Skip Navigation President Stubb criticises Finns Party minister over Ukraine equality alliance decision

Minister for Foreign Trade and Development Ville Tavio decided Finland would not participate in an international gender-equality alliance for the rebuilding of Ukraine because it also promotes the causes of sexual and gender minorities.

President Stubb criticises Finns Party minister over Ukraine equality alliance decision
1 Itärajalle viritellään uusia turistirysiä – Nato-jäsenyys vei matkailijoilta pelot: ''Kysymykset loppuivat kuin seinään''

Matkailumarkkinointiyhtiön mukaan turisteja kiinnostaa Suomessa paikallinen elämäntapa. Sen avulla Etelä-Karjalaan houkutellaan nyt matkailijoita Saksasta.

Itärajalle viritellään uusia turistirysiä – Nato-jäsenyys vei matkailijoilta pelot: ''Kysymykset loppuivat kuin seinään''
0 Näin mielenosoittajien punainen maali väritti eduskunnan historialliset pylväät

Mielenosoittajat suihkuttivat punaista maalia Eduskuntatalon pylväisiin, jotta suomalaispoliitikot kiinnittäisivät huomiota suomalaisen turvetuotannon ongelmallisuuteen.

Näin mielenosoittajien punainen maali väritti eduskunnan historialliset pylväät
0 Analyysi: Alexander Stubb näytti kaapin paikan Ville Taviolle

Tasavallan presidentit eivät ole olleet tunnettuja siitä, että he luopuisivat herkästi vallasta, kirjoittaa politiikan toimittaja Hannu Tikkala.

Analyysi: Alexander Stubb näytti kaapin paikan Ville Taviolle
SpacebarChat - a selfhosted, Discord-compatible communication platform
  • I think the original question could be about the protocol. Why not use Matrix as the protocol for the project? No one is doing the work to bring a Matrix-based Discord alternative because they're a) on Discord b) creatin IRC face-lifts like Element c) refusing to quit IRC d) making projects with bespoke protocols like this one. It's incredibly frustrating.

  • Vimium is a browser extension that provides keyboard-based navigation and control of the web in the spirit of the Vim editor.
  • These plugins just never work quite as well as a browser made specifically for it, namely Qutebrowser. Trouble with Qutebrowser is that's it's Python and parsing a lot of links slows it down. Still the best browser out there for this use case though, as far as I know.

  • Ukrainan hyökkäys Venäjälle osoittaa, että länsi on vihdoin hyväksynyt sodan luonteen, sanoo tutkija

    Ukrainan yllätyshyökkäys on saanut osan venäläisistä raivostumaan maansa sotilasjohdolle, sanoo Arkady Moshes.

    Ukrainan hyökkäys Venäjälle osoittaa, että länsi on vihdoin hyväksynyt sodan luonteen, sanoo tutkija
    0 China sees highest number of significant floods since records began

    So far this year officials warnings have been issued for 25 floods, and China is only halfway through its peak flood season

    China sees highest number of significant floods since records began
    0 Elokapinallisia vihataan niin paljon, että päälle viskotaan sontaa – ”Se on hiljentämistaktiikkaa”, sanoo aktivisti

    Jyväskylän MM-rallit on ympäristöliike Elokapinan jäsenten Kaapo Riikosen ja Janna Peritalon mielestä hyvä kohde mielenilmauksille, koska se saa niin paljon mediahuomiota.

    Elokapinallisia vihataan niin paljon, että päälle viskotaan sontaa – ”Se on hiljentämistaktiikkaa”, sanoo aktivisti
    1 Poikkeuksellisen ahkera paljastui yli 140 petoksen jälkeen – tunnusti kaiken, tuomittiin vankilaan

    Nettihuijari tuomittiin puolentoista vuoden ehdottomaan vankeuteen. Syyttäjä olisi halunnut miehelle kovemman rangaistuksen, koska vyyhti oli poikkeuksellisen laaja.

    Poikkeuksellisen ahkera paljastui yli 140 petoksen jälkeen – tunnusti kaiken, tuomittiin vankilaan
    Based Frisk
  • People in denial about Twitter's turn to a far-right platform, even when it's underlined with an entire rebrand. Twitter's gone and it's unlikely to come back.

  • A Possible Democratic Veep Pick Just Changed His Position On A Key Issue
  • I assume as the volume of links grow, the amount of work mods would have to do in vetting editorialized headlines grow as well as some people would like to inject in their own bias. You'd see this obnoxious editorialization from time to time in .ml in the past on articles concerning USA, for example.

    I'd just add the relevant info in angle brackets after the original headline, personally.

  • $45 Million *Per Month*, As One Does
  • I understand the general sentiment, but this whole "we're no longer a democracy" is at best bullshit and at worst a dangerous statement to repeat. There's a lot to fix in the US democracy (and somehow money involved isn't even the most critical issue right now), but simply stating it doesn't exist could empower some really destructive behaviour. Try living next to Russia for some perspective.

  • Video essays made by VTubers be like:
  • Follow small vtubers, don't go on X and don't go on YouTube. Save yourself from this stupidity.

  • What do you think of this prediction?
  • What you're saying is "inevitable" hasn't happened for the entire 20+ years of Steam. I'm going to guess Valve is going to continue being a private company and doing whatever the fuck they want, without investor pressure towards enshittification.

