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Afinal não vai ser recuperado: Estado perde 113 milhões com a venda da Efacec
  • Se a empresa continuar a operar e a operar em Portugal há um benefício estratégico e a médio prazo fiscal para o estado. Isto não são simples contas de mercearia.

  • Câmara de Oeiras manda remover cartaz que lembra abusos sexuais na Igreja

    Câmara de Oeiras mandou retirar o outdoor ao início da tarde. Era um dos três cartazes instalados em Loures, Algés e na Alameda depois de uma recolha de fundos.

    Câmara de Oeiras manda remover cartaz que lembra abusos sexuais na Igreja
    0 Portugal WOWtêntico: moda e joalharia em Gaia de 10 a 15 de agosto

    O WOW "vai celebrar o país autêntico, destacando a gastronomia, as artes e os ofícios, a diversidade cultural e o entretenimento", numa festa que celebra o ser português, entre os dias 10 e 15 de agosto.

    Portugal WOWtêntico: moda e joalharia em Gaia de 10 a 15 de agosto
    Mais um agente imobiliário a enriquecer a vender o país a americanos
  • Então devias ter explicitado isso no post. Eu nem li os comentários.

  • Mais um agente imobiliário a enriquecer a vender o país a americanos
  • Se queres partilhar uma notícia coloca o link para a notícia e não para o FB sff

  • ECB president Lagarde: has she become unstoppable?

    Asserting the need for further interest rate rises, Peter Bofinger writes, is not the same as evidencing them.

    ECB president Lagarde: has she become unstoppable?
    Starting in 2024, American passport holders traveling to 30 European countries will need authorization via the European Travel Information and Authorization System (ETIAS)
  • It's not just Americans. Can't we find a European source that describes this is in a complete and EU POV?

  • Reportagem da CBS: This 200-year-old Portuguese bakery has a secret recipe worth millions

    The pastry shop Pasteis de Belem has been operating for nearly 200 years in Lisbon, Portugal. The shop is mostly known for its Portuguese egg tarts, which it sells by the thousands. Ramy Inocencio reports.

    Time off and a healthy lifestyle are driving some young Americans to Europe: 'You are a person first and a worker 2nd'
  • Wages in general are much better in the US. But then expenses also tend to be higher, not only health, even the tipping gets crazy expensive. But in the end it's very personal, what makes you happy? Is it money? Being close to family? Being in your own country? For most people the move would be too troublesome to be worth it, I guess.

  • Time off and a healthy lifestyle are driving some young Americans to Europe: 'You are a person first and a worker 2nd'
  • Wages in general are much better in the US. But then expenses also tend to be higher, not only health, even the tipping gets crazy expensive. But in the end it's very personal, what makes you happy? Is it money? Being close to family? Being in your own country? For most people the move would be too troublesome to be worth it, I guess.

  • Time off and a healthy lifestyle are driving some young Americans to Europe: 'You are a person first and a worker 2nd'
  • Wages in general are much better in the US. But then expenses also tend to be higher, not only health, even the tipping gets crazy expensive. But in the end it's very personal, what makes you happy? Is it money? Being close to family? Being in your own country? For most people the move would be too troublesome to be worth it, I guess.

  • Time off and a healthy lifestyle are driving some young Americans to Europe: 'You are a person first and a worker 2nd'
  • Citizenship is easy to get once you already live in the country, not just Portugal, Luxembourg is probably easier even, the language requirement is a low level of Luxembourgish. Of course for that you first need residency. In Portugal is again easy, as long as you have a job contract, Portugal has probably the most liberal migration laws in the EU right now (yeah, wages are low).

    Portugal nationality for non-residents is easy as long as you can prove a family connection, that can be a Portuguese granparent or Portuguese Jewish roots (they can be 5 centuries old, is a compensation for inquisition, but you must be able to prove it, a Portuguese Jewish surname helps).

  • Investigador da U.Porto conquista bolsa ERC de 2 milhões de euros

    Bolsa atribuída pelo Conselho Europeu de Investigação será aplicada por Pedro Leão na procura de biocatalisadores com potencial industrial, oriundos de cianobactérias.

