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Conservatives are warning about noncitizens voting. It's a myth with a long history

The false notion that undocumented immigrants affect federal elections has a long history. But this year, due in part to rising migration at the U.S. southern border, the idea could have new potency.

51 Hackers threaten to release Trump documents from Georgia case if they don't get a ransom by Thursday

The group that hacked the Atlanta-area government websites claims it has Trump documents that could affect the 2024 presidential election.

In Arizona, abortion politics are already playing out on the Senate campaign trail

Abortion proved to be a major issue in the 2022 midterms and again in 2023. This year, the presidential race puts extra attention on the ballot. In Arizona, that means the issue is front and center.

Alabama justice's ties with far-right Christian movement raise concern

In the days after Alabama's Supreme Court deemed frozen embryos to be "extrauterine children," the chief justice's ties to a movement that experts call "Christian extremist" have come to light.

RNC Chair Ronna McDaniel says she'll step down March 8

The decision is not a surprise. McDaniel previously said she'd step down after the South Carolina primary, which was held Saturday.

What Tucker Carlson's interview with Vladimir Putin shows, and what it hides

Tucker Carlson did not ask Putin about how so many of his opponents wind up imprisoned and murdered, or the warrant the International Criminal Court has out for his arrest for war crimes in Ukraine.

Trump faces some half a billion dollars in legal penalties. How will he pay them?

Donald Trump owes legal penalties totaling hundreds of millions of dollars in two civil cases recently decided in New York, raising questions about how he'll pay the amount.

Alabama Supreme Court rules frozen embryos are 'children' under state law

The Alabama Supreme Court has ruled that frozen embryos can be considered children under state law, a decision critics said could have sweeping implications for fertility treatment in the state.

Supreme Court will hear challenge to EPA's 'good neighbor' rule that limits pollution

The justices will consider whether to hit pause on a federal rule designed to reduce air pollution that drifts across states and can cause health troubles.

0 Wisconsin Picks New Legislative Maps That Would End Years of GOP Gerrymandering

Under legal pressure to address Wisconsin’s “Swiss cheese” and oddly shaped districts, the Legislature approved redrawn maps that promise to create a new dynamic in a state known for its pivotal role in national politics.

Wisconsin Picks New Legislative Maps That Would End Years of GOP Gerrymandering
In historians' Presidents Day survey, Biden vs. Trump is not a close call
  • Fair enough, it was watered down in the name of compromise. The last piece of major legislation that I was enthusiastic about was the ACA, and look what that ended being after negotiation/compromise - better than nothing I guess, but, in my opinion, a lost opportunity due to poor leadership. Biden has been fairly effective in that context.

  • In historians' Presidents Day survey, Biden vs. Trump is not a close call
  • Also worth crediting him on the infrastructure deal. This piece of legislation had a lot of needed stuff in it.
    For instance
    Money to replace lead service pipes
    Money for bridges, etc
    A HUGE sorely needed investment in public transportation including passenger rail
    Various green initiatives (ev charger network, solar and power efficiency incentives)

    It has been a really long time since the federal government has delivered anything (besides tax cuts that lean towards the wealthy) so it's a big deal that this was pushed through.

  • In historians' Presidents Day survey, Biden vs. Trump is not a close call

    A survey of historians and presidential experts ranks President Biden in 14th place all-time, just ahead of Woodrow Wilson and Ronald Reagan. Former President Donald Trump came in last.

    How far can cities go to clear homeless camps? The U.S. Supreme Court will decide

    Lower courts have said it's unconstitutional to punish people for sleeping outside if no shelter is available. Cities say these rulings have paralyzed their efforts to manage growing tent encampments.

    Reduce, reuse, redirect outrage: How plastic makers used recycling as a fig leaf

    Recycling "does not solve the solid waste problem," the head of a plastics trade group said in 1989, around the time the industry was launching its recycling campaign.

    Congress devolves into chaos over border and national security funding

    After months of bickering Congress remains completely unable to agree on any legislation on border security or aid to Israel and Ukraine — all priorities that a majority of lawmakers agree are needed.

    A famous climate scientist is in court, with big stakes for attacks on science

    One of the world's most prominent climate scientists is suing a right wing author and a policy analyst for defamation, a case with big stakes for attacks on scientists.

    Negotiators release $118 billion border bill as GOP leaders call it dead in the House

    Senate negotiators have reached an agreement on a $118 billion bipartisan bill to address the U.S. border with Mexico. The Senate is expected to hold an initial procedural vote on the bill this week.

    Senate GOP split threatens bipartisan border deal as Trump looms large

    Senate Republicans demanded that border security be added to a White House request for aid to Ukraine and Israel, but they are now balking at the details of a potential border deal.

    Right-Wingers Say Super Bowl Is Rigged So Taylor Swift Can Endorse Biden
  • I like how you casually drop a ridiculous conspiracy at the top. Just how exactly would the rigging work? Are all the owners in on it? The players too? The refs? Vendors? What about Kapernick? Is he in on it too? Maybe I am in in it too?

  • Is Iowa the next step to civil war?
  • Respectfully, I will disagree. 2009 was a tough year and 2020/21 was pretty apocalyptic but day to day life didn't feel as described in this opinion piece (to me at least). I spent much of that period installing irrigation systems and getting by on temp jobs, it wasn't cake, but it wasn't tumbleweeds adrift in a hellish nightmare-scape either.

    I guess what compels me to bother disagreeing is the author is such a fraud, telling us how the last twenty years he spent at 'think-tanks' with catered lunch, and in academia (which is about as far removed from reality as can be) have been just oh-so-awful.
    The last twenty years in Russia, Venezuela, etc., the argument is compelling, but in the U.S., I just don't agree.

  • Is Iowa the next step to civil war?
  • This is the kind of article that piques my suspicion. It tends towards sensationalism, e.g.:

    'For over two decades now, Americans have been battered by non-stop crises at home and abroad...'

    Have we been 'battered' ? Have the crisis really been non-stop? Fox news/cable outlets tell us we have, but what's driving their agenda.

    And what is the source of this article? Some partisan conservative think-tank guy who isn't particularly insightful, even as far as this type of writing goes.

    This moment may be fraught, but imagine living through the period from JFK's assassination to Watergate. That period must have felt like it was all crumbling.

  • Four more years of unchecked misogyny. In a second Trump term, women would once again be targets
  • Anyone who votes for this asshole is, at the very least, okay with all kinds of shitty behavior. From making fun of people with medical conditions, denigrating all stripes of non-white, non-male folks, all the way to attempting to prevent the transfer of presidential administrations through force; All of it is owned by anyone who votes for Trump.

  • 70º in December
  • Two years ago, a "once in a hundred years" wind storm downed trees that had been around for decades. Many of them fell on houses, garages, etc. Last year, the once in a hundred years wind storm took down even more. We haven't had the every hundred year storm this year yet but I am expecting it. The issues are serious.

    On a positive note, more of us are adding our voices and resources to combat the profiteers. Join us if you can.

  • What is your unpopular flim opinion
  • Batman returns is really dumb. The movie craftsmanship (or whatever) is well done but the premise is just so stupid (to me). I feel this way about all super hero films, I just can't get past that the source is comic books for kids. I cannot take them seriously.

  • Epic win: Jury decides Google has illegal monopoly in app store fight
  • "It proves that Google’s app store practices are illegal and they abuse their monopoly to extract exorbitant fees, stifle competition and reduce innovation."

    Worked for a small publisher that nixed a couple of mobile app projects (that I thought would be really cool) because of the monopoly position Google has. I really dislike how mobile programming is gated by Google+Apple.

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