were supporting other candidates.

  • As the Trump administration and Russia negotiate, intel by U.S. and Western allies shows Putin is not interested 'in a real peace deal,' sources say
  • Why would Putin be interested in a real deal when he already is defacto president of the US?

    Only if Europe can stand against trump and Russia (and allies) will he not get what he's bought and paid for. Zelensky knows and I hope he keeps shouting the truth from the rooftops.

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