    Investigador da U.Porto conquista bolsa ERC de 2 milhões de euros

    Bolsa atribuída pelo Conselho Europeu de Investigação (ERC) será aplicada por Pedro Leão na procura de biocatalisadores com potencial industrial, oriundos de cianobactérias.

    How an Iberian rewilding plan aims to repopulate ‘empty Spain’
  • Instead of wasting millions in programs trying to convince people to go back to the countryside, which most don't want.. this is what shoud be done, rewild, give it back to nature.

  • 'They are beaten, bitten by dogs, their money taken away, their phones destroyed': Migrants fight for survival on Polish-Belarusian border
  • Surviving the trip from Middle East was the easy part as Belarussia picks them by plane.

    But now you have a new danger that doesn't allow facilitating the passage, how many of these migrants are former Wagner fighters?

    Edit: getting down voted for pointing out the Wagner fighters? Thousands of them that entered Belarus and have an unclear future ahead?

  • Time off and a healthy lifestyle are driving some young Americans to Europe: 'You are a person first and a worker 2nd'
  • That depends a lot of the country. In some EU countries is rather easy and cheap.

  • Time off and a healthy lifestyle are driving some young Americans to Europe: 'You are a person first and a worker 2nd'
  • "Terrible demographics" will ensure bigger inheritances to Europeans..

  • French court won’t block Pornhub in France — for now

    Paris and the porn industry have squabbled for years over how to verify viewers’ ages.

    French court won’t block Pornhub in France — for now

    Paris and the porn industry have squabbled for years over how to verify viewers’ ages.

    Time off and a healthy lifestyle are driving some young Americans to Europe: 'You are a person first and a worker 2nd'
  • Moving abroad is always challenging and not for everyone, some people can't adapt to a different way of life.

  • Malmö will host the 68th Eurovision Song Contest in May 2024

    The Grand Final of the Eurovision Song Contest 2024 will take place in the Malmö Arena on Saturday 11 May with Semi-Finals on Tuesday 7 and Thursday 9 May.

    Malmö will host the 68th Eurovision Song Contest in May 2024
    0 Time off and a healthy lifestyle are driving some young Americans to Europe: 'You are a person first and a worker 2nd'

    Work-life balance in the US is just nonexistent after experiencing work-life balance in Europe, a 27-year-old American expat in Europe said.

    Time off and a healthy lifestyle are driving some young Americans to Europe: 'You are a person first and a worker 2nd'

    Some young American workers are moving to Europe in hopes of a healthier and happier life.

    160 Spain wants to be a green energy hub, but risks moving too fast

    Trailing only the United States, Spain is home to almost one in every five strategic hydrogen projects around the world.

    Spain wants to be a green energy hub, but risks moving too fast

    At a port across from Gibraltar, two European monarchs made a rare joint appearance in June to bestow their imprimatur on a bold and risky endeavor.

    Why reversing Brexit and rejoining the EU could take a decade and cost the UK an extra £5.6bn a year
  • The EU has obviously an interest in getting the UK back in some shape. But I would say that nobody is in a hurry right now. The UK needs to sort itself out, decide what it wants and be consequent and solid about it. There are currently many discussions on the shape and reform of the EU and more people defend the idea of different levels of integration available. From a true federation with single currency in its core, to contries with free border, free movement, common market, but own currency and non-federated. That second tier could be ideal for countries like the UK and Ukraine, at least in the foreseable future.

  • Exclusive: Deutsche Bank tells investors some of their Russian shares are missing
  • So it was a bad idea to invest in a terrorist oligarchy? Who could have guessed!? I hope the states will help those poor investors.. not.

  • Biden pushes for Von der Leyen to be Nato chief
  • This is not confirmed yet. And anyway, can you imagine Manfred Webber president of the commission? It would have been so much worse. I'm in favor of the Spitzenkandidat if we get transnational lists and parties running with their European affiliation on the ballot.

  • O que fazer com aves ainda bebés caídas no chão? Leitores: O que fazer com aves ainda bebés caídas no chão? - Wilder

    Cristina Vaz Lourenço deparou com duas crias de melro, caídas no chão, e pediu ajuda sobre o que fazer. Ricardo Brandão, veterinário que trabalha com animais selvagens, responde.

