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Signal is Flawed, Why XMPP is Amazing! (new animated video)
  • correction: he wants the Phone Microwave (Name Subject to Change)

  • Thoughts on MEGA
  • I use proton drive. I do not trust kim dotcom

  • Fairphone drawbacks?
  • It doesn't have a headphone jack (reason why I didn't get one)

  • What mid tier phone do you recommend in the EU for general porpuse and why?
  • Nokia G22 or G42 5G. Reason, price, pure android, easily repairable and easily replacable battery.

  • TIL is a pro-authoritarian CCP shill instance
  • China isn't marxist-leninist though, not even Maoist anymore since Deng Xiaoping took over. They are very much capitalist (otherwise they wouldn't try to undermine workers rights movements (gotta keep exploiting the proletariate for that sweet surplus value) and try to get rid of marxist and maoist student clubs etc)

  • Reddit’s decline will look more like Tumblr’s than Digg’s
  • yeah it does make zero sense, shows that they neither understood PDFs nor Tumblr

  • Reddit’s decline will look more like Tumblr’s than Digg’s
  • Tumblr is kinda back imo. But the main reason for it's death was also that the company that bought tumblr back then thought it would be the new PDF...yes you heard me right...

  • let's discuss "karma"
  • I prefer if it wasn't there. Scoring people always felt very dystopian to me

  • Fox News is altering language in AP and Reuters articles on anti-trans legislation — including a quote from an elected official
  • Is it even legal for news media to misquote someone, especially an elected official?

  • Draft EU plans to allow spying on journalists are dangerous, warn critics
  • Anyone who cares about democracy would realise how dangerous the whole spying on the whole population and/or journalists is. A lot of politicians really seem to think "man remember the GeStaPo? Those guys were great!" or something, otherwise I can't explain why they constantly try to push for such dangerous surveillance

  • Reddit Goes Nuclear, Removes Moderators of Subreddits That Continue to Protest
  • Same, I never quite got into mastodon (then again I rarely used twitter as well) but this one feels like the first fediverse thing I really love using

  • Share your latest hobbies!
  • A card game and a table top roleplaying game

  • Share your latest hobbies!
  • Playing board games. I am designing some myself and so I bought some games that where similar that I hadn't played yet and that kinda got me into a rabbit hole and now I am just into any kind of board game with interesting themes (Spirit Island is one that I will get today and look forward to trying out)

  • Lemmy: I'm really disliking the random "language_not_allowed" errors
  • I have had this happen before and as someone who speaks multiple languages I just don't get why it's there in the first place. Specially since I had it happen that it gave me the error while I was writing in the language the post was in (in that case it was german)

  • Conservatives Aren’t Serious About Empowering the Working Class
  • I know a guy who wrote entire books about this back in the 19th century

  • 4th Edition of the Basic Fantasy RPG now available in print (announcement video)
  • The updates they made for 4th edition were great. I think it's great that they found a way to still include a lot of the awesome ideas the community came up with when they thought they had to remove everything wotc related

  • OpenAI Lobbied the E.U. to Water Down AI Regulation
  • Lobbied is always a nice word for bribery.

  • Hammerwatch II - Gameplay Trailer
  • oooh I didn't know about this game, it looks amazing

  • At Reddit I can save a thread, at Mastodon I can bookmark a post or comment. How do I save a Kbin (or other) 'article', comment, etc?
  • I use Jerboa but I have 🔖 looking button underneath each post and comment that I can click to save and on the browser (at least for it's a ⭐ symbol

  • DMing privately on Lemmy
  • the problem I have with signal for talking to random people is I'd have to give them my phone number iirc

  • Noreia Noreia
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