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  • Also das hättest du jetzt aber einfach googeln können

    --Community Experte Woher ich das weiß: professionelle Erfahrung

  • Are you a real patriot?
  • What has my patriotism got to do with some rodent on another continent?

  • Just don't do it
  • If your baby has that many teeth at that age, there is something wrong

    Besides: it's not their problem that you can't empathize with people who are feeling more love and joy than you could ever imagine.

  • Aspirations
  • ChatGPT in a nutshell

  • confusing love
  • That's precisely the kind of competition they will not beat me in. I can descend into depths most people didn't even know were reachable by the gutter.

  • Authy Users' Phone Numbers Compromised via Twilio API Vulnerability
  • Especially with such careless failures. If some employee was tricked through a well-planned social engineering attack, or they used some mega obscure day0 vulnerability, I'd not be happy, but shit happens, I guess. But not sending my phone number when someone just posts some GET command to an API should be a no-brainer....

  • Dr. MURDER
  • That one was a wild ride

  • A life lesson for you
  • I now feel like giggling and throwing up at the same time. A rather confusing sensation.

  • confusing love
  • Oh no, you're not in trouble. This is where the fun begins. 😈

  • confusing love
  • This looks like some stupid party game, so what's on their mind is probably copious amounts of alcohol.

  • I'm bringing chili
  • Whenever someone deserved a dick pick it's the guy behind those texts.

  • Wisdom of the Ages!
  • I've never seen the name of Poo Tin written this way

  • me_irl
  • Doomscrolling it is, then.

  • Gnome rule
  • Sautéing mundane dandelion holders?

  • I don't. So... uhm... you're wrong I guess.

  • Hearts and lungs are for losers.
  • Chiropractor at work: Whatever is wrong with you, as long as I get to crack some joints, you will not die of anything, pinky promise!

  • Gnome rule
  • Shaking my dick head?

  • CAM ON
  • Would've, Could've, Should've. Fact is that he didn't, so you didn't.

    -- This crushing confrontation with reality was provided by Norgur's Hope Crushing Inc.; Use Code "apathy15" at checkout for an extra 15% off for our "Depression to go" package! Come get your hopes and dreams shredded to pieces today!

  • Ngl this is pretty punny.
  • You know how Linux killed the chef?

    With a fork bomb

  • "Disable adblocker"-thing on YouTube is back

    Hey everyone,

    since YouTube started annoying us with their “disable ad blocker” thing, I managed to get rid of it by uBlock Origin and a Tampermonkey script. Yet, the stupid popup is back. To everyone who's gotten rid of it until now: What did you do? Can you point me to the resources you used? It's annoying!

    Horizon: Zero Manpage

    To anyone who might be tasked with programming Gaia and her subroutines when Elon Musk Ted Faro eventually fucks up... Can you please remember to write "sudo shutdown -h now" and "sudo killall -9 Hades" on every bit of your machines? Thanks.

    Replacement for Firefox?

    Hey there,

    I've been using Firefox for ages now, and I was completely satisfied with it... until very recently, that is. For space-saving reasons, I started to convert my media library to H265, since all devices in my network support it now. Or so I thought. One very noticeable omission is my desktop PC with Firefox. Now, if I watch something from my local media server, the server has to waste resources to convert to H264, which is a noticeable performance hit to all other things running on the server. The GPU in my Desktop PC (or the CPU for that matter) could have displayed H265 without even changing clock speed from idle. So I tried to use the native Plex App for Windows for that, but that one does not support RTX Super Resolution which was really nice when watching old DVD stuff.

    From what I can see, to get both, I need a Chromium browser. Since I would rather not have two browsers open all the time: Is there any browser based on the latest Chromium Builds that is not a massive insult to one's privacy?

    Norgur Norgur
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