    Leitores: O que fazer com aves ainda bebés caídas no chão? - Wilder
    Hungary, Austria, Greece added to the Economist’s list of Putin’s ‘useful idiots’ in Europe
  • Personally I'm glad that at least in some European countries it is NOT a crime to desecrate "holy" things.

  • Hungary, Austria, Greece added to the Economist’s list of Putin’s ‘useful idiots’ in Europe
  • The motivation might be different but the result is the same, facilitating the Russian regime financial moves.

  • Hungary, Austria, Greece added to the Economist’s list of Putin’s ‘useful idiots’ in Europe
  • The original article by Economist has a paywall, that's why I posted that one instead, but here's the link:

  • Hungary, Austria, Greece added to the Economist’s list of Putin’s ‘useful idiots’ in Europe

    The Economist magazine has compiled a ranking of European countries that are currently the biggest facilitators of the Russian regime in Europe – but there’s no prizes for guessing which states make it to the list.

    Hungary, Austria, Greece added to the Economist’s list of Putin’s ‘useful idiots’ in Europe

    The Economist magazine has compiled a ranking of European countries that are currently the biggest facilitators of the Russian regime in Europe.

    [video] The end of the world's oldest newspaper: Austria's Wiener Zeitung publishes final print edition Austria's Wiener Zeitung publishes final print edition – DW – 07/02/2023

    The Wiener Zeitung is so old, some of Mozart's earliest concerts were advertised in its pages. But a change in Austrian law means the publication can only afford to continue online.

    Austria's Wiener Zeitung publishes final print edition – DW – 07/02/2023
    Biden pushes for Von der Leyen to be Nato chief
  • Considering that the EPP might get a full majority with the far right in the next European election I don't think this is good news. For the ones complaining about von der Leyen just look to the rest of EPP, Manfred Webber for starts, everyone looks so much worse... better to keep Ursula.

  • Discover the first results from Europe’s first Lightning Imager onboard the Meteosat Third Generation. The Lightning Imager can continuously detect rapid flashes of lighting in Earth’s atmosphere whether day or night from a distance of 36 000 km.

    European elections 2024: Parliament proposes more seats for nine EU countries European elections 2024: Parliament proposes more seats for nine EU countries | News | European Parliament

    Parliament has adopted the proposal on its composition seeking to increase the number of seats by 11, to a total of 716, ahead of the European elections in June 2024.

    European elections 2024: Parliament proposes more seats for nine EU countries | News | European Parliament

    Spain, Netherlands, Austria, Denmark, Finland, Slovakia, Ireland, Slovenia, and Latvia would elect additional MEPs next year

    6 "Incidente grave". Torre autoriza aterragem no Porto com avião a descolar

    Aconteceu na segunda-feira e só não teve outras consequências porque o piloto da Ryanair viu um outro avião na pista.

    "Incidente grave". Torre autoriza aterragem no Porto com avião a descolar

    Aconteceu há uma semana e só não teve outras consequências porque o piloto da Ryanair viu um outro avião na pista

    Digital euro will complement cash, not replace it Digital euro will complement cash, not replace it - EU Reporter

    “If we want the digital Euro to become a success, we need a clear and convincing narrative of why we need it in the first place. People need to see the benefits of a digital Euro in their day-to-day lives. The European Central Bank and the European Commission have yet to make a compelling case […]

    Digital euro will complement cash, not replace it - EU Reporter

    “If we want the digital Euro to become a success, we need a clear and convincing narrative of why we need it in the first place. People need to see the benefits of a digital Euro in their day-to-day lives. The European Central Bank and the European Commission have yet to make a compelling case of why we need the digital Euro and what added value it will deliver,” explained Markus Ferber MEP, the EPP Group Spokesman in the European Parliament's Economic and Monetary Affairs Committee.

    Swedes Warm Up to Euro as Krona Approaches All-Time Lows

    Support for euro adoption is highest since 2009, poll shows. Liberal Party still remains the only force backing the move.

    Nature Restoration Law hangs in the balance: All eyes on European Parliament's Plenary vote

    As many damaging amendments passed through during the chaotic vote in the ENVI Committee on the 15th of June, this rejection of the ENVI report presents an opportunity to adopt a more consistent and ambitious text in plenary on the 12th of July.

    NorskSud NorskSud
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