    Steam's monopoly is actually what's holding PC gaming together. Other types of digital distribution services are so fucked up by exclusivity deals that any "competition" is always going to mean "megacorporation uses existing wealth to deny competition".

    Epic is trying really hard to bring the exclusivity nightmare over to PC gaming as well, but so far Valve still holds.

  • Huikea viihdekeskus nousee keskelle diktatuuria – upporikas maa viekoittelee myös Suomea

    Sortava diktatuuri rakentaa kimaltavaa kulissia. Avuksi on saatu myös suomalaiset. Saudi-Arabiaa kiinnostaa muun muassa suomalainen puhdas ruoka, kuten kauratuotteet.

    Huikea viihdekeskus nousee keskelle diktatuuria – upporikas maa viekoittelee myös Suomea
    How can I send 50gb+ file over internet to friend?
  • Qtox should work? It's not a very good chat software and a bit cumbersome, but it allows direct file transfers.

  • Sayu reveals she's joining a company
  • I'm not being entirely serious here, but a click saver is revealing what's behind the click bait so people don't have to click the bait.

  • Sayu reveals she's joining a company
  • Remember to add click savers.

  • Steam Deal: Save 75% on Halo: The Master Chief Collection on Steam (historical low)
  • Do note that Microsoft wants you to make a Microsoft account on top of your Steam account before you can play.

  • Path of Exile 2 Is Being Optimized For the Steam Deck
  • I do wonder if it's going to be HC viable as well.

  • Left Alliance celebrating Finnish EU election results
  • Just some happy moments in an otherwise grim election. I had one NA friend confirm they can see the video, but tell me if you get geo-blocked. (press the play button with "Katso" next to it).

  • Left Alliance celebrating Finnish EU election results Li Anderssonin reaktio eurovaalien ennakkoäänten tulokseen | Uutisvideot

    Video näyttää hetken, jolloin Li Andersson sai kuulla eurovaalien ennakkoäänten tuloksen sunnuntaina 9.6. klo 20.

    Li Anderssonin reaktio eurovaalien ennakkoäänten tulokseen | Uutisvideot
    Patrick Breyer and Pirate Party lose EU Parliament seats
  • Sad to see 'cause it feels like we need Pirate Parties more than ever.

  • No right wing wave in Finland as Left Alliance take record result in EU elections
  • "Record result" doesn't even begin to describe how hard they shattered their previous number. They went from 7% last election to 17%. Left Alliance has never seen numbers like this as far as I know.

  • STT: Vahvemmat alkoholijuomat kauppoihin jo lähipäivinä

    Päivittäistavarakauppa toivoo, että tuotteet saataisiin hyllyille ennen juhannuksen suurta myyntisesonkia.

    STT: Vahvemmat alkoholijuomat kauppoihin jo lähipäivinä
    7 Valtuutettu veti sormen kurkkunsa ylitse Pridestä puhuttaessa

    Pieksämäen kaupunginvaltuustossa nähtiin tallenteella kurkunleikkauksen imitoimista ja muuta ilmehdintää Pride-liputuksesta keskusteltaessa.

    Valtuutettu veti sormen kurkkunsa ylitse Pridestä puhuttaessa
    0 Ombudsman says racism becoming established in Finnish politics

    The ombudsman says that there were both positive and negative developments last year.

    Ombudsman says racism becoming established in Finnish politics
    0 Vladimir Putin and Russia’s screwed generation | Brief letters

    Brief letters: Generation P | Photobombing in the Musée d’Orsay | Clamping down on HMRC | Fit and leftwing | 650 Mhairi Blacks

    Vladimir Putin and Russia’s screwed generation | Brief letters
    2 Owner of UK national lottery operator to sever ties with Gazprom

    Allwyn parent company says deal to buy 3% stake in Czech gas facility will cut final link with Kremlin-controlled energy firm

    Owner of UK national lottery operator to sever ties with Gazprom
    0 From beef noodles to bots: Taiwan’s factcheckers on fighting Chinese disinformation and ‘unstoppable’ AI

    Taiwan is the target of more disinformation from abroad than any other democracy, according to University of Gothenburg study

    From beef noodles to bots: Taiwan’s factcheckers on fighting Chinese disinformation and ‘unstoppable’ AI
    0 Russian crime group behind London hospitals cyber-attack, says expert

    Ex-head of National Cyber Security Centre says group has ‘two-year history of attacking organisations across the world’

    Russian crime group behind London hospitals cyber-attack, says expert
    1 Kiina avasi tulen omia kansalaisiaan kohti keskellä Pekingiä 35 vuotta sitten

    Taivaallisen rauhan aukion tapahtumien muistaminen on tukahdutettu myös Hongkongissa, jossa on pidätetty useita somessa vuosipäivän maininneita.

    Kiina avasi tulen omia kansalaisiaan kohti keskellä Pekingiä 35 vuotta sitten
    MO2 works amazing with proton, even with an excessive amount of mods
  • I really only wanted mods to fix the horrible 2011 Xbox 360 UI and to remove the dynamic enemy level scaling, but for the latter no manual install guides were provided and it seems you must use one of these mod organizing softwares for whatever fucking reason.

    For mod organizer no install instructions were provided for a Linux/GOG combination so I just gave up trying to mod Skyrim. I just wanted two goddamn mods and I failed.

  • Ninmi Ninmi

    A bit of an activist. Fond of empathy. Can respond in English, Suomi and broken 日本語.

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